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Nathan Davis

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Everything posted by Nathan Davis

  1. Ha! We are always available to be heaped with praise! Keep an eye out on the Paizo blog in the next few weeks. There is some juicy stuff coming.
  2. Well, much of my time right now is devoted to answering that question. PACG is a wonderfully complex game on its own with a lot of pieces that can be built on. The building upon part of that equation is what may move the release time out. Sadly, I can't give you any details just yet. What I can say is that the game we have has come together beautifully and gets better every day! Cheers!
  3. One of the side benefits of working on this game is we have a totally real justification for playing through it ourselves. We play twice a week at lunchtime. We learn a lot about not only mechanics, but also how different people play and organize themselves. We completed Rise of the Runelords when we were a smaller team. Our loadout included Harsk the Tracker, Amari the Berserker, and Ezren the Illusionist ("I'm an illusionist, Michael..."). Now that we have a larger team, we've started anew with Skull & Shackles. It is great for getting everyone understanding how flexible we need to make our game rules. We just finished the first scenario (0.1). Our crew is a bit nuts but covers all of the bases, Lem, Oloch, Damiel, Seltyiel, Lirianne and of course Ranzak (played by yours truly). I personally have a solitaire 4-character Skull and Shackles game going at home which has taught me a lot about what kind of interface a player will need to track a lot of characters. In that game, I'm running Damiel, Seltyiel, Alahazra, and Jirelle.
  4. Yep! And yep! We know that players will sometimes put the game down for hours or days in the middle of playing a Scenario. This should help them come back to it.
  5. Dice play such a big roll in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. We find when we play the physical game here at the studio that everyone wants to bring their own dice in. I always bring my pearl dice that are mix of classic, tiny and diamond shaped. My set looks roughly like this: What are your favorite dice to use? What do they look like? Pics are appreciated! (I may or may not be evaluating a dice skinning feature )
  6. Supporting a lot of platforms is something that we on the team have a personal investment in (we all use different devices as our primary mode of gaming). We also want to get folks playing this thing as soon as we can. So we are balancing a lot of factors to determine what we are releasing on and when.
  7. Well, for a start, I am. My team is small but you may see them pop in here from time to time.
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