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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Morgoth


    5 months fighting and the guy still isn't expelled. That's some quality work there, NATO. Could as well dissolve this obsolete organization. Meanwhile, Gaddaffi and allies are already planning a dirty bomb attack on Paris or London. I will make sure to have the popcorn ready.
  2. LucasArts hiring for "Open World RPG" Oh? Could it be....could it be....could it be
  3. If you really think that, you know nothing. Can you back up your claim with facts, then? There aren't that many humurous games out there. Freedom Force games sold like ****, even the NOLF games sold like ****.
  4. Funny games don't sell, 'cause games are serious business.
  5. I'm totally balanced and neutral on this. No really, it's the truth. It's just plain and utter ****.
  6. I just bought the game for a very competitive price. Now I'm only waiting for an Email.
  7. Son, stop making me angry. The meds already push me. The rumored 2012 announcement is bollocks. Microsoft is gonna release their BIGGEST game (Halo 4) in Fall 2012, so there's no way they're spoiling that launch with announcing new hardware @E3 2012.
  8. Yeah, 500$, then they pull another 3DS price drop because nobody is interested in another current gen console that basically does nothing new at all (and is 5 years too late).
  9. Guys, think about this again. Sony/MS have to be very very careful about what they're putting in their next consoles. We're in a recession, so chances are, thex won't release a 700$ console again. Also, developers need functioning hardware and 2+ years development time to have games ready for release. Right now, nobody has claimed to have seen new MS/Sony hardware. 2015 I say.
  10. It's not just bugs. They're saying that it isn't as grandeur and awesome as the Original, but still a very fascninating game as a whole.
  11. will be announced at e3 2013, released 8-12 months later. Nah.
  12. RPS interviews Rav & Harvey about Dishonored
  13. PlayStation 4 ain't coming out very soon
  14. PCGames.de scores 84% They like the game, but it has some weird bugs. Animation bugs, AI bugs, some crashes, but the worst are the long loading times. Quickload takes 35 secs, but Eidos says they want to fix that with a patch.
  15. EA sez: Call of Duty will be dead in 3 years Man, this is so pathetic. Those chaps at EA don't get it. It's not about the game quality, it's not about the technology, it's about cult status. That's why MS can continue putting out ****ty Halo games. That's why Activision can continue putting out ****ty CoD games. That's why Blizzard can continue putting out ****ty WOW expansion packs. It's 'cause once the fans decide something's leveraged to religion status, there's no way going back. Kinda like with Islam.
  16. Joystiq review 4.5/5 Eurogamer review 9/10
  17. RockPaperShotgun likes DX:HR too, reviewer says game is "brainier" than himself Okay, now I'm listening...
  18. Sterling is a gigantic troll, so chances are if he likes something, the game must be a total failure.
  19. I posted about this weeks ago alread...
  20. Well, RPG as in "spending more time in menus and number crunching", I certainly agree. That's why ME2 is until now the most successful game for Bioware, because they cut down the fat (the unfun stuff) and concentrate what matters most in todays gaming: Excellent shooting mechanics, great graphics, hollywood-presented story, azz shots of Miranda.
  21. Somebody broke the review embargo and put already the first review online: Beingnerdy gives DX a 9.6
  22. Why do people care about DLC or expansions for a game that is already dead? Obsidian, leave that turd and move on to something new.
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