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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. I think it is safe to assume that Rubino is working on Avowed. Obsidian doesn't really have many members in the cinematics department, so it's more than likely that all of them will be working on the game in some capacity.
  2. James Chea - Senior Character Artist Daniel Platt - Senior 3D Artist Pearl Ko - UX Designer
  3. The most important question is: What is the project name for Avowed (which state)?
  4. Project Missouri. He posted some hints about this sometime last year. It's a much smaller project with about 5 or 6 staff members working on it (or so I've heard).
  5. Adam Brennecke - Game Director Roby Atadero - Senior Programmer Bobby Null - Lead Designer (?) Sean Dunny - Lead Environment Artist Zachary Spurlock - Animator Mark Anthony Rios - Sound Designer Mitch Loidolt - 2D / UI Artist Andy Artz - System Designer Brian MacIntosh - Programmer Jerrick Flores - Technica Game Designer Kaz Aruga - Art Director
  6. The goverment just banned every event that would have attendance of over 500 people in Finland until the end of May. I guess I won't be seeing Green Day play. Most likely the festival with multiple bands (that rarely come here to play) will be cancelled as well. I guess I can wait an another decade for those bands to come back here. They messed up initially. We had few flights coming DAILY from northern Italy, where the infection was wreaking havoc, but there was no control checks on the people who came from those areas. Some of those people then went to work, infected others, or even worse when they already were showing symptoms their family members (living under the same roof) were allowed to work and go to school which has caused most of the damage so far. I don't know why they simply didn't just ship everyone coming from risky areas into a secluded place for a while or make sure that the family members in households with infection/or possible infection won't go and spread the disease around. Then again I don't understand how people are so damn selfish when it comes to traveling. There's a contagious new disease running around the world and you just haveeeeeeeeeee to go on your trip. If people didn't insist on traveling as much as they did, there wouldn't be a problem right now or at least it wouldn't be as big of a deal.
  7. Adam Brennecke - Game Director Roby Atadero - Senior Programmer Bobby Null - Lead Designer (?) Sean Dunny - Environment Artist Zachary Spurlock - Animator Mark Anthony Rios - Sound Designer Mitch Loidolt - 2D / UI Artist Andy Artz - System Designer Brian MacIntosh - Programmer Jerrick Flores - Technica Game Designer Sean Dunny - Environment Artist
  8. Adam Brennecke - Game Director Roby Atadero - Senior Programmer Bobby Null - Lead Designer (?) Sean Dunny - Environment Artist Zachary Spurlock - Animator Mark Anthony Rios - Sound Designer Mitch Loidolt - 2D / UI Artist Andy Artz - System Designer Brian MacIntosh - Programmer
  9. Adam Brennecke - Game Director Roby Atadero - Senior Programmer Bobby Null - Lead Designer (?) Sean Dunny - Environment Artist Zachary Spurlock - Animator Mark Anthony Rios - Sound Designer Mitch Loidolt - 2D / UI Artist Andy Artz - System Designer
  10. I really like that you speak for the whole fandom when expressing your own disappointment. Some of us tend to play other games as well and not just crpgs. I for one had really good time playing Armored Warfare and I expect I will enjoy Grounded as well.
  11. Mitch Loidolt was at the event, so it is quite likely he is working on the game. Just haven't found anything that would verify my hunch.
  12. I believe Parker's project was started before Missouri. What throws me off, is the Grounded's Maine project name. Maybe they didn't hand out that name until very recently? At least one of the "Mississippi", "Illinois" and "Alabama" projects is cancelled. Twitter handle (?) Rand Al'Thor said that Grounded isn't the project that got Microsoft interested in acquiring Obsidian. Neither was The Outer Worlds. So there is a project that has been in the works quite some time now and made Microsoft buy the company.
  13. Since my last post Matthew Perez has taken down his role as a Game Director. He is now a Lead Area Designer. It could be that he was the Game Director on Outer Worlds DLC and finished his work on it or it was his project that was cancelled earlier this year. So I guess that scratches off one of the projects from the list. - The Outer Worlds DLC -Grounded -Project Missouri aka Sawyer's project -Parker's Project aka the AAA cRPG -Adler's project (which might be Missouri).
  14. No, you are reading it wrong. January 2018 he started working on the Deadfire DLCs. That Unannounced project was added there this summer, when his work as a Gameplay Design Director on an another unannouced game stopped.
