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Everything posted by peardox

  1. This is a cross-post to avoid spoilers Our group of over 20 modders recently set up a request page for Mods the community desires The address for this system is https://poe.peardox.com/modreq - all we need is your Forum Nickname and what you want us to do - your forum Nick is required so that the Mod Dev can discuss your idea with you via PM before release to clarify any details the Mod Dev want's to know. Please note that requesting a Mod does not guarantee we'll write it for you. Since we set this system up we've had two requests (it's a new system so we're surprised we've had two in under a week) Backstab class-dependent and Rauatai Scale Armor. The Forum members who requested these either are already in contact with the Mod Dev or will be shortly as both have been deemed worthwhile so expect to see them soon-ish If you have a really good Mod idea but can't mod yourself just fill in the form and we'll see what we can do. If you Mod but ain't a member yet the Invite application details are in my Sig.
  2. I've heard from one of our Mod Devs that Rauatai Scale Armor is being developed in a more advanced way that requested I know that the Forum member and Mod Dev are already discussing this Mod and making it even better I was just consulted over one small aspect of this Mod so I know for a fact from the question I was asked that this is in-progress See - ask us - it works!
  3. Our group of over 20 modders recently set up a request page for Mods the community desires The address for this system is https://poe.peardox.com/modreq - all we need is your Forum Nickname and what you want us to do - your forum Nick is required so that the Mod Dev can discuss your idea with you via PM before release to clarify any details the Mod Dev want's to know. Please note that requesting a Mod does not guarantee we'll write it for you. Since we set this system up we've had two requests (it's a new system so we're surprised we've had two in under a week) Backstab class-dependent and Rauatai Scale Armor. The Forum members who requested these either are already in contact with the Mod Dev or will be shortly as both have been deemed worthwhile so expect to see them soon-ish If you have a really good Mod idea but can't mod yourself just fill in the form and we'll see what we can do. If you Mod but ain't a member yet the Invite application details are in my Sig
  4. Try this https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/31
  5. DP extract }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "EquipmentType": "None", "EquipmentSlot": "GrimoireOrTrinket", "AppearancePiece": { "ModelVisualDataPath": "" }, "ItemModsIDs": ["ff7ac47e-d8c8-4139-8d77-73d63c83d030"], "OnEquipVisualEffects": [], "RestrictedToClassIDs": [], "RestrictedToPlayer": "false", "ProficientAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CannotUnequip": "false", "ItemRendererPrefab": "", "ItemModel": "", "AnimationController": "", "PaperdollOverrideRenderer": "", "AttackSummonID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CannotSheathe": "false", "PropVisualEffects": [] } Change it to true... Crappy forum... "CannotUnequip": "false", <-- This one SHOULD work! Knew I'd seen it in DP somewhere
  6. OK - got myself a friends MOD to mod as a starting point The hover is fbd955dd-9edb-46d6-b4a9-8544615afbb4 The exported char is 6f21252c-1f84-4c1b-aba8-5bb9b90523b0 This is Nemnok - he's a fave of ours (spoilers if why) Am I correct in thinking I can summon the hover but not the exported? My goal here is to create Fight Club (like the film) for POE2 This is a great levelling mechanic Think I'll rename some useless NPC Tyler Durden
  7. Issue with https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/instanceids Can't copy + paste the result of PrintInstance oei_hovered
  8. Oh Just had a thought Plain Sailing works by disabling the more annoying ship stuff In theory the same method should work with sea battles That would be a rather cool mod for newbies to stop them dying every five minutes I'd guess that striping the Scriptable out of it would make every battle a pass If you check out Plain Sailing and compare it to original you'll find that I just disabled the ones I found annoying but left most of them in My new router arrived yesterday but I was writing "/poe missing" - everyone in Slack knows I'm re-wiring everything shortly so accept my AFK most of the time ATM I've given you some pointers Yeah - I could write this one easily (I think) but I want to get you into Slack YOU should write this Mod - it's a great idea. You should get the credit as the Author. Lastly YOU should publish it on Nexus. The boys DO bite - but that's usually reserved for myself doing summat dumb They're a friendly bunch and will definitely help you out
