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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. How is King's Bounty: Armored Princess? It looks interesting (TB, RPG elements), and I heard a lot good things about it. For 9,99
  2. Lol like a boss!
  3. Just bought Red Faction Guerilla for 12,50
  4. Too bad Atari doesn't offer the uncut "Fahrenheit" version of Indigo Prophecy.
  5. I'd love to buy Sanitarium, but alas, it doesn't work with ATI cards.
  6. I doubt Krezzy will complete even 10% of these games!
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/ GTA 4 for 7,49
  8. Well, I'd buy any Obsidian game... but that's maybe just me.
  9. How is Venetica, virumor? I always had some slight interest in the game. Anyways... First screenshot from Dragon Age 2 Alphaversion, thanks to our sneaky alanchu.
  10. Yeah, I still don't get why people are treating the PS3 like a 2nd class citizen. What's all that bollocks with "The PS3 has no games?". Every friggin game these days get made for the PS3, not to mention it's larg(er) and better exclusive lineup.
  11. I'm currently downloading the Drakensang: River of time demo. Deutsch only right now, but I expect a complete borefest anyways.
  12. No offence, man. I was just kidding.
  13. Are all your women in America so hairy?
  14. No, not really. FPV was perfectly fine in F3, and I prefer first-person games always over third-person shooters. Yeah, I know, it sounds corny, but it's because of the immersion. Also, Bethesda using idTech 5 for future RPGs would be a welcome step, since idTEch5 is able to render these large outdoor spaces.
  15. Since Avatar only has Special FX to offer, you might wanna wait for the 3D version.
  16. I always wondered why MGS seemed aimed at a western audience. I mean, there really is no mention of anything japanese in the games, and pretty much all the heroes are american. Seems weird. Maybe it's because they wanted to make some money? See also Resident Evil.
  17. Though while Demon's Souls can really be a bitch, I also think it's awesome combat scheme should be adopted by more westerm RPGs. Obsidian, are you listening?
  18. I'll probably end up parading around in the Blood-dragon armor I got from DA, even if it will remind me playing some medieval butcherer instead of some space-rowdy.
  19. Yeah, roleplaying with angry, militant Inquisitors and Space Marines....think of the possibilities!
  20. I always buy retail, except when it's a Valve product, or some weekend-sale offer.
  21. Does figthing intergalactic slime-monsters in wormholes count too?
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