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Everything posted by Tale

  1. What's so exciting about Heavenly Sword, anyway?
  2. You forgot that 360 is getting GTA4 and Madden 08 as exclusives. I don't care for either, but it's sure to boost their US installbase even more.
  3. Huh. That's strange considering that this trailer supposedly consists of actual gameplay. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/6443.html Is that sarcasm? It's been well known that "actual gameplay" trailer was actually pre-rendered. Sure, it ran on actual hardware, but it did so at 5 FPS.
  4. I won't buy games for co-op, though. I have one friend. Not one friend interested in co-op, just one friend. He's also interested in co-op. Screw this, I'll get a DS and the ace attorney games.
  5. Killzone never excited me and they're saying that's very very early. Pre-pre-alpha. So... *shrug*
  6. I'm thinking most of the people on the list are equally mediocre. A lot of them are dead. What kind of a loser dies?
  7. Theres also no assurance that the fixes are going to be any good, or that their going to be completed, they could run into a problem that completely ruins the ability to play the game. AND the mods that you want dont exist either and your doing fine..... Yes, but I won't have to pay for TSLRP whether it's good or not. And they're seemingly quite a bit closer to completion as well as have as source material a source I trust. They can either improve upon it, or not do anything. Either way, it's free. A lot more reliable to me than "cancelled" plans for a game that's not even explicitly planned as it is.
  8. Thanks, Nick. You just turned me from interested in Too Human to meh about Too Human. I hate Diablo so very very much. Dungeon crawlers are the bane of my existence. Unless there are puzzles.
  9. Very much, but it's not exclusive to anyone. God knows you're lonely souls God knows you're lonely souls God knows you're lonely souls Yeah, yeah I believe there's a time and a place To let your mind drift and get out of this place I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name. Okay, so maybe I'm more excited about Assassin's Creed than MGS4, but it's not an exclusive. Heck, it's coming to PC.
  10. Yeah, I'm a sucker for co-op, too. But the only friend I'd co-op with is probably going to be getting a 360 himself. And we'd co-op on that thing. 360 has more titles coming out that I'm interested in. PS3 is more powerful, has what seems to be a more popular movie format, and currently has the one title I'm most interested in as exclusive (could change). Funny how that works out. My interest in current titles on either systems though is down to 1 game. Gears of War on 360 and Resistance: Fall of Man on PS3. I'm |.| bloody close to tossing a coin and hoping it lands on 360. I hear good things about The Darkness. Any noticeable difference between the 360 and PS3 versions?
  11. It's not the only thing. Though it is the main thing. If I buy a 360, I have to buy a new PS2 in case my current one goes out. So any 360 I purchase has to have $100 tacked onto the price tag to maintain my old library. The main reason I'm considering doing it sometime soon (in the next 3 weeks), is that Sony might be taking Emotion Engine chips out of the PS3 models to lower the cost. However, I like your point.
  12. KOTOR 3 doesn't exist and I'm doing fine. There'd be no assurance it would be good anyway.
  13. I want to see Obsidian work on a Doctor Who game! Doctor Who could make an interesting adventure game. A horrible anything else. Except maybe a MP only Dalek vs. Cyberman shooter, but that would only have so much novelty value keeping that from being terrible.
  14. So if I have a box, and I put a spoon in it, and I say "There is one spoon in this box", I'm wrong? I'm confused. You actually have 1.1 spoons.
  15. On the other hand, if I buy a PS3, I might listen to someone tell me "oh no, Final Fantasy XIII is good!" and end up buying it like I did XII. I swear to god, I'm never taking a recommendation from that guy again. I played more of XII than he did before I put it down out of boredom. Half the games he recommends to me he's barely played! ARGH! Him: Hey dude, you should totally play Chrono Trigger! I can't believe you haven't. It's awesome! *several weeks later* Me: I just kicked Lavos's butt! Him: Who's Lavos?
  16. Alan Wake will almost certainly be a Vista-only title. I may not be making that platform jump for a while.
  17. no, it is NOT a difficulty of measuring. it is simply a statistical nuance that makes precise measurement impossible, not just difficult. it is a statistical issue alone. there is _always_ statistical error in _any_ measurement, be it counting or otherwise. taks Poor wording on my part. Impossibility measuring does not prevent impossibility of occurance. I never meant to imply that atomically accurate measurement could occur in this case.
  18. I'll have to find a way to watch both this and Fort Apache: The Bronx.
  19. Hefeweizen is meant to be drunk out of a glass. However, if that bottle is whiskey...
  20. Nope. I don't think they had any up back when I played.
  21. The sad thing is I'll probably end up getting a PS3 instead of an Xbox 360. Alan Wake, Too Human, Mass Effect could all be good games. But I firmly believe Metal Gear Solid 4 WILL be a good game. And Lair has the same potential that I give those three aforementioned 360 games. Someone talk me out of this.
  22. Fly Me to the Moon - Sinatra Only listening to it in a technical sense, it's running through my head.
  23. Light really was the high point of the series. I always disagreed they should have ended it there, but thinking about it, I have to change my mind. They couldn't have topped it.
  24. In the original series, the robots couldn't even scratch each other most of the time. They were around to sell toys, can't be killing characters off willy nilly. It usually just had someone get a minor scratch and then everyone flees.
  25. I hate how Death Note ended. I just want to say that. I hate it.
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