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Everything posted by peardox

  1. I can see no reason for deleting a MOD killing your save Well, as long as it's one that gets installed in override There are a few 'naughty' MODs that play around with anything rather than override If you were using a 'naughty' one - pics are a good example but don't break the game One of our group sent me a savegame that used such a MOD - all it did was give me a blank piccy If, however, something messes with exported then that will defo have the chance to break game We do test the limits - this is useful as it lets us get in front of patches but we don't release them (as they will defo cause issues) If you can find out which MOD it was I can tell you exactly what's wrong
  2. I note that POE2 is coming out on Switch, PS4 + XBox One around the end of the year Nexus ain't gonna be able to handle that lot How do Devs plan to resolve this issue?
  3. This is a call for translators We've got a tight-knit group of 14 mod devs who mutually help each each other We are a worldwide group who care deeply about POE2 We almost all speak different languages, the one we share is English Don't worry if your English is broken, our members are multi-lingual so we can work out a translator for you I'm building a list of who speaks what We have members who are fluent in Russian, Italian, German and Polish (sorry if I forgot anyone guys) I (depending on who you talk to) speak English The full list of translations is... DE - German EN - English ES - Spanish FR - French IT - Italian PL - Polish PT - Portuegese RU - Russian ZH - Simplified Chinese As a experiment I asked if it was possible to do a Welsh (my family) translation - turns out this is actually technically simple so if you wanna do a full translation to Japanese or Korean for example drop me a PM You'll note that we're missing some languages from the list above (four) If you want to get involved in a vibrant community or devs who wanna simply help each other out PM Me for a req to our Slack One of our artist members (the place is completely inclisional) is about to release his first fully fledged - Yay! It's not unfair to say that without our group my friend would never have delivered a mod (well, it's on the way - seen it) Now, think how we can help YOU! Get your first Mod out there! We are here to help you PM me for an invite - I'm working on this guys...
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  4. *note* That also means that you can not use subfolders in your mod to split texts for different purposes. For example override\[yourmod]\blueThings\localized\en\text\game\gui.stringtable will not work. I suggest using such folder names, as I will do for the enhanced ui mod: override\[yourmod]_blueThings\localized\en\text\game\gui.stringtable override\[yourmod]_redThings\localized\en\text\game\gui.stringtable So how do you provided updated translations for all expansions? You have to have a mod for each expansion because you can not have the folder "exported "and "laxa_exported "in there. Or do you need to put all ids from items.stringtable into the items.stringtable from exported folder? I was interested in this concept as well so chose a language nobody would bother doing (Welsh) Here's @BMac's reply Yes, you can add new languages. You just provide string tables under new language folder just as if you were modding an existing language. You also need to include a language.xml, which you can see in the exported/localized language folders. Unfortunately, you cannot do this via the override directory at the moment - you'll have to do it in the exported/localized directory. If you're overriding a supported language things are diffo You can simply replicate exported stringtables in your override directory, some of my friends have fixed some awful translations for their locality using this method As I understand it IF we did a full Welsh (dumb example - I'm sticking to it) then overrides would also function I'm working on building a translation team so check that thread when I post it
  5. the files in laxa_exported , etc are just adding new entries there aren't present inside the item.stringtable in exported folder, so just refer to the item.stringtable override like always But this means I have to merge the files into one big item.stringtable Yep + soz, that's the way it works I recently asked the Devs if we could translate into Welsh (this was simply an example - not a real project) The answer is yep (I have the details - PM me if you wanna do a Korean for example) You have to do a FULL override and this means re-writing EVERY SINGLE line. The distinction is additive Mods If I only want to add "The Red Hand and Friends" I only need translations of the words I use, same goes for Convo mods Simply pick a new unused ID and you're fine (Mod clash may occur so pick your numbers carefully) That's the extent of language Mods One of my Modder friends has done a proper Russian translation and another Italian (the originals were junky as hell I'm informed)
