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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. It's difficult for me to gauge best/greatest TEs, because of how much the position has changed. Nevertheless, I have trouble placing Gates that high because while he was a really great receiving TE for his time, he was always known as being a below average at best blocker, and while pure receiving talents like him and Jimmy Graham may pretend that's not part of the position, it really actually is; guys who were good to great at it like Sharpe, Gronk, and Kelce have consistently proven that in addition to being just as great receivers, .
  2. If that's really all there is to it, it's kind of a wonder that some of these shows last for more than a season or two at all: ain't no merchandising to be found basically at all for their more serious shows. The very first iteration of this thread was started back in January 2013. You resurrected it back in January of this year on page 15 after basically telling all of us to quit spamming the TV thread. We've now run through 65 pages' worth of posts between you doing that and right now, in just a little bit over 4 months. In the same time period, the Politics series of threads have been through just about 81 pages' worth of posts. So not too far off for basically just 4 posters in the anime threads doing 99% of the posting, . Of course, you should also account for the fact that it's been much more intelligent conversation in here than in the politics thread, too, .
  3. Feel like that's pretty normal for kids/teens, since it's not like you can exactly frame stuff at that age (and the paper quality of the poster doesn't usually warrant framing to begin with, anyway). I think Minako's is the only one I saw. I take it she handled it the best, what with her breaking herself out and attacking them? But, but...her self-esteem! Doesn't that matter at all to you?
  4. The floor is Travis Kelce, the ceiling is Antonio Gates? Not really allowing for whole lot of range there, given Antonio Gates is considered to be a top 5 TE of all time, while Travis Kelce...already has had a HoF career himself and will likely finish close to around the same spot as Gates, .
  5. I kind of get the feeling that for a studio like Cartoon Network, a show basically has to be selling a lot of physical merchandise (i.e. primarily but not limited to just toys) in order for it not to be at constant risk of cancellation. It's about the only thing that I can figure out that makes sense for why they cancel the shows that they do while letting the absolute garbage continue to get season after season. And I guess that basically means that unless a show is popular with a large segment of <10 year olds, it's pretty much always going to be at risk of being cancelling. Prestige, critic reviews, adult followings...all simply just do not matter as much as the glorious dollar.
  6. That one literally doesn't change any gameplay at all that I can think of - everything feels exactly the same. There are some optional stuff you can enable in the settings .ini like being able to highlight items with the ALT button or enable monster health bars, but they're optional. You can set a higher display area so you that you can see more of the area if you want (what you just described), or you can just keep the same display area while simply increasing the resolution with the same display area - up to you. e.g. I set mine to 800x600: ...but you can just as easily set it to the original 640x480: It also doesn't require Hellfire - in fact, Hellfire was only recently made compatible, as it was originally only for D1.
  7. Speaking of wanting to destroy Cartoon Network, they have now cancelled Infinity Train because, as the creator put it, "the series' stories and themes [had become] too dark and unappealing to children", . ...I mean, they're mostly not wrong, but gosh. Haven't had a chance to watch the last season that came out recently yet, but the second season is one of my favorite seasons of any show ever (I only just barely watched it too - the first season was pretty good, but I didn't find its characters or themes to be particularly resonating with me...very glad I was persuaded to, because boy did that change in the second season). Guess I kind of knew the writing was on the wall when...well, actually, never mind - just in case any of you guys ever watch it. Well, at least Hilda's still continuing (its second season was also better than the first, and the first was already pretty darned good)... The story I've heard about that Ghost Stories dub is that it was *extremely* expensive to make because of various talents they had hired on, but it utterly bombed in Japan, so they ended up giving the distribution and dubbing rights with absolutely no requirements or guidelines to whatever company was willing to pay the most for it, and that company...decided to do that with it.
