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Everything posted by EvilTyger

  1. Actually, they said they would average about the same. Basically, Speeder would be good as an inverse of the 'return to the Ebon Hawk' feature, but without world like Kashyyk were you were doing more running than anything.
  2. I certainly wouldn't mind getting the Cleave and Whirlwind feat from NWN. I'd also like Droid equipment (flamthrower, stun ray) to be more like Force powers than Sheilds. (IE, the droid has to 'charge up' between uses rather than a number of charges on the item.) I'd like party members to path ~around~ mines that they can see. I'd like to tell a party member to 'loot' and have them automatically get stuff from corpses & possibly containers. For that matter, I'd like the long list of what we can tell party members to do like in HotU. IE, "Stay stealthed until I tell you otherwise." "Stay stealthed until combat." "Use Buffs regularly." "Don't use buffs." Add Force Affinity Feats/powers, that gives bonuses to other powers. (such as eliminating Dark/Light penalty) Physical (force jump, aura, speed), TK (push, force jump, choke) , life (heal, life drain), telepethy (force persuade, mind control... that was going to be in 2, right?) energy (energy resistance, lightning), tools (destroy droid, disregard non-feat requirements for gear like Marko's gloves). These could also affect the standard abilities & feats of the character A Jedi Wookie. Human Replica Droids. I want Galaxies for the X-Box to be made using the Aurora engine. I want Lucas to dump Galaxies and go with an Aurora engine game where people can make their own servers, we just pay to use the 'Lucas Official' one if we want.... oops, that was off topic, wasn't it? I want to play through KotOR 1 using the upgrades from 2. (Hey, they're selling Street Fighter II repackaged now. KotOR 1 where you can kill Juhani and not miss a character slot or have to choose between Calo and Canderous wouldn't go over well? Yeah, right.)... dang, I keep going off topic, don't I? OK, this one is on topic... When going through a Race or Space battle, allow us to put in Racer's Revenge or Jedi Starfighter and use them instead of a cheap minigame.
  3. Well, if done like some of the post-movie novels, each character would get bonuses to certain Abilities & Force Powers. Some were better at healing, some at dealing with animals, some at machines. One couldn't levitate anything, until he absorbed energy (heat the first time) from another source. In Luke's case, he actually changed his bonus. At first, he was into the whole 'guidance' thing. Taking out the Death Star, seeing his father's goodness. Then he went with TK, and rebuilt his father's destroyed castle. After a breif trip to the Dark Side, he went back to Guidance.
  4. Doesn't matter. I have an X-Box.
  5. Would it? I mean, now that they are adding a 'weapon swap' button, wouldn't that manage the effect? (with a little smoke and mirrors anyway)
  6. What? Is it too much to ask for maybe a + to blaster bolt deflection? A Force Regeneration? +x damage vs Lightside? At least let me upgrade the thing?
  7. Many improvements for KotOR II... now imagine them in the original! Juhanni, the Dark Side is strong within you! Destroy this upstart traitor and then together we will destroy Malak! You know Dustil, you're right. Shoot your dad and join me. Together, we will destroy all he held dear!
  8. What I mean is, here is this venerated weapon, the big prize at the end of the trials, and what good is it? None. Same as any other Lightsaber. In fact, LESS than any other because it can't be upgraded. I didn't like that at all. Almost as little as being full blown Dark Side, wearing a Dark Jedi Master robe, graduating the Sith Academy, carrying that Sith Lightsaber, and STILL being treated like I'm with the Republic.
  9. Canderous and Carth both asked Bastilla a good question... How did the Vulkars take her prisoner? She dodges the questions repeatedly. She's also in her 'Dark Side' undies when we rescue her. How did they catch her anyway?
  10. Actually, Maul's blade got cut in half by Obi-Wan. It was never intended as a single blade. Single, Dual, Short or Long (not in the game) sabres aren't any more or less difficult to make. What is difficult is making it adjustable. Corran Horn managed it in 'I, Jedi'. The only other to make one from the Movie era onward had the help of Exar Kun.
  11. Unfortunately, all the characters I want back are possibly dead. If not dead maybe LS, maybe DS. Basically, everyone from the Sith Academy that I could turn LS. Problem being, if I did turn them LS, I wound up killing them by sending them to the Jedi if I did Korriban early, or I could kill them outright, or not turn them LS....
  12. Born. On Dathomir, amongst the Witches. Who ride them, and plate them in armor. Seriously. And Luke called Jabba's pet a 'juvenile'. Courtship of Princes Leia
  13. I don't think we need pets. But I would like an animal based mind control power. "Nice rancor, good rancor. I'm a freind... unlike that Gamorean over there..."
  14. I think that if anything, Lucas would push some things aside that wouldn't make holidays anyway to maximize one of their best properties. Of course, if Starfighter for Ep III goes live....
  15. Push - Gives someone a shove. Whirlwind - Gives someone a shove hard enough to spin them, causing nearby opponents to trip up. Wave- The character realizes that finesse is unecessary, and gives everyone a good shove. I just want to use Whirlwind after I buy Wave if I have Armor on.
  16. Psy Ops. You play an amnesiac Jedi trying to defeat the traitors to the Order... except they're all pretending to be from late 20th century Earth.
  17. Only half newb. I've been around the Bioware site (Neverwinter & KotOR) and the X-Box forums. It's just been a while. I'll add another. Force Wave is Armor Restriced. Force Whirlwind is not. Why not let me use Whirlwind in armor after I upgrade to Wave? It's not like the character would forget how to use it. (Although, I suppose that's exactly how the programming works. The PC 'forgets' one and learns the next.) Ditto if any other power group has that oddness.
  18. Well, with all the hoopla about a new KotOR game, I went and replayed the old one. Not sure exactly how it happened, but I killed a Sith in a doorway. Not just any doorway mind you, but a door to another area. (Tatooine cantina to be precise.) I tried to get the goodies, and I couldn't. Every time I tried, I found myself in the cantina. It really sucked. Please don't make me go through that again. Also, there's a lot of running around that accomplishes little. Maybe some kind of transit system? Maybe your character has a speeder, or the hyperadvanced society might have a bus or subway? Not neccessarily on every world, but Manaan was all splattered out with no reason to be.
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