  6. There is a problem with "Max" - Devs have been informed (@Cdiaz) If you set "Max" to ANYTHING other than current patch you get a Version Error in Mod Manager The BIG problem here is that we only need to change a few numbers to let it pass even if we've done nothing else I'm not updating my mod - it requires no updates, works perfectly as is, I'm simply keeping Mod Manager happy "Max" should be optional UNLESS there are major changes - something I check with EVERY release (nothing to report, really so far) Just a warning for your good Mod management I see no point uploading new releases to Nexus is all we change is a few digits in "Max"
  7. Only started looking at this one. I think the 'Sod of gods' could play out a lot better. I did one alternate ending but it screws up - I go do endgame then get transported back to Queen's Berth - problem - game's set a flag so if I try leaving Neketaka my map is end again (rats) I had a whole Mod based around this concept (you get married and have all remaining quests available) Today I've been helping out a fellow Modder on a equally difficult project so not had time to look at this We solved his issue but it's not releasable (core hacks) I'll try to get to this alt ending mod soon
  8. This is an alternate ending New Game Start & Skip the bloody awful intro Pick a POE1 ending (I went for bad just for the hell of it) Simply refuse to help End of game That was disappointing The endgame slides where everything goes wrong is what I expected, that would have been a good alternative ending... A here's what happened cos you didn't play ending Hmm - should be Moddable - set everyone dead and total anarchy owing to the player not doing anything
  9. Bigger picture. my friend Small acorns ... We've got a shed-load of reqs in This is just one of them Our group has a lot of fixes in motion This is how you get a call from some dev asking you to fly to USA for a "chat" The "chat" means a job offer - they've already decided they want you - formalities Been thru SO many "chats" in my life (why did I buy that suit?) IF A SINGLE PERSON from my group gets a "chat" I will have done something worthwhile
  10. Can ppl see https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103384-tutorial-modding-basic-concepts/ or my first mod for details but it will be easier for me to automate this if everyone has a manifest.json Make sure you make the author field your forums handle Righto - this is by no way complete but I can now check for mod clashes This is all GUID-based and I've not finished the DB yet but it's complete enough to find our major issue Vendor Clash I can tell if two mods are using the same vendor (@kilay) If you add a manifest.json to your mod I have more info to go on This will all become clear in a few days when I tune the system - got an interview in 2 hours so not today I will also be checking for external GUIDs - while extremely unlikely it is not impossible for a GUID generator to give you the same GUID as something already assigned. The maths make it like a 0.0000000001% chance - yeah, never had that happen... Something I've been promising in-group is a site that checks an unpublished mod - I hope to get to that soon as well
  11. It's defo doable IF we had design/assets/*.png as tiles we could have an island that when you land on it asks where you wanna go thru a portal which would hit us with user levels. As pointed out above they don't wanna do it - this is purely financial. We're creating paid DLC why let 'amateurs' spoil our work. The answer in the case of NWN was that they created a better game. We're fighting for a diffo argument this time as POE2 is superb - this is merely added content. OK - you want to limit content so we can only have official or want to discover new talent? I can guarantee that some POE2 guys are NWN modders I'm not asking for myself - it's our artists who wanna play
  12. BTW I'm asking for a minimal owing to the fact that the guys need to earn. IF we can get an Aroura I'll be happy or my friends I'll be bugging Devs about this (I've got s list)
  13. @TT1 - you remember the toolset for NWN? Nice comment... I'm inventive, not drunk!
  14. I'm wondering if there's any reason OBS can't do an Aurora Toolset for POE2? Your founders wrote NWN after all and this was one of the first huge DND modding communities and added to NWN's shelf-life for years. Yeah, we can't create full art - we'll be happy to use tile-sets and prefabs for now. This has been requested by many people in our Slack group so within days of such a tool being made available there will be extra content. We don't need anything fancy while you're writing the DLC bit anything is better than nothing
  15. @house2fly Yep - confirmed this is still broken From what I can tell if you go into a new area you're safe If you DONT talk to the vendor, see their shop + save you're still fine Lastly TALK and see what she has Install a Mod I purposely use Shatusi (or whatever) as it's easy to get to with https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/125 (one of mine) Two final tests - stick my (or anyone else's vendor) Go back to Eofonia from PM and you get a load of extra items Reload your saves - 2nd works, 3rd don't We've been discussing this for over a month