  8. Probably too much for you to bother with, but there's a quite good engine remake of D1 called DevilutionX that attempts to keep all the gameplay and feel of the game exactly the same while providing quality of life features and fixing some ages old bugs: https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX#readme
  9. I didn't even read the description for it until you quoted it. Way worse news than even I initially imagined. The description does say "faint first love". The only hope in hell that it possibly has is that we are talking about a love so incredibly faint that it can't even be detected by anyone that wasn't already a dedicated superfan, because that crap is not going to go over well with general audiences that just turn it on to see what the hey is. lmao, I had all of my post CTRL+A-ed because I had just copied it, then I hit quote on a different section of your post and it deleted my entire post because I guess it decided to overwrite what I had been highlighting. Good thing I had copied it... You know, that kind of makes sense. I can't say I can think of any accents applied to non-English that bother me, so maybe heavy Southern or East coast accents would actually be fine to me...if they were speaking German or French or something, . It's not just American English accents I hate, either - some British and British-Indian ones as well (though not all - I'm very particular about which ones). As far as I'm concerned, there are a few different Scottish accents speaking English that I've heard, and they beat everything else - I haven't heard any that I've disliked. That really was the most insulting thing. How can you have your main characters be assaulted and traumatized while they're screaming bloody murder, like they're being...well, killed or something else...and then just completely ignore it ever happened mere moments later? That'd be bad enough for infrequently appearing side-characters like Matoki and his sister...but the MAIN CAST? And not only is it so quickly forgotten, the tone of when it's happening is almost...like it's just for laughs, like it's no big deal, it's just Sailor Moon villain business stuff as usual. I'm sorry, but you just can't do that.
  10. my buddy and I theorized that tyrael would fulfill the deckard cain role for D4, considering they killed him off lol
  11. Yeah, I think that's definitely true. The same way I hear a lot of 90s and especially post-2000s Japanese voice-acting and can't last for more than ten seconds, and then I actually hear Japanese people talking (or stuff from pre-1990s) and they sound perfectly normal to me.
  12. Okay, so full disclosure...season 5 is the last season of SU (not counting SU:F). The SU crew originally planned for two more seasons, and didn't know it was to be the last season until production was already underway. So...you know, you've been warned - things get a little screwy in some ways, and you'll just have to forgive it because ya can't really do anything else anyways and they tried their best to make do in their very limited amount of minutes (and as I understand it, they begged and begged for more time and CN only gave them just a few extra episodes). It's not SuperS or anything, but...you'll see what I mean, I think. Why they then turned around and then decided to greenlight The Movie and then also the short Future epilogue series after basically cancelling the original, nobody really knows. Probably even Cartoon Network itself doesn't really know.
  13. Have I ever told you all of the story of how much I hate certain strong accents? In that way, I am supremely un-Steven Universe-like, as I instantly and utterly despised Andy purely because of his accent, and that episode was very painful for me as a result. I've gotten to the point where hearing his voice doesn't make me want to claw my ears out though, which has allowed me to enjoy that episode a lot more. I would never make it on the East coast or in the South, suffice to say.
  14. We're very sorry for your marriage!
  15. Oh, now you've done it. Look at what you did. Look at it! Now @majestic has to do it all over again. How could you do this to him? There's one good moment towards the end when Steven realizes it's not Onion but actually himself that's the one with no friends close to his age, but that's about it. You and everyone else, . Now I can finally post this: (removed because related videos spoilers pop up, whoops) Okay, uploaded to my dropbox instead: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/76ndwfzx9iiqpiq/You rePEARLsted in the Wrong Neighborhood-yH1-dR_dfNs.mkv
  16. Not to mention atmosphere...D2's atmosphere isn't as good as D1's, but it sure is light years ahead of the pure high fantasy that is D3.
