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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm almost done with Resident Evil 6! I've got one more level of Sherry and then Ada Wong's campaign. I don't hate it! I don't like it! When I'm done with it, I'll immediately forget I ever played it! This is the first Resident Evil game where I'm pretty sure I'll walk away having no idea what happened. Even the truly terrible ones were at least interesting.
  2. There's a Captain Marvel "leak" making the rounds as of yesterday. And the first two-thirds of it are the same as what I started predicting a week ago. This might just break my streak of always being wrong on predictions. YAY
  3. I swear that Resident Evil 5 was inflating boss health based off ammo. I was about to have to knife Wesker to death in that last fight. I'm glad to be done with it. The Jill/Chris DLC was interesting. The Jill/Josh one was too, though that one focused more on the semi-enjoyable bits of Resi 5. I've started up Resident Evil 6 now, just to get the bad games out of the way. It's not intolerable. The health system is screwed. What's the point of having 6 health pips and regenerating if you don't take a full point of damage if everything does 2-3 damage from looking at you funny? And then you have to restore health one point at a time. It's tedious. Kind of at the point where dying at a checkpoint to get full health back is a preferred strategy.
  4. Still struggling through Resident Evil 5. It's a little more tolerable if I take the classic Resident Evil strategy of just ignoring all the enemies and running past them. Even though the game clearly doesn't seem to like that or account for it. I literally cleared an entire room by running through it, hitting a checkpoint at the halfway, then restarting the checkpoint. Like a dozen guys up and vanished. But then I was locked in the room as a bullet sponge with a gatling gun appeared. This game is just horrible. I spent 50 sniper rounds on headshots on this guy. Ran in circles around the room for 5 minutes straight. One time I ran completely out of ammo and the area only has two of the weakest type of grenade and two mines that didn't seem to do anything. At least the spider boss I fought earlier was kind of nice. Shoot the weakpoint, use a grenade to expose another weakpoint. It sends out little dudes to attack you, they drop ammo so you can keep going.
  5. I take back what I said about fewer QTEs. There's just fewer instant kill QTEs. I've had two "boss" fights that were turret sections with constant QTEs. I swear people already hated this stuff last gen, so why is this game full of it?
  6. Continuing my hate of Resident Evil 5 Died 5 times in one section because of chainsaw dudes. They take a ton of ammo, but they're easy to screw around with so I just kept using up all my ammo and then dying to a lucky shot in a tight space. I used up all my ammo and didn't down the second one. I never saw him go down in all 5 deaths. I'm not sure he was killable. I just moved on with no ammo.
  7. Finished Resident Evil 4. Tried to do Separate Ways, but I just don't like it enough to trudge through that. I started Resident Evil 5. I already hate it more than RE4, and I've played it before too. At least RE4 had down periods, places that were empty or had only a few Ganados. RE5 is constant waves of enemies until you hit some trigger and they stop spawning. It's the worst parts of RE4 on repeat. Okay, second worse parts. There's fewer quicktime events.
  8. Playing around in the kitchen. Ended up making a chicken stock miso with tofu and mushrooms. And it's not half bad.
  9. I played Resident Evil 1 back on PSOne and the REmake on Gamecube. The only ones I haven't played yet are the ones after 5 (including 5's DLCs).
  10. Just curious, did you manage to get through Resi 1? I skipped ahead, but plan to go back.
  11. If you havent already played it, can I recommend The Evil Within 1&2? Though you may be burnt out by that time... The Evil Within 1 feels like Resident Evil 4.5, you even get to revisit the mansion from RE1 (sorta lol). It's by Shin Migami by the dude that was behind RE1-4. The Evil Within 2 is more like RE6, more action and cinematic flair. The game itself wasn't as good as The Evil Within but it has some awesome characters nonetheless. Play with friend or family if you can, wasn't really made for a single player experience, I mean you CAN but the game's decision making system attempts to mimic the feeling of a tabletop experience in that you can disagree on decisions and see who wins by chance. So playing with someone else makes the game far more interesting. I have Evil Within 1. Doesn't run well on my computer. I intend to play more of it later, though. I just bought Resident Evil VII, so I'm kind of committed to this RE marathon.
  12. Resident Evil 4 in bits. I'm remembering why I didn't care when 5 was announced. Just gathering ammo to then shoot a horde of the same 5 people in the face. I'm in chapter 2 and it's already getting tired.
  13. I finished Resident Evil 0. The plan was to go on to Resident Evil Remake and then 3 and Code: Veronica, but I'm just not in the mood for that tension. I'll skip ahead to 4. Edit: Did some Resident Evil 1 Remake while Resi 4 downloaded. It's amazing how much better it is than 0 despite being older. It's obvious it was made with a substantially larger budget. Just looking at the environments they're more alive and detailed. The map's a maze.
  14. Finished Resident Evil 2, Leon 2nd run. I can say I've beat the game except for the optional modes. The 3 final bosses are all pretty lame. Really only bosses 1 and 3 were any good. I kind of love 3, too. But more for the visuals of the thing. That is a magnificent beast. I would want one in my back yard. I want to do a Resident Evil marathon starting with 0 (one of the ones I never really played). But I might put it off for Chaos;Head.
  15. Resident Evil 2. I beat it with Claire, now on to Leon for 2nd run. This is officially the first time I've beat Resident Evil 2 without cheating. It's pretty tense and I'm reminded of why I never did it before and then some. I have to go to the safe room, them basically plan my next trip complete with a couple escape route options, sprinting most of the way to conserve ammo and dodge some of the more dangerous inhabitants of the police station.
  16. Due to some issues with mx records while changing our email provider, I've been on the phone with spectrum for 3 hours. This is the fourth time I've talked to them since Saturday. Nothing has really changed. They can't figure it out. So it's being escalated a second time. Today was pretty fun, though. Talk to the basic level, go through the same tests they did back on Monday, then get transferred to a new department. New department says they can't help me, I need to talk to the department I was just transferred from. Original department, new person, has me explain the whole issue again, then get me back to the new department. Then apparently there's a conference call with a lead and two departments as they try to figure it out. At one point they suggested I make a change to nameservers. Changing them back from what they told me to change them from yesterday. Seems they decided against it when I pointed that out. And now we're just going to make the department leads figure it out, I guess.
  17. As a big VN fan, the Psych-Pass VN is one of the purchases I most regret.
  18. I walked away from Solo on Netflix in about 15 minutes.
  19. I'm finally watching The Orville. Oh man, this really does feel like quality Star Trek with low-quality jokes scattered about.
  20. Resident Evil 2 remake pre-order I am incredibly excited for this. I don't think I've been this hyped since Metal Gear Solid 4.
  21. Just kind of killing time until Resident Evil 2 comes out on Thursday, so I played a bit of Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy. It's this weird mishmash of MCU and comic stuff. They all look like their comic counterparts, except Starlord who is wearing the MCU outfit. Drax is not human, either. Thanos looks and acts like comic Thanos.
  22. I've been over there a bunch, actually, but never in Mitsuwa. Up until a few months ago, I was eating my ramen at a shop just down the road. Sapporo Two people who ran the front were really good to me and it kept me coming back. Then they quit, so I decided to explore. Nobody told me there was ramen in their food court. So I've got a place for this Saturday picked out then.
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