The airport itself is not threatened, and according to our CBS affiliate, there are no reports of delayed or diverted flights.
For those who are curious, our PBS station has been updating a map with the locations of the evacuation areas, burned areas, shelters, etc. Click here.
(Speaking of the PBS station, one of their transmission towers burned down in the Harris fire...)
Mr. Bela and I live in San Diego, and the fire that we are concerned about is the Witch fire. But we are west of 15 and south of 56, so we have not been evacuated, although you can probably imagine it doesn't smell very good here right now. We've got several friends who have been evacuated. We live near a canyon, so we've also been concerned about pieces of ash being blown into it and starting a new fire. Also, is apparently is already 94 degrees (F) right now! (It's about 1:40pm.) We've been avoiding running the AC to conserve power. Yay heat.
For those who are curious, the weather pattern that is causing this problem is the Santa Ana winds.
Other random tidbits...
- I was pretty concerned about the animals at the Wild Animal Park, but the officials seem to think that the animals will be safe, as the plants are heavily irrigated and there are a lot of fire breaks around the enclosures. They did move some of the critically endangered species (such as the condors) to another area, however.
- Palomar Mountain, home of the Palomar Observatory, is on fire, but I have not heard word about the observatory itself. Apparently it was designed with fire in mind, so perhaps the structure itself will be safe, although I can't imagine that the particulate matter is very good for the mirror.
Fortunately I don't have any interesting pictures (we have not seen flames, and the air has been blowing most of the smoke/ash towards the ocean, so the skies are fairly clear where we are), but I took these on Monday. You can see how the palm fronds are almost horizontal (they are being blown west/southwest). At our place, the worst winds were on Monday (it was quite difficult to sleep with all the howling and rattling).