  9. No Storms is a basic mod and unlikely to fail To test save then deliberately sail into a Storm - you should just sail straight thru and out the other side (think that was my first mod) It doesn't remove storms it just stops them doing anything bad. I found that extremely annoying the first time I went to Tikiwara (or whatever it's called) I was a low level newb and EVERY time I set sail I died in a bloody Storm - very frustrating when you don't know the ropes nence my motivation to get into modding (that was a hell of a learning curve) I STRONGLY suggest you do a Slack with the guys - this is exactly the situation you describe in your PMs I know @Kilay is around so give him a mention in Slack and he'll respond fairly quickly @tonpix is also around @TT1 is having a BBQ - pix in #general I've set up a quiet place for chatting - just grab @Kilay or @tonpix and ask for an invite to #greenroom to discuss your issues - just say I asked They don't bite You'll prob end up with some intro chat then they'll help you out. There are a load of (Slack) members with specific knowledge of specific things Hell - today we got a Chinese native to help us on translations Just give Slack a go - actually I'd make a beeline for @tonpix if I were you, he owes you one for allowing me to share our PMs with him. He found them extremely enlightening and can point you in the direction of the right member to help you out
  10. Testing theory I just picked a fight with https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Myrlesfen_the_Truly_Insane Had to chase him down and I'm well out-classed - he's got 8 cannons and a really high level ship Immediately knocks two of my cannons out so I'm down to one per side His ship is 50% better than mine with twice the firepower My attack method is simple - Line up then repeat the following repeatedly Get in cannon range and line up for firing Check the hit chance - anything under 90 I skip Fire Jibe Wait (1) or replace a injured crew member Go to top and repeat I stand no chance you'd think I did get a LOT of damage but that's not the point He's got a slower damage rate than me so hit him as frequently as often as possible and hope he sinks before I do He's at the bottom of the sea, my ship is a mess but that can all be fixed - being in Davy Jones' locker can't
  11. Something along those lines There are several upgraded ships on Nexus if you want something to crib from Just upgrade them a LOT more and the enemy will steer clear of you You also want a real high level as captain I'm still using the base ship but have a high captain level - I have to go hunt targets down, never get attacked The last time I did this the opponent ran away - very annoying
  12. When you win enough battles they tend to avoid picking a fight with you so the best way to avoid battles is to artificially raise your ship combat stats - they take one look at you and run away Something worth doing is just boarding the opponent as this then switches to combat. Full Sail every turn to get yourself really close them board them. In fact if you go sail around the end of Magran's Teeth close to land you'll be forced to use this tactic frequently - win a few and they skip you
  13. Sorta worked it out but still hackable Thinking about DRM-Free hard to hack crap I'll try this on my own MODs only (may need to borrow one or two)
  14. Soz @Bmac We don't mean to be insentitive We'd simply adore having this info before a release Some of this is relayed to us pre-release, for this we are very greatful and we make good use of it Where are the icon maps is the big Q ATM For example see my missing strings post
  15. How does this help? Let's look at the worse possible scenario - a POE2 hijack via mod Would I do it (no) could do it (most likely) - too many vectors (not giving methods of hacking out) So the question is not is it possible it's how to stop it My friends raise valid questions I have some ways to reduce impact without DRM Slack - @TT1 raises a valid concern here I can run some tests - @maplejar help req on this one, right up your alley I will do some thinking etc on this one in the AM
  16. Ask in Slack - there was some specific chat on fonts Check the search may make it quicker I know for a fact we've done some work on this recently - simply can't remember who did it or why As in #general as a LOT of us visit forums less often owing to Slack I'll put a message in to change this as I still want chat here too - the two are supposed to co-exist
  17. If you have any cool ideas for a Mod @TT1 is looking for some FUN items to create He's looking at Shields and Crossbows (possibly) for his next upgrades Hit his modpack doesn't get the respect he rightly deserves owing how to Nexus works I am a personal friend of @TT1 so I understand his frustration (all our friends share credits at the bottom of our releases) The simplest way to do a ModReq is in my sig @TT1 likes humour in his mods so bear that in mind - make him laugh and you MAY get a Mod out of it
  18. Actually this appears possible. As you know we all work on different bits in group but I remember reading a post on this in the last week. Search for "font" in our Slack We've got more artists and one at least (I think) understands the basics of this one
  19. You tried this one Slack yet?... /poe missing ru Some are obviously false positives but some APPEAR to be errors No seen you in-group often recently (but I have internet issues - gotta do a router swap)
