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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Interesting choice of words, Laozi. By all means tell me how I shove my views in your face on an Internet forum when you have the choice of not reading my posts. Do I go all Clockwork Orange on you, forcing your eyes open with metal instruments with Beethoven playing in the background?
  2. US media shows what sells, plain and simple. I have the same level of interest in the beauty of Islam as I do for the beauty of Christianity or any other religion. So what that it is Ramadan. I have pretty much the same opinion on Ramadan as I do Christmas, or Yom Kippur, or whatever. Its a religious holiday that belongs to religion that I do not belong to. In other words, just another day on the calender. If a holiday has special meaning for someone then by all means they should celebrate/observe it but keep it a private matter bewteen themselves and their god.
  4. I think that is a fair assessment. If the game had to stand on its story alone it would fall flatter than a anorexic super model doing a belly flop in a kiddy pool.
  5. What I thought funny is the Jane Austin reference. I have played Halo and Halo 2. I have read some of the works of Jane Austin. The two are definitely not comparable.
  6. Well, I for one don't use the quick load and when I play I don't save the game unless I am closing it down. That is just how I like to play games. A game is either a RPG or its not a RPG. I don't care if its traditional, action oriented, or whatever. If its a RPG then great, if not then I pass. So far the best action RPG I have played has been Oblivion. No action RPG I have played can compare to that game. It sucks compared to more traditional games like NWN2 and Baldur's Gate, however it is a good action RPG if you are into it, with Bloodlines and Jade Empire filling in #2 and #3 spots of my favorite action RPG titles. Also I have been getting better playing action oriented games. My last play through of Bloodlines I didn't die once to that damnable werewolf.
  7. Lets see, it plays more like a fps, death is meaningless, no real inventory system, no character creation, simplistic and shallow design, all tressed up in pretty graphics. Yes, that does sound like a game I don't want to play. Also it did help cement my opinion of the game when I tried the demo.
  8. I am calling it a bad game for me, not a bad game for everyone. Not everyone has the same tastes in games.
  9. Just to show that Osama just doesn't get the US. Islam is accepted here in the US, as with Christianity (both the original and caffiene free), Judaism, Mormon, Hindu, Baha'i, Bhuddism, and so forth and so on. By adopting a national religion you forsake diversity of culture. Osama is an idiot to think that the US will succomb to monoculturism.
  10. You mean the one where he specifically stated he was being hard on the game because that's what people like to hear from him and that it's also "one of the best games of the year?" That review? Yeah, pretty much. It may be the best game of the year so far but that doesn't mean its a good game. It just means that this year has sucked for good games.
  11. That review from Yahtzee from Zero Puncturation definitely convinced me in not getting the game.
  12. I don't know if I should laugh or be worried.
  13. From what I heard Bioshock is boring. Its sure is pretty, but boring. It is the stereotypical dumb blonde of computer gaming.
  14. The talking heads? I think you have your rose tinted glasses on.
  15. The more hype a game gets the crappier it is.
  16. So... Um... Which CRPG have you played that has better facial expressions than Mass Effect, Roshan?
  17. When ME comes to the PC (assuming that it will) it shall be one of my must have games.
  18. Isn't that the rule of thumb for PC gaming?
  19. *fumes with jealousy* Grrr...
  20. Opinions are neither right or wrong. They are just opinions. No WMDs were found. Bush Adminstration said that Iraq had WMDs. No conclusive links to Al Qaeda were found. Bush Adminstration said Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda. We invaded Iraq on false pretenses and because of that the only responsible thing to do is to leave, completely and totally.
  21. Well, SilentScope001, what do you want to say about it? Hmmm...
  22. Then you probably have more credible sources than mine, but still I do not trust the Bush Administration nor any of its media allies when it comes to the Middle East.
  23. I just think we should fight one enemy at a time. Once that enemy is completely destroyed with everyone in that organization confirmed dead, then we go to the next enemy. Fighting a 2 to 4 front war is not an efficient way to do business, nor are the gains all that substantial.
  24. Yet were any of those terrorists attacking the US or a threat to US citizens on US soil? No. Only Al Qaeda proved to be a threat to the US. They should be the focus of our military, not Iraq. Once Al Qaeda and the Taliban are eradicated then we could have moved to other concerns. Not before.
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