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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I went and checked the system reqs one last time before I tried to order this... This game requires sp2 /sigh... and it looked so good too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dreamfall runs well without SP2 too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whew Thanks Ok, I'll put it back on the list I was so irked at the idea I ordered something else instead <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just don't get confused when they now have to put that "Sp2 required" nonsense on every box. So now, go get enjoy Dreamfall, that's an order, honey!
  2. I went and checked the system reqs one last time before I tried to order this... This game requires sp2 /sigh... and it looked so good too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dreamfall runs well without SP2 too.
  3. Yes, and it's a mirrored model, therefor I'm also sharing texture space. But I merged the UV Seams, so that can't be the problem. In the testlevel however, when I get closer to the model, these seams disappear, so I guess it's maybe a graphics driver issue, or I ****ed up something with my light setup or whatever!!! Arghhh!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!! And oh yeah, I agree on the "Going nuts" part. One more so I can sleep better: ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Oh that... " Normally, someone would say it's either messy UV Seems or you forgot to merge and soften (Smoothing Groups called in Max) the symmetry vertices. I did that all in my case, and although the Texture seems to be okay in Maya, in Source it doesn't render properly, and I've no clue why yet.
  5. If NWN2 doesn't allow me to do custom art assets (and I mean from scratch with all it's own models, animations and exporter supported for all major 3d animation packages), I'm not really interested in it either. The NWN2 Toolset sounds very powerful from a designer standpoint, though from an Artist standpoint who wants 100% control I'm not so hopefully.... I'm just doing some examples with Source (HL2 engine) right now, and after some horrendous nights, I finally managed to get the animation of my sweet alien working in a HL2 testlevel..... I feel sooo proud now! Source is a bitch, but once beaten you can do awesome things with it!
  6. I actually do have some level design and Art skills, but instead of wasting my talent with a bunch of Obsidian dwellers, I rather would do a mod on my own behalf.
  7. Let's hope the stealth part at least is gonna be a bit more sophisticated, a'la Thief. Last thing I need is a FPS where shotguns and terrorists are just exchanged with fireballs and orcs.
  8. Proof? Unless this is PNJ (which I think Fergie clearly denied), an announcement isn't gonna happen any time soon.
  9. 20 hours is fine for todays standards. Just make sure you don't waste those 20 hours with silly fedex quests, rats slashing and 5 level deep dungeon looting. I want to see a game where Obsidian's true muscles can flex, hopefully that lies in tons of versatilely characters with a variety of emotions that exceeds the library of being either angry, nasty, gay or drunk. And that in conjunction with a dynamic campaign, something where consequences actually have meaning. You now, how is that actually called? Roleplaying?
  10. Challenging? No. ****in' frustrating. You know, bad old school design, unlogical puzzles, silly traps and so forth. The monsters however turn into pretty tough bastards too in the end, and this is particularly annoying when they re-spawn the whole time. Without those glitches, the game would get a place in my personal Top 10 probably, but alas... you can't have everything.
  11. It's EA, nothing to get excited about. Move along. Besides, isn't "Project Gray Company" a somewhat awkward name? Why not just sticking as usual with something imaginatively, like "The Lord of the Sims 2007"?
  12. Oh boy, that's one of the most freakin' annoying spots I've encountered in the game. You'll need a dozen times or so till you get out alive. Other than that, the game loses a bit charm once you acquire weapons, and becomes pretty frustrating the closer you get to the end.
  13. An online store huh? I'd buy an inflatable Feargie at once if they had one!
  14. I suspect you got an early, unfinished version of the game, because fansite owners who recently got an almost complete version didn't mention anything about bad framerates or such. That thing about Xbox-port doesn't really bother me with "gameplay-light" games (besides it was co-developed for both platforms), games like Psychonauts or Beyond Good & Evil show that an adventure can make fun on all platforms.
  15. Having static backgrounds and only be able to run from one end to another got tedious. But I guess that's okay for that kind of games. I'm usually not an Adventure buff, and actually despise games that don't allow to express you via gameplay and actions, but TLJ is kinda unique beast. Tornquist's excellent writing skills and humor actually destroys everything I've seen from other writers, and yeah, that includes MCA and DGaider too. So, here you go. I know Dreamfall will probably only consist about talking and mood as well, but if done well, I'll be very pleased.
  16. Here's another review (Xbox though): http://www.xboxaddict.com/products/staff_r...Product_ID=1279 It got a 96/100.
  17. Gameplay already sucked in TLJ, but the chars, humor, atmosphere and the imaginatively created environments were unbeaten. So, screw those scores. I'll definitely pick up my copy ASAP.
  18. Well there's Freelancer, and if you're sick of that, you can also wait for Ascaron's Darkstar One (some kind of Freelancer successor...supposed to be an RPG/space shooter hybrid), which shows a lot of potential to rock, but also lots of potential to fail miserably. I guess that's about it.
  19. The first publisher, Fishtank Interactive, went bankrupt in 2001 I think, after that Headfirst was shopping for a new publisher. They found Bethesda, and had to make a Xbox version, because you know, the console breeze started to come up during that time. That of course forced Headfirst to re-engineer and re-design the whole game, lots of things had to be changed etc. etc. A PS2 version was planned too, but that plan was canned for whatever reason. I don't know the whole story behind that, but it was a very rocky and stressful development cycle for sure. That's okay I guess. But it's not okay that Bethesda forced them to push out the Xbox version first (there was even no PC version certain at this point) and then don't market it properly.
  20. Oh sorry, I screwed that up with the name. Just looked into the Credits, it's Gareth Clarke, actually.
  21. CoC already got released last year in October for the Xbox when Headfirst was still in business, so that's no excuse. Mind you that the PC version only got released because one programmer from Headfirst did the whole port unpaid on his own time? Without the dedication of this man the PC version would have never been released, and Bethesda wouldn't even have scratched their ass for that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, they were well down the road to bankrupcy then. I think they knew they were going down, as did everyone who had anything to do with the game. Thumbs up for that one guy though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, there was no sign of decline at this time. Hip Games just went bancrupt (the publisher for another Cthulhu game), and the management of Headfirst ****ed up pretty much everything they just could **** up. So, in some time in December, Headfirst was unofficially officially dead. Only the lead programmer, Garret Clarke I think was his name, worked his ass off to give us the PC version. Kudos to that man! Good that he got a new (paid) job! I think he's now working on that John Woo game (Stranglehold?).
  22. CoC already got released last year in October for the Xbox when Headfirst was still in business, so that's no excuse. Mind you that the PC version only got released because one programmer from Headfirst did the whole port unpaid on his own time? Without the dedication of this man the PC version would have never been released, and Bethesda wouldn't even have scratched their ass for that.
  23. I think that Bethesda generally sucks! Ph'nglui Bethesda! Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Todd & Goons Wgah'nagl Fhtagn dek Dagon!
  24. I'm not so sure about the NA release, but here in Europe the game already got released for a bargain bin price (30
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