  20. The answer is fairly simple but obstructive Provide a hash that verifies a newly installed Mod as valid and the modder is the author There are great issues here of course I can easily verify our slack members Mods (soz dude - brain connected to keyboard again) This would require some work by OBS but is a valid concept I'm online and download a Mod then install it - this requests the OK to use the Mod (and I hate DRM) If you're deving a MOD we have the same freedom we currently have but if we download from any other source it gets kicked I understand @TT1's concerns here - so mate if I didn't get it yesterday but @tonpix's post makes this clear This is the START of a solution and as I've been on it 15 mins not properly explored @maplejar any thoughts? We'll discuss this properly here and in Slack
  21. @maplejar is in the process of joining our Slack @kexby - in Slack go into #mod-dev to keep the flood out of #general then simply mention someone helpful (gave you some pointers in a PM) so something like... @peardox trying to do an itemmod - care to help me out? Replace me with ppl actually online (broken Internet ATM) Actually #mod-dev is in use a lot ATM so think I'll create a #mod-dev2 and invite everyone so we've got enough space for multiple mod discussions Hope you're getting the hang of the place @tonpix is doing some instructional stuff. Do you mind if I PM yesterday's PM to him? It describes perfectly the kinda issues new Slack members have
  22. These vary by language but are pretty consistent As soon as Beast hit and got here (router issues) I, as usual, ran some checks did some extractions and finally wrote a missing translations command for our Slack group (see my sig) The definition I'm using ATM is that a string exists in en but is blank in another - there are a few bugs ATM as I've had only a short time to work on it all - this is like a v 0.1 (UTF8 is screwed up for example) The point is that there are several seemingly untranslated strings - Fire Shield looks pretty obvious for example. Some are obviously tests in release and some may be work in progress. The results are fairly equal over languages - some miss a few included in others e.g. Abilities has 54 missing in it, 53 in ru and 51 in zh If you're in our slack (see sig) and wanna fix these the command to issue is... /poe missing <country code> So /poe missing fr provides a missing list for French for example - it's fairly well self-documenting /poe will give you basic usage (apart from missing) It's easy to do a translation mod as long as you speak English and the target language Here are the results for zh (Simplified Chinese) - I imagined this was likely the worst one (not) Missing translations for zh Missing 51 in abilities 1818 = *unresolved special ID* 2327 = [Debug] No Recovery 4771 = Communal Carnage 4772 = Allies around the wearer have increased damage with weapons. 4773 = Sight of the Coalition 4774 = Gain the Aware Inspiration whenever a nearby ally scores a killing blow. 4775 = At the beginning of combat, the wielder is engulfed in fire, increasing their Freeze Damage Reduction and causing Burn damage to anyone who damages them with a melee attack. 4776 = Fire Shield 4777 = Greater Fire Shield 4778 = Purifying Fire Shield 4779 = At the beginning of combat, the wielder is engulfed in fire, increasing their Freeze Damage Reduction and causing Burn damage to anyone who damages them with a melee attack. 4780 = (Purifying Fire Shield) - Enemies damaged by the retaliation attack have the duration of their beneficial effects reduced. 4781 = (Greater Fire Shield) - The wielder gains increased Freeze Damage Reduction and the retaliation attack deals additional damage. 4797 = Merge 4800 = Covalent Bond 4801 = Corrosive Solvent 4802 = Helfire Barrage 4803 = Magnetic Overdrive 4804 = Helfire Iron 4805 = Immunity: Interrupts 4806 = Symbiote 4807 = Colossal Strength 4808 = Encumbered 4809 = Atonement 4818 = Grieving 4819 = Magma Emerge 4820 = Guilt 4821 = Charge Helstorm 4822 = Brutal Cleave 4823 = Veil Cleave 4824 = Martyr 4826 = Immunity: Body Afflictions 4827 = Immunity: Mind Afflictions 4828 = Resistance: Mind Afflictions 4829 = Resistance: Body Afflictions 4830 = Minor Veil-Touched 4836 = Shattering Screech 4837 = Consume 4838 = Catalyzing Venom 4839 = Call Hatchlings 4840 = Stand Ground 4841 = Sigil Assault 4842 = Concerted Assault 4843 = Endless Assault 4844 = Globe of Invulnerability 4845 = Last Trick 4851 = Wrath of the Empress 4863 = Jernaugh's Equalizing Burst 4864 = Unleash a burst of chaotic energy that seeps into the weaknesses in an enemy's defenses and alters them in unexpected ways, manifesting through powerful afflictions. 4865 = Zandethus' Draconic Fury 4866 = Imbues the caster with the ferocity of a dragon, causing their melee attacks to deal additional Slash and Burn damage. While active, enemies that attack the caster with melee weapons must resist their fears or be Terrified. Missing 14 in characters 1638 = Mountainous Black Ooze 1640 = Gigantic Black Ooze 1641 = Massive Black Ooze 1644 = Helfire Ironclad 1648 = Ryona 1649 = Crystal-Eater Empress 1650 = Deranged Wizard Savant 1651 = Obelisk of Cleansing 1652 = Obelisk of Wrath 1653 = Obelisk of Force 1654 = Obelisk of Terror 1655 = Obelisk of Mystery 1657 = Spider Burrow 1658 = Savant Bodyguard Missing 9 in gui 4965 = Unsubscribe 4966 = Unsubscribe from {0}? 