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Everything posted by peardox

  1. I've done an exhaustive search for "" IF the patch notes are anywhere on my system they've been compressed (or I'd find them) Can I request that the FULL patch list gets exposed in Docs?
  2. As you're new to this read my First Mod sticky then strip out everything you don't need As @Kilay says you need to change a LOT of IDs then add Modwyr First Mod is intended as a gentle intro to modding (ignore the convo stuff for now) First Mod is designed to take you step by step from zero to initiate You can join our group (see my sig) and get direct support ============================================================================= If someone's Trolling me again they get kicked! We all know a far easier way to do this...
  3. This one needs renaming as we're on 2.0.1 There are extensive patch notes (can't remember where they are) but the 2.0.1 patch does a lot more than the highlights for the players Some of those are obviously important to us lot
  4. I had a fairly smart idea from a rejected (https://poe.peardox.com/modinfo?lid=41) Take a class that tends not to use weapons like Druid Change the model (Panther?) Mix in some hireling and mod it (basically we're replacing the hireling) Change abilities to be in-role You've now got a Panther-Druid hireling I know it's a cheat but it's an interesting idea I've not thought this thru but THINK it's do-able You can take any hireling and mod it via stringtable to have a new name + dialog chain Same works for companions but I'd leave those alone
  5. It should be noted that @armakoir has just taken five Mods We have other members helping as well See https://poe.peardox.com/modlist to see if we're on you're one yet!
  6. It should be noted that @armakoir has just taken five Mods We have other members helping as well See https://poe.peardox.com/modlist to see if we're on you're one yet!
  7. Yep - we got it The most interesting things are the seemingly impossible - we've done load of these as a group
  8. Ooh - @tonpix as well! We're here to help not to be trolled
  9. Hehe - Just noticed Boeroer in ModList:) Guess what I've been doing for the last two days? Helping Spherikal getting his new even better Enhanced UI out People who live in glass houses... Don't worry - I'll point Spherikal at your req for his next release Anyone who reads this and checks the irony out here will be amused I get shouted at and could easily suggest he fold this in - hahaha Not vindictive - I'll Slack him your req
  10. We've updated https://poe.peardox.com/modlist - it now looks less terrible (sorry, we're all rather busy) https://poe.peardox.com/modreq has also been updated to make the list more readable requiring a VERY short description @kilay has gone thru every ModReq to explain the request The modlist APPEARs to mean that only @kilay is working on this - far from true... Some of our members who HAVE done MODs for you simply haven't got around to updating the site yet One Non-member (hope they join) is credited - hi nostalchic (see my Sig) If you've submitted a Req to us you can find out where we're up to with your request I am, notably, missing from the modlist - the guys + gals want my aid so I'm writing sites etc (well, it's getting a bit better)
  11. We've updated https://poe.peardox.com/modlist - it now looks less terrible (sorry, we're all rather busy) https://poe.peardox.com/modreq has also been updated to make the list more readable requiring a VERY short description @kilay has gone thru every ModReq to explain the request The modlist APPEARs to mean that only @kilay is working on this - far from true... Some of our members who HAVE done MODs for you simply haven't got around to updating the site yet One Non-member (hope they join) is credited - hi nostalchic (see my Sig) If you've submitted a Req to us you can find out where we're up to with your request I am, notably, missing from the modlist - the guys + gals want my aid so I'm writing sites etc (well, it's getting a bit better)
  12. You can add stuff to hostiles The VERY first kill in the game is the Young Boar on the beach - I'm using this example cos everyone knows where to find the target. If you've got a just landed on the beach - done nothing load that otherwise start a game and make any old quick character then get to the beach and save (this is an extremely useful save to have for modding) Now go kill the Boar and you get Pork Kill the game, install the stupid little mod attached and reload your beach save. Kill Boar - Great Sword instead There are 1,151 lootlists in 1.20 (not run the DB over 2.x yet - waiting for 2.1.0 now). Some are vendors while others are hostiles and loads of other things (shelves, bookcases etc). The problem is identifying what's where. The lootlists are only referenced in levelxxxx - it is possible to work out which lootlists are in each levelxxxx and then work our which area that's in which narrows down the search a lot (not got around to this yet, simply saying it's not _too_ hard) It's easy to find named targets, harder with things like shelves etc pork.zip
  13. Those are scripted AFAIK (only had a little explore)
  14. On my todo list is ID reservation as this is something I've been asked for by a few people In a VERY boring process this AM I've downloaded EVERY Mod from Nexus - I can automate discovery of what OBS strings are overridden and which have been added by a Mod. I've already got scripts that de-compile stringtables so it's just a case of running them over all the Mods This system will also allow you to test a Mod to see if there are known clashes I'm at the design stage ATM and this is not the only task on my list
  15. Just had a look at this again Yep - it appears possible to disable ship combat The GUID for all the text in ship battles is 5bb98353-93dc-4585-9280-620df1ccc94c This is called from wordmap.gamedatabundle along with a load of scripts to BeginShipDuel() There are 64 references
  16. I deconstructed the Osiris savegame looking for clues There are 70,515 unique GUIDs in the game There are 10,192 GUIDs in the savegame (didn't do a dupe count so maybe half that number) The savegame has 1,550 unique GUIDs that only appear in the save (I have a list) That's for 272 files which is > 5.6 : 1 OK - I'm officially confused now!
