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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. I definately want to able to choose 'side' early in the game. That would add a huge replayability to the game. yep i agree
  2. you know this? i havnt heard nothing, but then again i aint been looking
  3. No offense to LucasArts, but that has to be one of THE stupidest excuses so far. I'm sure there are dozens of other variants of "yearly calendars", but typically, the one that most people follow is the whole "January 2004 to December 2004 is all in the year 2004. any month after December 2004 is no longer 2004". Seriously, if the release date is going to be Feb 2005, don't use this "christian orthadox" crap and just come out and say it. exactly, i have never heard of another calender being used but since im not a man of the world i dont know for sure, but :D ill have to tell my mam about that calender, then she can tell everyone she was born in 1974 :D
  4. you're one of those gamers who believes new, awesome graphics=automatic great game. I'd take the same graphics, but a different and better story any day over a bland story but out of this world graphics. AMEN
  5. you're one of those gamers who believes new, awesome graphics=automatic great game. I'd take the same graphics, but a different and better story any day over a bland story but out of this world graphics. AMEN
  6. Bah even december is to long to wait, i want my grubby little hands on it now, NOW I say mwahahaha but im not going to :angry:
  7. I may be in the minority but I didnt like her, I always kill her when I have the chance on dantooine
  8. A new KotOR, check, new story, yep, gameplay improvements, of course, new classes options and characters, oh yes. Now that is good enough for me, I cant speak for everybody but I am really looking forward to it. But heres an idea I know its a bit 'off the wall' but if you think its going to be such a letdown, DONT BUY IT
  9. The devs put a lot of our suggestions in the game. Cross check the suggestions forum and Questions to the Devs thread here. The thing is: if you make a stupid suggestion, it doesn't get put in. :D very true
  10. Well when i watched the E3 trailer, near the end it showed a DS female PC and she was talking to a sith lord and a couple of dark jedi, and the suggestion that I got was that he was trying to get you to join the sith as he sensed the darkness in you, soooo I assumed that you would be able to join the sith, but as always i may be wrong (tho i hope not)
  11. this is Hiroyuki Sakai in battle forgive me for my ignorance but who the f*ck is that?
  12. erm i dont think so that would probably mean bringing out a new KotOR or a patch to add new feats and stuff and i think all the attention is focused firmly on TSL
  13. hmm maybe some people would like that, i would like to see the option but will they do it? maybe. more than likely they wont but i personally would pick human ones anyway, dunno why maybe so i can relate to them better
  14. I dunno, when I first heard about this project I thought "wow, I wish I was working on it" But then I thought , No I really dont, because it would ruin it for me when I finally got my copy of TSL, anyone agree?
  15. Isnt the replayability that KotOR offers enough? I mean there is the DS way to complete it, the LS way to complete it, and there will be to many subquests to list, is it realistic to ask more of the devs when they are putting so much time into the gameplay and storyline to make it better than the first game (a hard job itself) I mean you have got to leave some new options for KotOR 3, which lets face it, if TSL is as good as the first chapter will be coming!! Heres hoping
  16. I heard the hoods, up and down were out!? Something about it taking that much space to do (I do hope I am wrong and you are right though) but who knows
  17. Could you please explain further, i didn't understand ur point. I think they mean whats already been stated a couple of times already about the turret sessions being exactly the same
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