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gloomseeker last won the day on October 30 2019

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About gloomseeker

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    (4) Theurgist

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  1. I gave it a quick try, it's not perfect but it should look ok in game:
  2. I really like this one so I took the liberty of modifying it a bit to bring back some of the details from the original:
  3. Plus voiced main characters make the addition of modded content problematic. Old CRPGs could get nice mods that felt well integrated because the voice acting was pretty limited (sometimes all you had was some soundsets to acknowledge generic actions and reactions). In more recent games it has become a nightmare for modders to add fan made quests no matter how good the writing can be simply because you need the contribution of amateur voice actors and to be able to get around some technical difficulties (lip syncing for instance) and that makes building up on existing characters a real pain. Some modders for Fallout 4 went really far using existing sound files and recycling lines to use for mods and you've got to admire the efforts it took to make it work. That's something worth keeping in mind when talking about a voiced protagonist.
  4. I don't like voiced protagonists in CRPGs for the reasons listed above. I got used to Shepard being voiced in Mass Effect but that's the exception. For instance I really don't care for Geralt's American accent in the Witcher. Geralt and Shepard are set characters (more or less) so voicing them is not as jarring as in games like Fallout 4 in which the voice becomes yet another limitation when it comes to devising your character.
  5. I do agree with gaming becoming much harder to fit in your daily schedule as you get older (unless you're retired presumably), I just feel the exact opposite when it comes to Tyranny. I tried to replay the game but I couldn't stick to it for a second playthrough as with hindsight it felt too binary to me (plus I went for the Anarchy path the first time which was really rewarding). I think the problem some people have with TOW is that you can cut corners if you decide to force your way through the game. If you rob and steal and kill important people you can complete some objectives pretty quickly. It gets even easier to do so if you're playing on Normal difficulty since you can get away with pretty much anything at that difficulty level. I'm not even saying that it's a bad thing. In a real pen and paper RPG if you decide that you don't want to play along with a quest giver and want to organise a heist instead of a trade it's totally up to you. We're just not used to games allowing us to go around a quest to complete it or letting us dispose of a quest giver instead of following the quest line. As for the game featuring hubs instead of a huge open world filled with question marks and useless collectibles, I guess that's a good thing. There are so many games these days that showcase really huge game worlds it's actually refreshing not to be overwhelmed with yet another huge world map filled with markers.
  6. Also bear in mind you can build your character as a leader to boost your party and speech skills do actually come into play during fights. There is also an ability to slow down time. I second the use of melee. You can rush in and whack away and at lower difficulty that may work out pretty well. Especially with the right kind of damage. I don't think sneaking and sniping is going to work if you have trouble spotting enemies in the scenery. It is very colourful and saturated so that may make things a bit more difficult. If I were you I'd look at a let's play online showing the beginning of the game to get a better idea of how it plays like and if it looks like it can be enjoyable to you. Lastly I haven't checked mods for the game but it may be worth looking over at the Nexus if there is any mod that can be used to tailor the difficulty of the game even further (or even post there to ask for modders if they think that is something that can be done).
  7. QFT. Some people are more interested in "beating" the game instead of actually experiencing it. In other words they miss the whole point, i.e. it's the journey that matters, not the destination.
  8. I salute your ability to bring up constructive arguments and shed a new light on the topic at hand. Well done!
  9. I'm not moved by what you're posting since I don't really care about your opinion. I can finish the original Fallout in less than an hour and it doesn't change the fact that it's still the best game I've ever played.
  10. The moment you start bringing up the main quest of Fallout 3 as a reference that should be emulated is the moment when writing comes into question. If you think that Fallout 3 is up to par when it comes to writing then your standards are incredibly low.
  11. When you're tired of playing looking for Daddy you can switch to Skyrim with guns and start playing looking for the misplaced son. If Bethesda's Fallout 3 is what you consider good writing then rest my case.
  12. Keep praising the looking for daddy excuse for a game that is Oblivion with Guns, you're just making my point.
  13. I may not be as hyperbolic as the OP but the more I play the more I like it. The game does bring back memories of playing the old Fallouts twenty years back and that alone is priceless. If only they hadn't gone overboard with the saturation...
  14. No need for "suspension of disbelief" when it comes to having a multi-ethnic couple unless you're some sort of homophobe and white supremacist nut. Most of humankind is made of Asians. Deal with it.
  15. Anyone comparing this fine game to the turd that is Oblivion with Guns can't be taken seriously.
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