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Everything posted by Verde

  1. Doesn't matter at all if you are either ranged (no engagement anyway) or if you don't want to bind enemies in melee like tanks want to. You can always attack enemies without engagement. You just won't be able to stop their movement and do disengagement attacks.Actually a lot of enemies don't have engagement (e.g. Tigers). And most classes also start off with no engagement. Ahh ok so in fact it may actually be a strength?
  2. There are recommended companions for certain quests which add more dialogue/interactions. There are also times where it just makes sense to bring a companion if it's faction related. It's not a ton but it does add to the quests and their characters. Sometimes they do give you additional options to resolve a quest too.
  3. Awesome stuff but I'm not understanding the Debonair subclass. Cannot engage?! Isn't that major downfall?!
  4. Butthurt I wasted $60 :/ Then get a refund. Unless you actually played a lot and you can't do that, in which case how is that money wasted? I played 7 hrs. Don't be so presumptuous:p
  5. An Arcane Knight is pretty badass. I made a Fire Godlike companion and gave him...a very powerful end game weapon which made him unstoppable. I'm partial to Mindstalkers (I've played 3 of them) but based on what you're saying I'd try Arcane Knight. It's a powerful thinking-man's class.
  6. But Shep being abandoned by his team doesnt work for most ppl...esp if you bring your romance option / close companions. But factually, regardless of your opinion on the quality of the ending, they lied. Casey or whatever his name was explicitly said 'we will not have you choose colors or anything like that'...and we chose colors. I thought the Extended Cut cleaned up what it could. The fact that initially you couldn't argue with "we heard you don't want to be killed by synthetics, so we created synthetics to kill you every 50k years so you don't get killed by synthetics" was the most egregious error of all. At least they added dialogue options. But that forever stings and I'll always consider it one of the most laughable memes ever.
  7. I think it's simple really. Obsidian took fan feedback too harshly. Yes the first one was too verbose, but it had heart and charm. And it was dark. Like really dark. Obs essentially did a 180 with Deadfire, esp in the tone. They improved a number of things, esp the graphics and combat, but took a few steps back in others. The moral is...gamers are overactive babies, listen with a grain of salt
  8. Oh man ME3 was great until the vanilla ending. The gameplay was best in the series imho.
  9. I felt ME2 was a step back from ME1 in the RPG dept, but understand Im not in the majority opinion. ME1 has some of my favorite gaming moments, including meeting Sovereign and Vigil, the freakin music (my God, orgasmic) and the "oh ****" decisions to choose between squad mates and whether to blow up the Krogan facility. Plus the Krogan were actually fearsome adversaries. Not even mention the great squad mates (they did get better as the series went on). But I can't deny the clumsiness of gameplay and inventory system. Regardless, for me ME1 was top tier Bioware. Coming in second to BG2 ofcourse . Controversial opinion - The Citadel DLC for ME3 was Bioware's best DLC.
  10. Blasphemy. Jimmy Page is in a different universe than Paul Stanley.
  11. While I agree that POE's story got a bit muddy and fizzled out by the end (main plot, not the sub plots, which were well written) ... I have to say, I take major issue to describing Diablo 3's story as "gripping", especially compared to POE 2. The writing (dialogue and narration) in D3 is infinitely worse than POE 2. It runs the range of B-fantasy movie grade to plain dreadful. The only time it really worked was during the cinematic, which Blizzard has always excelled at. (Just thinking the overarching story in D3 is bringing to mind the painful interactions between Leah and Decard. While the apocalypse is literally going off around them, dear Leah still insists on chastising her uncle for all his out-there stories.... yup, that makes sense.). The voice acting was also nothing to write home about. Everyone was either extremely generic sounding, or just passable enough that it didn't get in the way. Honestly, between it and the atrocious dialogue, I seriously couldn't care less about any one of the characters. This is despite the attempt to make me do so by having party banter early on. Compared to D3, POE 3 has a less focused main plot perhaps (in that the main plot goes nowhere in particular), but the side stories are FAR more in-depth, the dialogue is much better fleshed out, and while the voice acting isn't the best in the business, it does enough to give the inhabitants some kind of character. I actually like the voice acting in Deadfire but hate the mixing of Valian terms. I think Diablo has better voice acting and writing though, but there is a lot less so I'm sure it was easier. The writing is concise whereas Deadfire's is inconsistent, esp when choices come up for situations you haven't experienced. To give credit where it's due tho, every convo w Eothos is amazing - it would have been great if they lasted longer.
