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Everything posted by peardox

  1. I was recently asked about commenting mods by @tonpix and it's obvious that particularly in tutorials this is desirable So here are our findings If you wanna comment yur mod you HAVE to use decompressed JSON / XML - a gamedatabundle is compressed JSON which explains why this ain't reliable on that kind of file If everything is on one line this WON'T work 100% Most modders use 'prettified' JSON. This increases filesize a bit but makes for easy maintenance. We've got some new more advanced tutorials planned by members of our team so I'm advising commenting for those OK - here we go... I'm using Convo Mod (final) as a testbed Let's Start off with 09_cv_dawnstars_priestess.conversationbundle This file is JSON so uses CStyle comments Here's a modified code snippet ============================================= {"Conversations": [ { "ID": "b598ec6e-0c75-448d-9852-ea05530df607", /* This is my Waenglith convo mod Go read the forum post */ "Filename": "Conversations/09_Port_Maje/09_cv_Dawnstars_Priestess.conversation", "ConversationScriptNode": { // This is another comment "RequiresValidChildNode": false, "NotSkippable": false, "IsQuestionNode": false, "HideSpeaker": false, ============================================= You'll notice the /* .... */ section. This is a multi-line comment. Such sections are to explain what you're doing You'll also notice a // bit. This is a single line comment (which is fine in fully formatted JSON etc but will break compressed JSON The other Mod filetype is XML (DOMStyle) such as 09_cv_dawnstars_priestess.stringtable Here I'm going to comment an added string... ============================================= <!-- Add a question we can trigger later --> <Entry> <ID>106</ID> <DefaultText>"Let me see what you have."</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> ============================================= This is a different style of commenting explicit to DOM-based coding (HTML and XML being examples) The <!-- .... --> is a comment in this case We've tried many tests on commented code and every one passes our tests These constructs allow us to explain in code what we're doing I'm recommending our group comment their code whether a published mod or tutorial to help the newbie see what we're doing and why =============================================
  2. Don't worry @Kexby We'll teach you Slack as you go - our intend is to educate and aid each other - your wishes coincide with our own @Kilay is one of my best to tutor you on item-mod, statuseffects and abilities (maybe witha little @tt1) If you can then write a tutorial expanding on my Sticky (First Mod) no one will be happier than myself and the gang I should note that @kilay in on a flowcharting project ATM This is part of a documentation library we're building Everyone needs a day off Hit us on Slack and we'll hook you up with a decent tutor Do this QUICKLY as both myself and @Kilay are considering expending my sticky
  3. If I read this correctly I can build a spritesheet and animate it? This is inferred so lets imagine I've got a 256x256 cell spritesheet with 32 frames Would this animate? Don't imagine - I've got exactly that sheet I can't upload as its licensed art I'll give it a go when 2.0 drops then find a freebie to sheet
  4. I know @Kilay is asleep (got off the chat to him about an hour ago) It sounds like you need the Slack Developers invite - gimme a sec to check - no req Hit https://poe.peardox.com/invite and you'll get direct access to @Kilay (when he wakes up)
  5. I'm glad you liked it @Kexby @Kilay (I think) expressed an interest in interest in expanding the Mod tutorials I completely agree with him Feel free to grab any of us in Slack Here's @Kilay's PM to me hey peardox , are you planning to make other tutorials? cuz i have in mind to make something more detailed about items (with itemmods, status effect, various attacks etc) (edited) The answer is yep but I'm really busy on other crap This appears a good learning curve for both you + @housefly to educate both yourselves and others Ideally I'd like you on a shared project with an experienced member - @kilay, @tt1, @spherikal, @Ethics Gradiant, @Xarastras for example (I'd do it if everyone else is busy - I'm busier) If you can't find one of the core PM me and I'll do a #mod-dev with you guys / guyesses If you can't find me email me @ simon@peardox.com
  6. We can aid with translations as well - I'm a member of the same collective @Kilay is Check my sig for interesting choices
  7. Pointless addition other than the invite I to rec the handle so soz if you've done this Myself and Kilay are core members of a Mod group See my sig for options
  8. He in group? @Burton pls read my sig Old and new friends would love to chat!
  9. See out new request system Both myself and Kilay are core members Read my sig for details
  10. @kilay gonna do a few more before bed As noted above I need to do a reply to enquiry better I SHOULD be able to pick it up from the req to automate things (I hope) I'll play in the AM if DLC not out DLC - I'm AFK
  11. Crap - one of our core team has got your message and is interested What I didn't do in the form is allow for a back to forum to reply option Soz Ohh a reply - that'll be Kilay
  12. Read my sig Kexby is a member We're here to help!
  13. Read my sig Both apply to you We can help in both areas
  14. Myself and others are waiting for Beast It is currently 00:12 on 2nd August GMT so where's the DLC we paid for? Please, in the future, announce the timezone of release Some of my friends are ahead of myself so a few have > 2PM The world is NOT the USA and NYC is NOT SF Other games quote a specific TZ - e.g. 10AM PST My fiends who use Steam report a 1Gb pre-load inbound (I did GOG) It's currently 3:22 PM SF so midnight is - err - 10 AM PLEASE be specific We're the Modders so want this ASAP
  15. That was quick I'll give you my starting points for this one You know I do extracts - this is my extract to pretty json for current exported-1.2.2/json/gamedata/gui.gamedatabundle.json exported-1.2.2/json/gamedata/progressiontables.gamedatabundle.json exported-1.2.2/json/gamedata/statuseffects.gamedatabundle.json exported-1.2.2/json/gamedata/audio.gamedatabundle.json exported-1.2.2/json/gamedata/characters.gamedatabundle.json exported-1.2.2/json/chatter/chatter.chatterbundle.json Only three viable candidates - prog, stat + char (gui and long bet) Simply search got immune in those
  16. Seen them May take me a bit to track down I'll Slack you the answer unless you want it here
  17. Note that the VERY FINAL object wants to omit the "," or it's junk json
  18. Hahaha Good one Ooh - we could add, e.g. a Kiiay keyword with ... I'll have to play - I was thinking your Mods list on Nexus is perfect but dunno if we can do that kinda thing yet Have a go my friend
  19. Kilay tells me he just invited you (it's that thing at the top left) All he needs is your email to invite you
  20. Was that quick enough? Kilay will publish it on Nexus ASAP (I hope)
  21. We've got a group of about 20 Modders in a slack group Kilay has invite privs so PM him and request an invite (he comes here more often than I do now we are slacked) We can point you in the right direction We have a specific channel (#mod-dev) on slack dedicated to exactly this kinda thing where we drudge thru until something works (did one of those last week - took all day to solve) One of the probs with tutorials is that they often get lost in the general chat here apart from the ones we can Sticky By their very nature a tutorial teaches the VERY basics - we can't think of everything you may need to know I DO remember that Summon Duration involved an Ability but they're pre-defined (DP Kilay) but I did that a month ago and my memory is far from perfect [This will make sense to Kilay] { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Very_Slow", "ID": "e2258426-92df-4a1d-b12c-927feb8328cd", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.CastSpeedComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1892, "Duration": 6 } ] }, Takes about 24s as I recall Mod the Duration + stick it on DP to test
  22. I'll ask the guys Sure we've got someone who does Paladins + class mods We have a good group of mod devs specifically for stuff like this
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