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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Portal kinda reminds me a bit of System Shock. You have GladOS/Shodan who wants to kill you and no other living NPCs are inbetween for a little chit chat. It creates a special relationship with your antagonist and I love it. We need more games of that kind.
  2. I wonder where they had the Kinect camera installed.
  3. I have the original discs (3+1 addon) somewhere in some closet but I'm too lazy to dust them off and install. Back in the days though I had a hell of a time with it. Also, Diablo2 has probably the most atmospheric music tracks ever created. I really hope they get Matt Uelmen back for D3.
  4. Anyone else thinks Enslaved: Odyssey to the West looks kinda sweet? Click But then again it's from the same guys that made the mediocre Heavenly Sword.
  5. Well well, then let's hope Ridley Scott will fix this problem with his two prequels.
  6. There was still Colonia Marines which started development earlier (2006). It would have made sense to kick AvP into the trash since that one started around 2008. But hey.
  7. Offtopic, but speaking of Aliens, what is just wrong with Sega? They cancel two potentially great Alien games but release one horrible (AvP)? What logic is that?
  8. George Ziets is on it so nothing can go wrong in the story department.
  9. Jesus Christ SquareEnix why don't you make this public? What use does the E3 has if not by showing all that stuff to the customer?
  10. That with the liquid looks quite clever. I hope Valve sticks to it's original idea of using narrative without any cutscenes in Portal 2. Also, will still new games be announced today and tomorrow? I thought Bioware had something prepped...
  11. Pretty much. But really.. hearing praise for graphics in an Obsidian's game is pretty strange. Reaaaaallly strange. Have you guys done it this time? Will this be the polished slicked game that will make Obsidian respected? I certainly hope so, even if the game turns out uninteresting, that would mean Obsidian's going to be in a better position to do more niche games. Then again, YOU BETTER MAKE THIS ONE INTERESTING. Got it Chapman? Everythink looks better if you zoom it out/use isometric camera. Let's see how the character faces look close up. That is, if DS3 even supports that.
  12. Still waiting for the real meat. Screenshots, videos etc.
  13. Wow, people are getting real sentimental here for an internet person. Can't say I liked or hated him here on the Obsidian boards, but back in the old BIS boards he was a real prick. Either way, RIP.
  14. This game will have a tough time when Diablo 3 is released around the same time. But then again there's also a chance it will be canceled anyway, not that this would bother me.
  15. If that turns out to be a mere Hack & Slasher then I'll stick with Diablo 3. Thank you.
  16. Honestly, I think Kinect will be a flop. People just need to hold something in their hands to feel satisfied.
  17. Killzone. A totally non-must-have shooter.
  18. Goldeneye and Metroid was the only stuff I considered interesting on the Wii.
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