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Everything posted by Metaturtle

  1. Regaining your level 1 skills on respec makes this "small" patch HUGE.
  2. My first playthrough I made a warrior "Jedi" type character using brawler (fighter/monk) and had a great time being a stoic AF goody. I mostly used a 1hand spec with Sabres or swords, soul mirror for those pewpew deflects, "force" pushing them with monk knockback, and threw my sabre with the monk ranged melee buff.
  3. Konstanten's reactions were pretty honest and matter of fact as a dude who used to work in a brothel. My favorite lines from him was when I entered the queries for the first time and seeing the bound woman. Konstanten: "Ymir'd would give his left nut to see this!" And when I told the inquisitors to kiss... Konstanten: "I've got some beers in my pack that can speed this along if you want."
  4. I made an entire sidekick party to run thru the DLC and Ydwin definitely shared the spotlight with Vatnir when they offered their progressive and traditional views. If she was a full companion, she and Pallegina would probably be BFFs or even more. Having said that, it feels like there's a bit of dialogue that feels super "cruel" despite having no linked disposition. At the final confrontation with Rymgrand, I had the option to trade Ydwin for my freedom so I did because I haven't seen that play out before. Prior to that I was being all chummy with my responses to her so it was hard hearing her voice crack in disbelief after being betrayed by me and offered to the one god she loathes. I'm actually surprised Rymgrand didn't make a whole stink right away about Ydwin's undeath when he clearly despised how the dragon was doing it. Fassina the entire way had doubts that following me was probably a worst idea than staying Arkemyr's apprentice lol. Of all the sidekicks, I think Mirke is now the one with the least interactions.
  5. I liked Vatnir's ice-focused priest kit although whenever use him, I feel like his Endings Godlike is wasted on him if I don't send him out as a martyr lol.
  6. But it only worked when the dot had 10 or less seconds remaining, right? Not really because I mentioned that I tried using Disintegrate too. Disintegrate was giving > 10 secs remaining before the Streetsweeper hit. Yet enemies still exploed due to the dmg spike. From my observation, it still worked on > 10 sec effects. What I think will be interesting to check is what happens when we consider the infinite length dmg effects (Brand enemy, Gouging Strike, True Love's Kiss). I can't tell if the dmg got combined. The ticks were not large enough for me to notice. I've tried with gouging strike and i have still not encountered this burst dot dmg. That sounds about what I've been getting where it only gives me 1tic worth of dmg.
  7. It's worth noting that having a full sidekick party in the DLC content will squeeze out new, interesting parts from them in the dialogue. A few examples are Ydwin pondering the soul, Rekke is reminded of his haunting past, and Vatnir with the obvious Rymgrand connection. Don't expect them going into full exposition about their lives, but it's definitely some sorely needed reactivity when partying with sidekicks.
  8. Hmm what version of the game are you on? I tried this using a swashbuckler in 2.0 and it seemed to grant me only 1 tick of the applied dot before falling off. The recent patches may have affected this, but try doing this with DoTs that are applied with an attack. What gear, skills, and buffs did you have while doing this? Having a 70ish dmg dot ramp up instantly from a deep wounds sounds pretty nasty even for the broom that I think there could be other things in there.
  9. There is this spreadsheet that shows both responses and dialogue option count before the DLC 2.0, which pretty much backs up what Theosupus stated. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VOXnwhAVZ2bqGJgw-cgJlG0TIqt9j3zJJbRx1epH3ho/edit#gid=0 Picking out the obvious background/race/class tailored for certain story areas where it is totally relevant to your character such as Magran priest/FIre Godlike in Ashen Maw will usually let you get those unique bits though there are some like Rangers where the NPC just has to remark about your pet in the flow of conversation. In my personal experience, I've seen quite a few of the paladins, priests, and cipher choices actively pop up while doing quests normally where many of the others are usually reactions. Also, having a caster with a decent range of spell types does bring in a variety of ways to resolve map events.
  10. It's probably an unintended bug and searching about it didn't find anything, but I found out if you selected Priest of Berath or Skaen as your 1st class and then choose Paladin as your 2nd class, the next screen will pop up showing the limited Paladin options, BUT Brotherhood of the Five Suns (Pallegina's order) is selected for your character even though it is not displayed as a selectable option. You'll be able to complete the character creation, but you won't get the free sworn enemy ability as the text states. I've just recently bought the game this week and have not really made it too far in Deadfire so I can't really tell you much about any interesting story interactions or gear synergies with the combo, but knowing how much people loved tweaking Pallegina as a missile-din in POE1 I thought I would share this. Now you can create your very own paladin missile squad or walk around as a Watcher with a "unique" disposition lore-wise.
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