  17. Agree to disagree, . And speaking of... If/when I ever watch Sailor Moon again, it's gonna be the original English dub. ...Except I'm going to have to skip a lot of at least the first season, because Molly (Naru) has the absolute worst voice I've ever heard in my life, and ain't no way I'm sitting through all of that during her Nephrite arc. I have problems with accents, especially when they're as bad as this on a voice that's like the complete opposite of new Naru. Yeah, I'm a big fan of the R filler arc too, now that you mention it. While the ending of it isn't necessarily anything to write home about, it was, once again, at least fairly short compared to everything that's not the Sailor Stars filler arc finale or the season 1 finale, so it's automatically up there as well as a result. I'd say so. The whole way it actually resolves with Queen Beryl and stuff isn't particularly better or anything than other arcs, but besides that it is more concise, less repetitive, and gives things to do for all five girls, so it kind of wins by default. No kidding: most shows have somewhere between very mediocre and utterly lousy endings. SU's a little strange in that most of its major story arcs usually had good to great build-up all the way to their ends, but then the final moment that would finally resolve the story arc had a tendency to feel...kind of flat and anti-climactic, in a sort of "oh, I guess that just happened" kind of way. I think the Cluster finale in S2/beginning of S3 best exemplifies this - literally just about everything leading up to the end moment was awesome, but the end moment itself where the Cluster just decides to take care of itself was totally deflating to me after all of that build-up, . Or the episode where Minako does her double-date, which is actually a fantastic use of the Amazon Trio...............um, right up until the end of the episode where it's not so funny anymore for reasons I don't want to talk about, . Ami's beach episode was also quite good...once again, right up until it wasn't. Like I said way back when, there were actually good ideas and even villains buried somewhere in SuperS - even the Amazon Trio could've been a hilarious group of bad guys with a little retooling. Unfortunately, buried they were indeed, and very deep at that. And there was, quite frankly, no way to save the horse romance plot - Ms. Takeuchi really dropped and then shattered the ball on that one, . Is that actually true? I could swear...I thought Makoto might have knocked one down at some point without transforming, but I guess I can't recall for sure if that's the case. Hotaru KILLED one without transforming, the shell lady that tried to help her in the Sailor Utena (S328) episode...but that doesn't really count given her, uh, personal problems at the time, .
  18. Oh, I know who Bob Ross is and I'm familiar with that show, but what the actual hell was he doing in that anime show...and running away from and shooting up cops? Don't remember hearing about that part of his life, . I guess Ronaldo was right. The fight over subs and dubs indeed seem pointless...although for completely different reasons than when he mentioned it. Subs are just as liable to be as poorly or imprecisely written as dubs are, so just go with whichever one you like better, . Well, unless it pulls a Sailor Moon and just decided to inexplicably censor and/or rewrite characters, plots, and dialogues, I guess...in which case, you of course have to go with that version, . No kidding. They were perfectly fine outside of those circumstances...unfortunately, that's by and large when they most showed up, particularly outside of S. Hm, I'm not too big on any of the finales of the show, to be honest. I think my favorites would be between season 1 and this, though? If I'm not mistaken, I was somewhat mentally checked out with R's and S's endings, and obviously SUPER checked out with SuperS's. Ironically, I think...I think the filler arc of this season had the best finale of any arc? That's probably because the arc overall was pretty short and sweet and felt like it advanced at the proper pace without too much pointless/bad fighting, crying, standing around, over-explanation, repetition, or...other wastes of time that are kind of endemic to Sailor Moon finales, . That's usually my problem with these finales: if you want to get rid of all the fun stuff in exchange of severity and disaster, that's fine, but you're going to have to hit the mark just right. Characters need to not act totally unreasonably/stupidly - this happened in...maybe only the very first season, I think? It seems like somebody(s) is always being an annoying dummy in these finales for added forced conflict, and it unfortunately just never works or feels right to me. It also needs to be kept moving and not keep dwelling on the same points or repeating the same beats (I don't know if any season finales qualify for this - this show likes to drive home its themes and ideas over and over during its important story/finale episodes until you are practically beaten into submission with them, ). It should also have good and understandable character motivations and moments, even if they aren't fun or funny...I THINK seasons 1 and 5 probably best exemplify this trait, which is probably why they'd be my favorites. Suffice to say, the finales of this show have...tended to have SOME individual good points and moments, but they were never the crown jewels - not by far - of their seasons for me. And in the Sailor Stars filler arc, in addition to its other good points unique to it, we actually get to directly see Mamoru get corrupted and be taken away in the way that he was and that was actually pretty compelling and sensible stuff compared to most other Sailor Moon villainy, and Nehellenia herself was a fairly decent villain overall. She didn't seem as completely lazy, silly, or impotent/incompetent compared to most of the rest (ironic after how she was in SuperS, where she was all of those...both in intentional and unintentional ways). She wasn't as fun or wacky as The Professor, but then again, The Professor wasn't the ultimate villain of S, so that's not a fair comparison anyways. It also came directly after the ending of SuperS, which I'm sure helped...and speaking of SuperS, the absolute worst is SuperS, of course - it's literally ALL of the bad things I mentioned, then you throw in the fact that it came at the end of an already not good season and one of the focal characters being, well, You-Know-Who, and yeah, bleh.