  16. A save - at least before 1.2.2 (not sure now) saves a bit too much data. I have provable saves that illustrate this issue So - go to a vendor BEFORE you activate your mod and save then again AFTER you do your mod The result is the AFTER mod won't have your new item but your BEFORE mod will We've made the Devs aware of this - I have a way around it but this involves hacking a savegame so hope this gets in 1.2.2 / 2.0.0 Convo Mods appear immune to this (for everyone else)
  17. I'm getting a bit pissed off with the beta always updating - happens three times a week ATM I just realised I should be equally upset with POE2 Problem is - long release cycle so while I have new MTG I have no new POE2 Time to play some cards
  18. You're looking too deeply my friend I hoped not to have to do this one til next week (my week off is going badly) I'd answer this in Slack but it's a good Q so I'll mainline this one EVERYTHING in POE2 has an owner (this is wheishre the GUIDs come in) So - player (b1ade-0000 - blah) owns things which do things Now, your Player Character (PC) is an object that itself has ownership of what are referred to as children. I'm not gonna use that version as it don't fit the reality too well So - my PC has an item - this is where it gets VERY complex Let's imagine I get First Mod Great Sword My crappy sword can have up to five attached to it, the one you're after is the AttackID This is another ownership.. So my crappy sword has an AttackID Wanna guess how crazy this gets .... Our AttackID can also have many parts - the key you're looking at is included in six Attacks The ones you're attached to actually control what happens I'm sorry if this sounds confusing - I know it is You found the rabbit but not the hole PM me on Slack (we're friends) How's my week off going
  19. It turns out it is I do Mods so posed a Q to the Devs, can I have a Welsh version? I don't read the language but my family do. It was valid question. One of my friends has done a Russian translation fixing Obsidian's translation errors - so why not Welsh? It turns out this is fairly easy. If you have good English - [some other language] knowledge I can guide you on the exct deployment method. Let's say we want it in Japanese or Korean - yep no hassle I will warn you that there is a LOT to translate and you need to keep the text in nuance - this is, by far, a simple deal for any but the bravest translator PM me if you desire the howto change POE2 into [insert language] I'm gonna run a limited test in Latin
  20. I'm almost ready for the next part If anyone can fix the translations before I write it.... { "Title" : { "de" : "First Mod", "en" : "First Mod", "es" : "First Mod", "fr" : "First Mod", "it" : "Prima Mod", "pl" : "Pierwszy Mod", "pt" : "First Mod", "ru" : "First Mod", "zh" : "First Mod" }, "Description" : { "de" : "Für Frodo", "en" : "For Frodo", "es" : "Para Frodo", "fr" : "Pour Frodo", "it" : "For Frodo", "pl" : "Dla Froda", "pt" : "For Frodo", "ru" : "For Frodo", "zh" : "For Frodo" }, "Author" : "Peardox", "ModVersion": "1.2", "SupportedGameVersion" : { "Min" : "1.1.0", "Max" : "1.2.0" } }
  21. OK While this is first_mod based... I'm not putting this one in First Mod as it's dangerous Yo've been warned Translations is a complex subject There's a variant version of first_mod.zip in our last convo mod tutorial - it's called blank.zip and does EXACTLY what is says on the tin - it's a load of empty directories First mod uses this as it's basis You will see there are a load of empty directories in first_mod.zip When we drill down to localised/en/text/game you'll find items.stringtable in there Let's make us multi-lingual Copy items.stringtable into all the same localised versions The next part takes some practise so bear with us WARNING - IF YOU DONT FOLLOW EXACT INSTRUCTIONS Well - it's Wipe + reload Start the game from scratch then switch language This is rote - note that Options is the 4th menu item Click on that and change the language Top option I chose Chinese Hit [Esc] REMEMBER it was the 4th down so click it again and we're back in our language select - personally I took German Finally repeat the same trick to your native language (English for me) This kinda practice is REQUIRED when doing a language you don't read so make sure you can switch languages safely I'd try this out on a language you can at least spot a few words in so in my case it's fr, de and it Once we're confidant we can get back home we're ready to play Load up a diffo langague and go see FishMonger. Everything APART from First Mod Great Sword will be translated - let's go fix that Google Translate is a starting point so while not perfect you'br got something legible Simply change the test in each localised to the required language OK - start a game in a language you don't speak - REMBER your escape route from earlier
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  22. Done Devs with specific reqs Single line, embedded and multi-part should be parsed out of any Mod So.. // Some stuff is ignored "ID":"abcdef.....", // Something awesome becomes without this comment /* Just ignore me */ Standard C-Style syntax
  23. Tried it with first_mod Breaks the mod Dev PM time you're quite correct, @kilay, we should be able to comment out mods
  24. // Commented out Depends on how good their JSON is In a Mod - I'll go hack first_mod
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