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Decadency last won the day on August 4 2019

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About Decadency

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    (3) Conjurer
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    Ukraine (Kiev)
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  1. I asked in Obsidian's discord about your run. Maybe someone will help. Also as you did the second run and you like it more - maybe you wanna verify it instead?
  2. I'm sure there's some technical problem. Maybe try their discord or something else? Have you tried to tweet to @jesawyer?
  3. Check your spam mailbox maybe. They answered me in ~3 days. And verified it in 11 days.
  4. Anyway sc bloodmage looks too hard before you get Arkemyr's Grimoire. And it looks hard to get it.
  5. Sounds like it is a valid strat. Also you can forget doing bounties and start doing bosses earlier than you reach level 16.
  6. Wow... I thought you would take a rest from Deadfire after the Ultimate ) I've bought PoE1 on Switch Coming back to Dyrwood.
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