  19. boondocks: what the hell did I just wwatch lol Episode 195 of Sailor Moon, I'd started this episode about 4 or 5 times over the past week, but finally got it done: Episode 196: Episode 197: Episode 198: Episode 199: Episode 200, The End of Anime:
  20. The OCD thing *I* have is that I simply need to have all of the files archived in the exact perfect order and state that I want them in, down to muxing every single episode of every single show to a perfectly consistent standard (I've made scripts that help do this, thankfully). As long as the files are there, then it doesn't really matter to me whether I've seen every last second of every episode or not, . SuperS is probably the single thing I've most skipped big parts of while still making myself watch every episode - I even stopped watching the intro song, which...I went back to watching all of for Sailor Stars, which makes no sense considering I hate the animation of the intro and the song changed*! Tells you how much I didn't have the patience for SuperS and just wanted it to be over, I guess. *Although I do admittedly like the song, so that helps.
  21. This is @majestic we're talking about - he has his own kind of OCD for completing everything of what he started even when he'll be the first to admit that it makes no sense to do so, . majestic: I gotta say, it feels good to not know a lick of German and just be cool with whatever random broken German Asuka wants to say, .
  22. I...think that's the version to watch if you're going to. There are like 3 different versions of the movie, one that was the initial cut that had a big chunk of The End of Evangelion added onto it (I believe that's Death and Rebirth), then one that was a cut down version that had not just that but also other stuff removed as well, and then a "final" version that was ONLY the recap no TEoE with the previously removed scenes added back in. I think that last one is ^2. I think I tried to watch ^2, realized it was not the correct English dub and immediately peaced out, then found a DVD copy of the original Death and Rebirth with the correct English dub, watched the non-TEoE half, and then wondered why I watched because I got absolutely nothing out of it, . Yeah, non-endings are great - glad you love them too!
  23. Congratulations! 👁👁 👁👁 👁👁
  24. I thought that moment between her and Ikuko was sweet, but now it makes no sense. Retroactively ruined by a lack of continuity - good job, SuperS.
  25. I kiiind of forgot that Chibi-Usa apparently brought a whole album of photoshopped photos with her when she brainwashed Usagi's family. Sort of clashes with that moment at the beginning of SuperS where Chibi-Usa had the sad realization that there weren't any photos of her with Usagi's family. Also...............it occurs to me that Chibi-Usa is Usagi's "cousin". This is really, really not good, guys. However, at least Usagi seeks to remedy this situation by turning Chibi-Usa into a fine red paste - very nice of her, very heroic. Well, you're in for something. It sometimes amazes me how large the U.S. is in terms of area. I was musing what the maximum distance in time that two people could be apart in Germany...and then I realized that Germany isn't really that significantly larger than just my own state, so that distance is probably only like 5 hours, which is a bit if that's the case...but not like literal several days' worth of hours such as it is in the U.S. overall. Europe is so much denser than the Americas, .
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