  15. They are definitely pre-planning it while working on support for the game and creating the DLC(s). However it might take some time before they can get the production into full gear with all the different projects being worked at the company. The AAA cRPG will eat away a lot of resources at the company for a while and The Outer Worlds isn't a small game either when it comes to manpower needed to make such a game. So fully staff the sequel team, that is going to take some time, but I don't think the sequel will suffer if Cain&Boyarsky and some of the leads take a moment and see the feedback and think it through where they want to take the franchise. As always on a bigger game, some people will be hired specifically to work on the project and let go after the game (or their part in making it) is finished. So they can certainly beef up the team by hiring as well. At least based on the Eurogamer (?) interview Feargus and the studio is still kinda pondering where they want to settle with the number of people at the company and number of projects they will have. Having two bigger games in full production would eat a lot of their manpower if they stay at around 185.
  16. One project was cancelled sometime this summer. One Obsidian employee has a cancelled project listed under his resume in 2019. Adler's project is then newest out of the 3. Perez has been leading his team since January. Parker who knows how long. Adler added Game Director to his LinkedIn sometime this summer.
  17. The Outer Worlds DLC (I have seen at least two mentions about this from Obsidian employees on social media, one just yesterday). Chris Parker's project (On Usgamer or Eurogamer it's confirmed that he is leading a project) Brandon Adler's project (He is working as a game director according to LinkedIn as of quite recently, might or might not be Project Missouri) Project Missouri aka Sawyer's game Matthew Perez's project (He has been marked as a Game Director on LinkedIn since January this year. Again might be the same project as Parker's project) I don't think we will be starved to death by lack of crpgs from the company. And honesty, after working for almost a decade on Pillars franchise Brennecke and his thirteen (Forsakens) really deserve to work on something they feel passionate about without Internet losing it's mind based on a ****ing trailer. The interviews by Adam and Roby at least make the game sound interesting, rather than it just being just another survival game.
  18. The most important part was left out in all of the media coverage. What is the project name aka which state was Grounded called before it got the official name?
  19. Here we go (again)! This time it should be easier to find out who actually is working on the game, since there's a total 13 of them. Adam Brennecke - Game Director Roby Atadero - Senior Programmer Bobby Null - Lead Designer (?) Sean Dunny - Environment Artist Zachary Spurlock - Animator Mark Anthony Rios - Sound Designer
  20. LinkedIn lists Brennecke, Adler and Perez as Game/Project Directors with starting dates within 1 year. Some of the projects started last year, some during this year. Josh tweeted about his project in the same way he has tweeted about his previous projects which confirmed Missouri as the project name.
  21. They have multiple unannounced projects. Brandon Adler is a project director Adam Brennecke is a project director Matthew Perez is a project director Josh Sawyer is a project director Not to mention Sawyer's project code name is Missouri, and Outer Worlds is Indiana. That's a lot of states between those two.
  22. Nope. It needs to be called: Is Infinitron posting news (as he claims on his/her/their Codex profile) or fabricating them for s*** and giggles?
  23. No, they don't need to be 100% on the same page, that seems like impossible anyways as they are not robots. Directors have a vision where they want to take the game, then it is up to individuals to do their interpration of that vision. It is not open revolt, it is humans doing art, design or writing. There is no way, everything that Boyarsky intents for the game will be shared and done in exactly they way Boayrsky intents it to be, by everyone in the 80-120 team members who have worked on the game. It is teamwork and the Leads and Project Director should be able to see if everyone is on the same page (or near enough) when it comes to actual content that makes into the game. Writing and art can be interpreted in multiple ways, so even if some artist/writer views his/her piece of art/writing expressing something, it doesn't mean everyone will pick up on that and will see it the same way. Someone might put a bit more emphasis on something that they create but in the end Boyarsky, Cain and the Leads will check whether it will stay true when compared to the rest of the game. So someone won't go totally overboard with their own ideologies in the game. They are talking about ideologies, not that someone is making a 3rd person game when the game is 1st person and since games are seen as art, they can be interpreted in multiple ways.
  24. Because Infinitron needs to stir s*** when there isn't s*** to stir. Basically what they are saying that they don't share Boyarsky's ideologies or his intent with those said ideologies. It doesn't mean that they are sabotaging the game by shoving their own stuff in there when Boyarsky isn't looking or that they disrespect him in any way. Last time I checked I can have different ideology than my boss and say it, without it meaning that I'm declaring a war against him and all his kind. I'm paid to do a job, that is it. I'm still allowed to have personal believes and life outside of it. Twitter is just pure cancer as proven by Infinitron.
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