  12. I don't think that will go well with Eder's fans. Poor Eder :/
  13. And Obsidian tried w the main story of Deadfire? Clearly their focus was graphics, combat, and factions. The main story is dreadful.Factions are main story. A lot of elements discovered via faction quests tie to Eothas' plotline.You dont need to do any faction quests to finish the game. They are optional.So? But they make up a big chunk of the story which makes Deadfire. Journal in divided into 3 categorries: Main threads: Hunt For Eothas, Huana, Principi, Valian Trading Complany, Royal Deadfire Company. Those constitute for the main meat of the game. Yes you can skip majoority of them as it is an RPG. In old RPGs like Fallouts you can skip vast majority of key content if you so wish. Perhaps Obsidian made the mistake of telling the players were to go next, instead of forcing them to use faction quests to explore. Then you have quests - major sidequests, and tasks. I am really tired of people complaining how Deadfire's "main story" is only 5 quests long, while ignoring a pile of high quality content for some weird reason. Don't give players too much freedom or they will get confused, I suppose. Or don't give them a required main story that involves 3 quests which imply a sense of urgency, at conflict with the open world nature of the game. Also the quality of the quests varies wildly. Sabatoge the powderhouse for the Huana and betray the new VTC Director? Well down OBS. Say you didn't see anything and everyone disbands and nothing happens? Cringeworthy. Destroy the Poko Horo pillar but unable to give the VTC notes to the chieftain to quell his accusations? Horrendous.
  14. And Obsidian tried w the main story of Deadfire? Clearly their focus was graphics, combat, and factions. The main story is dreadful.Factions are main story. A lot of elements discovered via faction quests tie to Eothas' plotline. You dont need to do any faction quests to finish the game. They are optional.
  15. Mate ur confused af. D3 legit ends with 'oh no, diablos gonna come back'. Didnt u finish it? Why are u comparing it to other games if u didnt finish it. I thought that wasnt allowed. Again, if you haven't finished or even played Diablo 3 you have no business comparing stories. Sounds like you're working through some personal issues in public, mate.
  16. And Obsidian tried w the main story of Deadfire? Clearly their focus was graphics, combat, and factions. The main story is dreadful.
  17. Eh what u on bruv? U saying diablo 3 is a sequel to deadfire? Like what.I'm saying you can't comment on the entire story if you haven't finished it. Pretty simple and basic premise.But what if the story itself isnt finished and readers cant finish it... What if the story is *never* finished? Does that mean no one is ever allowed to comment? Do we just have to walk around it pretending it doesnt exist or get pulled into the breach like the folk in that china mieville novel. Bruh...the stories of Diablo 3 and Deadfire are not unending soap operas. They end. From point A to point B. What are you even talking about lol?
  18. Eh what u on bruv? U saying diablo 3 is a sequel to deadfire? Like what. I'm saying you can't comment on the entire story if you haven't finished it. Pretty simple and basic premise.
  19. To confirm, you haven't played Diablo 3 at all, correct? Lol
  20. I don't know how you can comment on a story you haven't finished yet peeps comment on soap operas all the time and those things have gone for decades without finishing. kinda like most blizzard ips, i guess. diablo story wont finish until blizzard think they wont make any more money out of it. until then, itll be person kills diablo, diablo comes back, person kills diablo, diablo comes back, person kills diablo, diablo comes back, person kills diablo, diablo comes... you get the idea. what happens in between of no real importance. deckard cains hammy narration suggests players enjoy themselves. tyrael says words. maybe there some point to be made about futility and cyclical nature of history, but blizzard not interested in such and prob never will be. their writing mainly vehicle for merchandising opportunities and new hots characters, not story. that fair, i suppose. so long as u have big monsters with funny voices, changing backgrounds and vague sense of doom, what more does one want from diablo game? seems odd to comment on - or even care about - details beyond that. If I say Blade Runner 2049 has a better story than the first...but I didn't finish the first...well my argument doesn't make much sense does it?
  21. I don't know how you can comment on a story you haven't finished yet
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