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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Only 6,3 million units sold in the first week? PC gaming is dead, man. Doesn't even come close to the 15 million CoD units.
  2. Man you guys have issues. Always picking out some foul raisin and then crying "Doom and crash! The EU will collapse!!! Wuahh". Wake me up when this actually really happens, that is, never.
  3. Dishonored: Weapons of Revenge Flash site Noice.
  4. You aren't breaking down in tears now mate, are you?
  5. BioWare hit with layoffs. "Impacting people's lives this way is always very hard, but we're ensuring the affected people are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect," said the company's CEO Ray Muzyka and vice president Greg Zeschuk in a joint statement. That's right, Ray and Greg. And there I thought having a blockbuster MMO is about keeping those people employed, not firing them.
  6. Relic talking about Company of Heroes 2 "Germany lost approximately 80 per cent of its total combat losses on a front of the war we've never visited until now," Duffy said. I'm glad somebody finally gets serious about making a Triple-A RTS perpetrating the criminally underused Eastern war theatre. I can't really stomach that whole Normandy and Western Front **** any longer.
  7. Goddammit Gorth. Just use Google. Daymn that music is good. Who's the composer?
  8. Game of Thrones I heard is buggy and very underwhelming. Max Payne 3 however is already pre-ordered.
  9. What? On 2k's website, it's classified as 'shooter' You do know that there are two (2) XCOM games, right? The one from 2K Marine (shooter), and the one from Firaxis (TB strategy).
  10. Company of Heroes 2 preview Not very informative overall. Summary: It got's pretty graphics.
  11. I'm overall pretty optimistic about the game. Firaxis is a top-notch developer. I still need to try a demo before I shell out 50 Euros though. Luckily enough, 2K Games seems to be a demo-friendly publisher.
  13. Hate to break it to you Morgoth, but if you've enjoyed a cookie, milk, candy or beef/meat in the recent few days you've probably participated in much worse animal cruelty than that. Cattle doesn't count, dood. Doggies however, have souls. They're people's best friends.
  14. I don't think the dog finds that funny, being squeezed into that box.
  15. Heck, I'm all for home consoles losing market shares. It means that devs are gonna get their asses back onto PC development. At least those who're not interested in the mobile/tablet market. With the Xbox 8 about to release in 2014, with 2010 level hardware, you really have to wonder if MS/Sony are ever again going to repeat the success of the predecessors. Probably not.
  16. This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. You mean you're okay with animal mistreating?
  17. HTC One S, or Samsung Galaxy SII are the classics. If you wanna have a Quad-Core phone, and your pocked allows it, Galaxy S3 or HTC One X. I agree, don't touch that overpriced POS that is the iPhone.
  18. RCRN 3.01 has been released a couple days ago. Highly recommended.
  19. Couple of leaked Beyond Good & Evil 2 screenshots (concept screens?) I so want this.
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