4967 = Steam Workshop 4969 = Publish this mod to the Steam Workshop? By publishing this mod, you agree to the Steam Workshop <link="https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/workshoplegalagreement">terms of service</link>. You will have a chance to review the mod's Workshop page before making it visible to the public. 4970 = Upload to Steam Workshop 4971 = Update Mod 4972 = Briefly describe the changes made to your mod since the last version. 4973 = All files in this mod are my own creation, or I have permission to use them. 4978 = Ingredient Missing 19 in itemmods 1626 = Guilt 1627 = Colossal 1628 = Atonement 1630 = Grieving 1631 = Martyr 1633 = Veil Cleave 1662 = Mythic 1666 = Gore 1667 = Temper 1668 = Tempered Fury 1669 = Unstable Temper 1670 = Riven Gore 1671 = Wanton Gore 1673 = Annihilation 1674 = Wolf's Ferocity 1675 = Wolf's Tenacity 1676 = Bloody Slash 1677 = Bloody Mess 1678 = Bloody Momentum Missing 12 in items 748 = *TEMP* - Do not put this in inventory; it is just a prefab so that NPCs can attack without holding weapons. 5482 = Cog of Cohh 5483 = This relic resembles a formal badge or insignia taken from military regalia, though its symbol isn't associated with any known faction. Age and wear evident in the metal would suggest that it is very old and has traveled far. The influence it exerts on a tightly-knit band of combatants implies that a knight or general of influence donned this as a charm to inspire their troops and keep them alert. Beyond what can be deduced of its power, the mystery of its origin endures. 5484 = Magran's Blessing 5485 = This fragment of a much larger shield has been re-worked to fit a bearer's arm comfortably. The surface of the mysterious metal is warm to the touch and grows hotter when tensions rise, though its searing energy is a comfort to anyone wielding it. In the heat of battle, driving the shield into an enemy's face would leave a memorable scar. 5497 = Burden 5538 = Zandethus' Dragon-Scaled Grimoire 5539 = Jernaugh's Careful Calamities 5540 = Amra 5541 = [TEMP] Amra item description. "This beast of a heavy axe was found amongst lost pirates found in the Deadfire Archipelago, that claimed to have come from another dimension when they fell through a maelstrom during a sea warfare. It was clear those men didn't have the strength required to manage such a brute weapon, so when people asked them and pointed to the axe, all they said war "Amra, Amra"." 5546 = Karabörü 5547 = [TEMP] Karabörü item description. "Made for some long forgotten warlord, Karabörü was designed with their powerful frame in mind. The slight reverse curve of its yatagan shape makes it a unique and noticeable weapon. It has no crossguard underlining its aggressive nature. Then the firest wielder eventually fell against some nightmarish beast, the sword was retired as an ornament, cowering visitors underneath its heft. As their fleeting dynasty fell to ruin, the sword was lost, making its way around Eora in the hands of many vanguard combatants, used against cavalry and even for execution. It has a savage history, the sole reminder of all its master's fell deeds." Missing 9 in recipes 804 = Purifying Flame 805 = Burning Strike 806 = Greater Fire Shield 807 = Righteous Bash 816 = Mythic 819 = Tempered Fury 820 = Riven Gore 821 = Unstable Temper 822 = Wanton Gore Missing 12 in statuseffects 587 = {0:value:percent} Chance to reduce enemy beneficial effects by {0:extravalue:duration} when Hit in Melee 588 = Gain the Aware Inspiration for {0:value:duration} whenever a nearby Ally scores a killing blow 589 = {0:value:percent} chance to interrupt with attacks from Magran's Blessing on Hit 597 = Each step will cause some of the Symbiote to break away and fall off 605 = Afflicts wielder and foe with {0:value} Resolve on Hit (max 5 stacks) 609 = Grants {0:value} Might whenever a Party Member is KO'd 626 = Chance to Terrify when attacked with Melee Weapons 631 = {0:value:percent} Chance on scoring a kill with this weapon to <link="gamedata://dc8da24a-58d7-46c9-afae-90abea279b4f">Frenzy</link> the wielder 632 = {0:value:percent} Chance on scoring a kill with this weapon to <link="gamedata://dc8da24a-58d7-46c9-afae-90abea279b4f">Frenzy</link> the wielder (Without a Deflection penalty) 633 = {0:value:percent} Chance on receiving damage to <link="gamedata://dc8da24a-58d7-46c9-afae-90abea279b4f">Frenzy</link> the wielder 634 = If the wielder's Might is {0:value:straight} or above, Critical Hits with this weapon cause {0:extravalue:percent} of base weapon damage in an area around the wielder 635 = If the wielder's Might is {0:value:straight} or above, Critical Hits with this weapon cause {0:extravalue:percent} of base weapon damage in an area around the wielder (Enemies under {0:triggervalue:straight} Health are killed instantly)
  23. Modding notes? All we've had is Small Icons How about game.gamevariablebundle for example?
  24. And they've stopped us asking Qs https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104326-its-2nd-wheres-my-dlc/page-2
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