  17. https://poe.peardox.com/modlist is finally editable by the mod authors who are filling your requests If they've completed a requested Mod, published it on Nexus and updated modlist the completed marker will now link directly to the published requested mod so others can get it as well (the requester is usually notified via PM by the modder)
  18. Funny that should be in the requested list. It just so happens that I have done this on my home computer and have been playing around with it since Mid June. Getting pissed off at that restriction and figuring out how to 'fix' it was what got me into modding, actually. It took a ****load of work to do, and I'm 99.9999% satisfied with it. There are a couple of warts still, and I had to make a ton of compromises/allowances along the way as there are a few near-contradictory upgrades out there. And I'm also sure there are some bugs hiding in there. Still... Well, let's just say I took a look at Nexus Mods and decided that I'll PROBABLY put a nice clean version of it up there soon. Ish. Mostly I want to pretty up the code, change some values from my home system when it comes to buying upgrade ingredients to something slightly less game breaking... But... Well... Let's say this has been done and is doable. So. Watch This Space, as the saying goes. If you post / PM the Nexus link I'll update modlist with the link It'll appear as assigned to me but I'll write that you did it in the notes and it'll then link directly to your mod
  19. https://poe.peardox.com/modlist is finally editable by the mod authors who are filling your requests If they've completed a requested Mod, published it on Nexus and updated modlist the completed marker will now link directly to the published requested mod so others can get it as well (the requester is usually notified via PM by the modder)
  20. Yes, is the short answer - everything we produce is on NexusMods (apart from internal test builds when we're fixing each other) I'm planning https://poe.peardox.com to showcase the latest Mods with direct links to Nexus I'm gonna replace the current homepage (this never started out as anything other than list and reqs pages - so gimme a chance) I'm currently hooking our team to the site so they can maintain their own modreqs Then I'm either / or gonna do the links page or the comments page The site is now accepting public sign-ups (don't have any effect ATM for non-Mods) Our team has requested various features for ModDevs so as those users are who the site is primarily for I wanna address those first I HAVE to make sure the site is safe so spend quite a bit of time on security On top of this I have queries from our members daily I have to address and need to up my Tutes (there's more) Wish I'd left this simple Not wrote a new mod in over a month as a result (got some superb ideas) I end up answering and advising others while writing a site... Success in creating a community is not as I expected it
  21. OBS theirselves use a good-enough is OK system. If there are no major bugs then why not release it? The whole reason for poe.peardox.com/modlist is so users and ModDevs can see what the community desires. I'm updating it ATM. This system along with modreq is the only place I know of that won't get lost in forums. You used it
  22. Posted here rather than in Slack for wider consumption Tried all the stuff you sent me Drziit works regardless - simply a missing string in the Fix version Osiris fails and I can't hack savegames any more (rats) Simple suggestion If you know the broken GUID recreate it in a Fixer mod that has the same ID but is some useless item (crap dagger or whatever) - VERY minimal and worthless Item. That's a good quick test that either works or don't and takes a few minutes to write _IF_ that works you can fix all brokens as long as we as a group have them all
  23. Easier to grep the stuff Not everyone has Windows It's educational for new modders Easier to understand Requed by @Kilay (prob for easy searching) Takes 10 seconds (not even that) to process I'll stick a timer on it next time - wrote this months ago Finds Bows simply in under a second (helps if I'm told if it's DLC)
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