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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. yeah why else make it teen its not going to be gushing blood or showing intestines run out when you cut someone in half even if you can cut someone in half
  2. also in the shop when you purchase hk
  3. season 3 wow didn't even know will that air on CN
  4. He popped back at hk once or twice sorta like an r2 3po thing
  5. yeah I just finish playing kotor for my 15th 16th time Im pretty shure he didn't kill her in fact in the game he was pretty torn up about it Ps: the bioboards, what are ya gonna do
  6. there was four or five videos from your pc running around on peragus one of them had you fighting her trying to kill her they have since been removed from the web site sorry they have removed them
  7. I agree Have you seen ign's video she is not that bad in fact looks better than the new shot I saw, again every thing looks better in motion
  8. Maybe he is like commander of sith special forces
  9. Im not shure what happened after the battle of exar kun it didn't really say anything but I know that if she died it wasn't by jolee's hand
  10. dude it doesnt take a nuclear scientist to figure out what you ment and again that is wierd sick and wrong
  11. I didn't know that I might pick up a copy of it when it hits shelves
  12. pretty shure he saide he should have but that she went on and killed numerous jedi
  13. reply: nope he didn't, he said he let her get away but he should have killed her I didn't here that she was killed in the final battle
  14. yep probably need to move on Idea how about kreia could she be jolee's wife with an alias she was never a real jedi that may be why she is in exile as well maybe maybe not
  15. ask about the code of the sith every last detail I don't want to spoil it for ya if you havent heard it
  16. I can't imagine that anyone would try that stunt ,Im willing to bet they're not making much money off of it. No way im paying 40 dollars just watch special footage or footage from ep 3 for that matter. I'll wait till it hits theaters or shelves either one ps check the databank for things relating to clone wars
  17. Im sure you guys remember the talk with yuthura, she mentions the sith'ari it is supposedly the perfect being perfect strength power to be truly command the force my words may not be exact but I heard the sith'ari would destroy the sith and make them more powerful something like that
  18. yep I just watched it a month ago online thats a pretty big fat rip but if you want info you can go to the star wars website and check out the databank
  19. Sorry my bad It's been 4 or 5 months since the last episode they must have just taken it down within the last month guess old lucas didn't want anyone else to see the new bad guy General Grievous
  20. a crap I new I spelled that wrong I ment sith'ari
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