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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Good for you. Now tell your conservative friends such as Cooper Lawrence, Cathy Ruse, Fox News, Kevin McCollough, Jack Thompson, and the rest of the buggers to get a clue about computer and console gaming before they spew forth their misinformed opinions. Conservatives always cry out for small government, a government that shouldn't intrude on private lives and private business then they pull this crap, demanding that the government to censor products, to interfere in the private lives of consumers. Stop the bloody hipocrisy already! I don't want an apologies from these buggers. I want them to do the research before they spew off crap they don't know about.
  2. I had friends over and we gamed. My wizard was actually effective in combat for a change. WOO HOO!
  3. Yeah, this week's Yahtzee is so far the best of the bunch. HA!
  4. Hmmm... Sounds rather suspicious to me. Two "friends" go crocodile egg hunting and one "friend" gets attacked. The other guy sees that the crocodile isn't killing his "friend" fast enough so he shot at them. First shot missing his friend and hitting the croc, while the second shot gets him in the arm. Unfortunately the "friend" only had two bullets so he "played" the hero, waiting for a more optimal time to kill his "friend." HA!
  5. It is kind of sad when someone with his talent dies just when he is at the height of his game. Its kind of like when Brandon Lee passed on right after his best performance. I agree that the creep factor will be quite high.
  6. I wonder how this will affect next batman movie. Its in post production, but still it could have some problems develop when one of the main actors dies suddenly like this.
  7. http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?...54&GT1=7701
  8. Come on now, Pixie Stick. The average American car is less efficient than the average Asian car. Don't know about the Euro autos. Don't pay much attention to them. Personally I like to see the average miles per galleon be up around 80 to 90 range. Of course American autos have been kicking and screaming against even going 35 MPG.
  9. I don't give a crap about "its a culture thing." That is not a justification or an excuse for stupidity.
  10. Whoever thought of the SUV should be shot. They are as pointless as a civilian Hummer.
  11. If the American auto industry actually made cars that people want and can afford maybe Michigan wouldn't be in such a mess it is in now.
  12. I am also putting that costly little fiasco known as Iraq in that mix, Gorgie.
  13. What I find tremendously stupid is that the leadership in the US thinks it is a good idea to hand money and resources hand over fist to other countries while at the same time take out a loans from China. Gee, if the US government needs money STOP giving it away to other countries for godsakes! Stupid republicans.
  14. But... But... That leads to the Mushroom Kingdom!
  15. He should send his "old" stuff to me. I could use a PC upgrade.
  16. Is there anything in your system that isn't uberfied? I mean seriously, you could probably run Skynet off your computer! Just duck if you see somone named Sarah gunning for your system.
  17. According to Wilde then I am a conservative. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  18. Hindu extremists can be very violent: http://www.crosswalk.com/news/religiontoday/11559225/print/
  19. I was just poking fun at Christian extremists. Religious extremists are always annoying regardless of what religion they adhere to, with the exception of Bhuddist extremists.
  20. Looks like the ignorant asses of Fox News are getting in on this. http://kotaku.com/tag/mass-effect/ I really hate conservatives.
  21. Never underestimate the stupidity of religious fanatics. There is a good reason why sheep is often used as a metaphor in Christianity.
  22. Zombies are physical and make that satisfying crunch sound when you take a baseball bat to their skulls. For some odd reason you just don't get the same level of joy out of fighting spirits.
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