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About jlee

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    QA Tester
    (5) Thaumaturgist
  1. Hi Hoo, I'll have our QA team investigate this issue. Thanks for posting!
  2. Hi Lampros, Could you please provide us with a screenshot or a video of the issue you are describing? Thanks!
  3. Hi Kefky, I'll have our QA team investigate texture rendering on godlike models. In the meantime, could you provide us with your save file in which the godlike and Vela issues occur as well as your POE1 save file that you imported. Also, your DxDiag and output log files would be very helpful. These files can be found in the following locations: POE1 save file: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity POE2 save file: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II Output log file: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\output_log.txt Thanks for posting!
  4. Hi zeldagaiden, I'll have our team investigate this occurrence of loss of most controls when on the World Map. If this issue does occur for you again, please provide us with your output log file: Output log file location: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\output_log.txt Thanks for posting!
  5. Hi zeldagaiden, We are aware of this issue and we are currently investigating. Thanks for posting!
  6. Hi Luridel, I'll have our team investigate weapons granted from shifting persisting after combat. In the meantime, could you please provide us with your save file in which the issue occurred so that we may perform a more thorough investigation? You can either provide your save file via a Dropbox link or you may email us with your save file attached at support@obsidian.net. Thanks for posting!
  7. Hi gr8fuldave, We are currently investigating similar reports of equipment downgrading to their base version. Thank you for letting us know.
  8. Hi raficzeqq, We are currently investigating reports of performance issues regarding this latest patch. Thank you for providing your DxDiag file. Could you also provide us with your output log file generated preferably in scenes in which you are experiencing these fps drops? If this is not scene-specific, but is occurring globally, we'd like to know that as well. Your output log file can be located here: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\output_log.txt Thanks!
  9. Hi Shoryn, We are currently looking into the audio issues you've reported in this post and we are aware of the ship resources issue as well. As for the difficulty issue you are reporting, could you please provide us with your save file so that we may investigate further? You can either provide your save file via a Dropbox link or email us at support@obsidian.com with your save file attached. If you do email us, please link this forum post and provide your forum username so that we may easily identify you. Thanks!
  10. Hi laivindur, Thank you for providing more information based on your earlier post. That being said, we do not recommend you make a separate post when you've already made a post on a given issue already. Please append this information to your original thread here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105930-player-health/ Thanks!
  11. Glad to hear Neketaka reputation is working fine for you paulbean. If you have any issues in the future, please do not hesitate to let us know!
  12. Hi Anarath, We'd like to look into your issue with your particular party setup. Could you please provide us with your save file with the party composition you used to defeat Belranga? You can either provide your save file via a Dropbox link or email us at support@obsidian.com with your save file attached. If you do email us, please link this forum post and provide your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thanks!
  13. Hi frank_jerry, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this peculiar performance issue. I suggest making sure that your graphics and OS drivers are up to date. Also, please try verifying the integrity of your game files. If your issue still persists, I recommend lowering your graphics settings and playing in Windowed mode at a lower resolution. In the meantime, could you please send us your DxDiag and output log files so that we may investigate your issue further? You can either attach these files to your post or you can email us at support@obsidian.com with your files attached. If you do email us, please link this forum post and provide your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thanks!
  14. Cheers! Please do not hesitate to let us know if you find an issue again
  15. Hi cloudblade70, We are currently investigating this issue and we'd greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with your save file. You can either provide your save via a Dropbox link in this post or you can email us at support@obsidian.com with your save file attached. If you do email us, please link this forum post and provide your forum username so that we may identify you easily. We'd also like to know the following: Do you have any Berath's Blessings enabled? What difficulty are you playing on? What fight are you replaying to test these items? Thanks!
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