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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. it also looks like they made her face more feminine beats the first screenshot that chin of hers made jay lenno look normal dude thats weird sick and wrong on so many different levels
  2. maybe keeping in touch with your contacts they could let you know if anything is going on or keep in touch with party members if they go do something on there own I hated the fact that there was so much extra space not being used on the ebon hawk maybe a new inventory system could be used also maybe make some cash smuggling kolto spice various illegal items
  3. how about at space ports you can have someone repair the ebon hawk for a small fee 200, 500 creds maybe or if your experiance is high enough you or another npc could repair it
  4. thanks for replying to my question guess I'll just have to wait
  5. maybe you could use the holo pad in the center of the ebon hawk maybe talk to contacts on other planets also get an option to walk around the ebon hawk while between destinations and make items, practice minigames, patch up the ship till you get to a space port. also use some of the main cannons maybe have a couple of party members use the main cannons and if they are accurate or not depends on there skills
  6. yes it would be better to get a longer gaming exparience but with that it needs to hold intrest so it doesn't become monotonous and repetittive over a longer period of time
  7. Possibilities are endless, I don't know what the developers have planned neither does anyone else on this thread I was just saying " hey it could happen " I sorta saw a connection but I was just saying maybe I could be wrong or wright but nobody has gotten the written work from the lead writers yet and if you have send me a link but I was not saying that bastila for a fact was the blond haired chick aka atris I was just making a suggestion
  8. I think the devs said there would be
  9. Guess Im reading things wrong I thought you were referring to something else like above when I was talkingabout where they mentioned mystery girls name where I mentioned the cameo I did mean Bastila sorry for the screw up
  10. Iv'e heard about it not shure what it is but I would like to see it in action I just saved before I played each match jeez it took an hour to get finished ps:I was trying to say it took forever for her to admit you were superior
  11. It's also a long time to completion I think and hope we will get a much better final product
  12. from recent screenshots she looks different
  13. I was just wandering when they said master apprentice relationship could by any chance mean revan could be our master I would really like to know what happened. It leaves a big space for a ton of explanation, maybe a third installment has more to do with revan and his tale. Revan runnin of to to parts unknown maybe theres a reason
  14. your right silversun forgot to revise when I said " her name " in that last reply I was talking about the mystery girl that was on my end I didn't edit But still they don't mention anything on bastila or atris aka white haired chick it sorta gives an impression that there may be a connection they probably gave that name to toy with us :D
  15. Guess I liked lite side more because dark side you seemed like a petty crook. Maybe we can look at evil on a much larger scale in the future
  16. Revan was bad I'll miss playing as revan he was one of the cooler Sith Lords not soon enough I can't quit twitching
  17. Can you tell us about the special abilities of any of the new jedi classes?
  18. I have heard alot of people saying that it isnt bas but you can't deny the fact that the devs have said next to nothing about her. Correct me if im wrong but the only thing I have heard is her name in an article, and that has vanished mostly you hear "no comment" when it comes to bas or atris. if she is not a party member she will probably make a cameo appearance
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