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Everything posted by EvilTyger

  1. Al the Ep 1 games were bad? Huh? Neither Podracer nor Starfighter were bad games. In fact, I loved both. (Especially after unlocking Sebulba and his flamethrower pod.) Racer's Revenge wasn't such a great sequal. (Didn't even have the 'race backward' reward.) Jedi Starfighter on the other hand was great.
  2. Well, if by 'additional content' it means the 'quest' that is mostly even on the disk, just not accessable (trigger disabled). I have a feeling that's going to be the opening for game 3. (Much like the Han Solo in Jabba's Palace opening for RotJ, and a much more fun training prologue than the one used in SL.)
  3. Well, there's their mutual abilities, but it was more than that.
  4. Because Nihilis is you.
  5. Where in that statement did it say he went to Korriban after the Star Forge. It just says that he went. He had already gone twice for the Star Map. While he might have gone again, I saw nothing in the article or anywhere else beyond conjecture that he made a third trip after the game ended.
  6. Uhh... he made a trip to Korriban to find the Star Forge in KotOR 1. It could just be a reference to the original game.
  7. Yeah. Just what LA wants to do. Have their mediocre MMORPG expansion competing for the bountiful, but still limited holiday sales, not only with two or more other MMORPGs, and then add to it not only their own SP RPG, but the sequal to one of, if not the best SP RPG ever. They know they can sell KotOR II. I highly doubt there will be enough bad press about the X-Box version to diminish it's PC sales. Galaxies is only mediocre. The 'Star Wars' label is a major selling point. Why shoot themselves in the foot with a better SW game in the same genre so quickly?
  8. Star Wars Galaxies: Jump To Lightspeed Manufacturer: LucasArts Release Date: 27 Oct .... missed that in my checking of games out for Christmas. LA probably does not want to compete with itself. And as for who's being treated worse... Galaxies for the Consoles has been completely dropped.
  9. International: 1: Translations. Want the game in German? Takes some extra time. Same with any other languages. Some longer than others, especially if the direct translation is something that might not be a good idea. 2: TV resolution in Europe is different from NA and Japan. 3: Distribution. While some companies have international branches (ie, Capcom), most do not. They have to get a local distributer, making sure all the i's are dotted and t's whichever language is appropriate under whichever laws are appropriate. PC vs Console: It comes down to consoles just being easier. One set of system specs to test on and all. Of course, X-Box is supposed to be far easier to convert to PC and vice versa than PS2. Now, if someone would be so kind as to answer why EA, an American company, would release 007 & the Sims in Japan several weeks before NA, I would appreciate it.
  10. Reasons (beyond the basic fact that a console is easier to make a game for to begin with) for the X-Box to get a faster release.... 11/16 Atari Anthology Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space Call of Duty: Finest Hour Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 ESPN College Hoops 2K5 Fight Club King Arthur Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory World Championship Poker 11/17 GoldenEye: Rogue Agent 11/23 Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition 11/30 100 Bullets Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 12/01 GunGriffon 12/07 Conker: Live and Reloaded 12/28 MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf 12/30 Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers 1/03 Dead to Rights II Kameo: Elements of Power Predator: Concrete Jungle Red Ninja: End of Honor Snowblind The Fast and the Furious Worms Forts: Under Siege! Reasons for the PC to beat the Christmas deadline.... 11/02 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures Playboy: The Mansion Ultima Online: Samurai Empire 11/04 Return to Mysterious Island 11/05 FlatOut 11/09 American Chopper: The Game Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Medal of Honor Pacific Assault: Director's Edition DVD 11/10 Painkiller: Battle out of Hell 11/15 DRIV3R EverQuest II Need for Speed Underground 2 11/16 Cold War CSI: Miami Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Sentinel: Descendants in Time Sid Meier's Pirates! Sid Meier's Pirates! Limited Edition Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Zoo Tycoon 2 11/30 Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion 12/01 BlowOut 12/07 Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs 12/31 Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms 1/02 Snowblind --------------------- OK, now with X amount of dollars to be made from X-Box and Y amount from the PC.... Ultima & Everquest would be a severe kick in the backside on the PC for the holiday season, while letting the season slide by on the X-Box with no other RPG coming out would be a massive loss of quick cash as spending plumets in January.
  11. Atton Rand? Why does that name sound familiar?
  12. EvilTyger


    Geez, beat the game 3 or 4 times on my own and I'm sad because eventually I started playing with the glitches to get 1 freakin Dark Jedi (Canderous) into my game and a few neat Force powers? (Or getting a few NPCs to skip a power so they wouldn't use the lower level ones after I purchase better ones when I'm not looking.)
  13. I dunno... refering to the game as crack...
  14. Arrghhhh! They built a second one (or actually, third...sorta) for RotJ.
  15. As Jolee said, the current bad guy is always the biggest, baddest, bad guy ever. Until the next bad guy comes along. We only see bits of the ending. The question is, did Revan destroy the Star Forge but loose the last of the Jedi in the fighting, or did the Republic manage it a few years later, when the Sith underestimated them due to the lack of Jedi.
  16. The cost of Live isn't the problem for most. The problem is affording Broadband.. if it's even available in the persons area.
  17. Hmm... if he's HK-47, would that mean that there are at least 46 more of him?
  18. I liked Uthar enough to respect his ideals, and let him die like a true Sith in combat with a superior foe (me).
  19. Well, considering that 90% of the time I have to fight my way through Korriban regardless of how I play it (either I turn Yuthura or kill them both), and handing Canderous the Sith Mask and Ajunta's or Sadow's blade and either Juhanni or Carth beside him and they have half the Acedmy dead before I clear the first room, even as the first planet. It doesn't always go that smoothly, but mostly.
  20. One problem with any of these characters being playable would be that they'd be leveled up from the previous game. Survival issues I'd have less problem with, since any member of the party can get back up after being 'killed' as long as one party member is still up. Clones might work as well. Some of the NPCs I want, and I want them playable.... but maybe they could be part of a DLC set? Maybe some sets of 'KotOR 1 bonus PCs' by planet. IE, a Korriban set (Dustil, Yuthura, and the Headmaster), a Taris set (Davik, Twitch, and Bendak). Maybe even two sets for each world. One light side, one dark side. Of course, the Korriban set would be redundant with itself at that point.
  21. Nym from the Starfighter series managed to get his own comic book. Maybe a little negotiation between Bioware/Obsidian and Dark Horse (they still have the Star Wars licence, right?) could get us some more on some of the popular side characters.
  22. Oh oh! I know what we need! Marko Ragnos' Sceptre! 'Force Drain', laser, and melee attack!
  23. There was the Marko Ragnos Gauntlets and Tulik's headband. Not that they were anywhere near as useful as Q-D's robes or the Solinari Crystal. Maybe they could have worked had the 'grants lightsaber feat' applied to Canderous.
  24. Lightsabers cannot be mass produced. They require using the Force to set the crystals properly. Hapans try to mass produce sheilds based on the same effect. (Not force feilds, actual hold in your hand circular sheilds.) They explode after about 30 seconds. The problem here wasn't even that you got one. It's that you got one that sucked. Naga Sadow's Sword found elsewhere in that same tomb is better than the freaking lightsaber. And not just a little better either.
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