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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. The WoT game? Probably vaporware. Unless some of our esteemed devs can refute that.
  2. I too think Arnold should make a come back to the moooooveees! Like, a really cool Ahh-ction Western or something.
  3. Re-watched District 9. I really like Neil Blomkamps style. He just made a straight no-nonsense Sci-Fi movie. Can't wait for Elysium. He said it's going to be "very violent". Bring it on Neil! With Elysium and Prometheus on the horizon, there's hope no-nonsense, non-kiddy friendly Sci-Fi will be invigorated again. I also hope that leads to some decent game spin-offs (Obsidian?)
  4. If you look at eastern Europe, you look at pretty graphics engines first, games somewhere last. *cough Metro 2033 cough*
  5. Do I get a XP penality if I kill somebody instead of just applying a non-lethal takedown? Also, the stun gun makes too much noise. Not very uselful in a crowded warehouse.
  6. Yeah I think I played on the school computers when the teacher wasn't watching. That was like, 137 years ago.
  7. wow... ...'cause I don't like playing old and ugly and ****ty games with random generated maps, I should have added. Why?
  8. I already made my decision a long time ago to buy XCOM day 1. Never played the old X-COM games, never cared, so I consider it a new franchise for me. Also, Jordan Thomas = concealed little genius.
  9. Morgoth

    Libya 2

    If he was a white Canadian then it's no wonder nobody reported about it.
  10. You should have an OnLive free voucher in your copy. US only. And seriously, anyone who plays games through Cloud tech isn't a gamer.
  11. OMG it's 3:41 AM and I already played an hour Deus Ex. This game is so friggin' addictive. Okay, now I need a plan to get asleep asap. Somehow.
  12. F:NV is so last year. Time to put up the tough panties Obsidian and announce something new! And no, I don't mean Dungeon Siege 3 DLC by that!
  13. Morgoth

    Libya 2

    So, is there already a target date for the elections? There will be elections, right? 'Cause I don't think all Lybians are happy with having Al-Kaida and other groups taking over government.
  14. I give you $10000000000000000000 for that game! Give me your paypal adress! Take my money!!!!!
  15. Played the Space Marines demo today. Never really paid lots of attention to this game, but after the demo? Oerks Oerks orcs orcs urkhs orkhs Uercks orcs urks!
  16. I paid one EURO less than expected. Seems like the Dollar continues to loose value....
  17. It's just viral marketing for the upcoming Gears of War 3.
  18. Who cares for scores at this point?
  19. Morgoth


    This would be a dream come true!
  20. Morgoth


    Honestly speaking, I don't give a damn what is happening in Lybia. Or any other country. It doesn't affect me at all.
  21. Neither Portal nor Fable 3 are over the top humurous games. Humor in a game? Sure, why not? A game that is all about humor? Good luck finding a publisher!
  22. Morgoth


    German newspapers = Lawlipop journalism. That guy ain't gonna down without a bang I say.
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