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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Everyone, back this. This is an order! PS: Kickstarter will one day make be bancrupt.
  2. I got the Windows 8 Pro upgrade yesterday for 15€ 'cause I was eligible to get a 50% discount (bought a new PC plus Win 7 just this July). Haven't installed it yet however and I don't know if I ever will. But heck for that price...
  3. They're pretty much gonna use some sort of Windows 8 code, and the DX11.1 API in order to make PC->720 ports and vice versa easier. No way however they're using an ARM architecture due to the reduced instruction sets. Rumor says they're using a x86 CPU from AMD with an integrated GPU on the same die.
  4. Of course it's nothing new, but that doesn't mean people have to accept it.
  5. And this is why a third-party should come in. Because the Dual-Dictatorship currently present is too much entrenched in pickering and ideological warfare, they can't really act unless they're willing to loose a lot. A third-party wouldn't really have anything to loose, hence they would be more likely able to act and make unpleasent decisions.
  6. Voting these days is for the brainwashed sheeple anyways. Real enlightend men take things into their own hands. Meanwhile, have fun waiting for the big "Hope" that Hussein Obama promised you. "Howph"
  7. A "truth" engineered, run and controlled by a bunch of wannabe-Kings. As for the rest: Thanks for turning another subject into a "RT sucks lol Fox News and BBC rawks" ****storm, instead of discussing the actual video content I linked.
  8. Bought Mark of the Ninja today and just played a little bit. Excellent little game. Normally I don't like these indie-platformers, but this game is quite different. It's like a 2D Thief with Ninjas and great atmosphere. Also it's Microsoft published and not using GFWL? Ja is zat even possible?
  9. I watched some of your video, but there is only stomach so much of Russia Today. Seriously, it is like the Fox News of Russia, only even more biased. I do not even consider it a legitimate news source. I agree. Russian TV is the most biased and propaganda fulled News Channel I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of being afflicted to watch. RT is a global English-speaking news network.
  10. Gary Johnson: "Our biggest national security thread is the fact that we are bancrupt!" No wonder the mainstream media didn't want to air what Third-party candiates have to say. Americans just cannot handle the truth.
  11. Vote for Obama, get a free Pizza!
  12. GTA V infos rolling out starting with next month. 'bout time.
  13. Rumor: Obsidian working on Fallout 4? Not a chance. But in that case I'd love to be wrong.
  14. Fighting giant RoboScorpions, getting enraptured by my Stealth suit, talking to my own brain while listening to Blues. Obsidian, I love you.
  15. Bioshock Infinite: Be(a)st of America trailer
  16. Cosmopolis. Rob Pattinson in his true element, that is, some autistic idiot. Interesting narrative. Recommended.
  17. Decisions Decisions Decisions. Either way, I'm playing Dishonored and Fallout NV with DLC.
  18. These totalitarian regimes, they always start with small steps.
  19. Losing? You meant "already lost", I presume.
  20. You joking I assume, and if you are your comment is funny What do you mean with joking? You're the one who made the topic. You *do* know that Gary was searching for UFO files and was catched, right?
  21. The Pentagon was just scared ****less that some of their UFO related information would get leaked, so they had to statute an example by destroying a young man's life. Kinda like the Nazis.
  22. "Dah. How things going Felix? Just wanted say Hi!"
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