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Everything posted by basic_hitler

  1. i'm sure there is. i'm only trying to tell people that might is not synonymous with physical strength the way everyone is assuming. when i put might into a caster i don't imagine him pumping iron, because that's really dumb and is a misunderstanding of what "might" means. Google definition of might: might2 mīt/ noun noun: might great and impressive power or strength, especially of a nation, large organization, or natural force.
  2. might != strength. Being mighty does not mean you are a musclebound jock. Might is a a property of the mind and how one conducts oneself. You don't lift weights to cast a mighty fireball, you push the limits of your power/mind to make the fireball mighty. A mighty warrior may have the drive to work, be strong, and excell physically, but a mighty nerd can be merely a nerd who wields the knowledge he has in a powerful way. A mighty wizard in poe is the kind of guy who might set off a magic explosion and damn the consequences and collateral damage, but an intelligent wizard would hone less power into a more precise area of effect. There are so many situations where this matters- a wizards' AOE spells are a big chunk of the toolkit, and a low int wizard high might wizard pretty much has to yolo it and blow up the melee sometimes to get the job done. I'm just trying to help here. I don't do heavy RP but you can make this work if you let it, and you should try.
  3. The idea that spellpower and fighting prowess are linked to an internal drive separate from brawn and intellect is a pretty cool idea, philosophically speaking, and it makes for better gameplay honestly. Intellect being a stat that hones in the precision with which some abilities are performed is a neat idea. A mage with lots of might may well eradicate everything more effectively, but a smart mage can blow something up while honing the spell to protect his buddies. It's a neat idea. How can you hate it except as a mere break from the tradition of int being ~*ThE CaStEr StAt*~?
  4. In fairness, I don't think the twin elms content is up to par with anything that comes before, save for a few short moments. Without disclosing anything, 95% of what makes PoE good comes before Twin Elms, and that's assuming you play White March before reaching twin elms.
  5. I like the idea of Godlikes but I wish it was a bit more subtle, as has been suggested. It would've been cooler if being God-like was a series of traits with positives and negatives that you can toggle on an otherwise 'normal' kith during character creation. In Fallout 1/2/New Vegas there are traits with positive and negative attributes that change the way the game plays. From Logan's loophole, to Small Frame and Gifted, all of which offered some neat perks and cool drawbacks. I think having pronounced godlike features could give you certain magic affinities, or combat prowess, at the cost of social interactions. Not just losing dialog options, but as people are afraid of you, or assume the worst, they may flee or become immediately hostile sometimes. More mild godlike features could've meant less interesting bonuses but less costly drawbacks. Fire and death godlikes looking like straight up demons or monsters sucks, but being "death touched" or "fire touched" and having visible but not completely appearance-changing traits of the gods would be more interesting and offer more possibilities I think.
  6. I know that Obsidian is three or four steps above Bioware in their ability to write a story or make a game but I would hope that any romance or deep companion relationships are handled with restraint and open disdain for the types of 'shippers and other fanfic writers out there. I frankly find the obsession that Bioware fans have over who they can romance to be kind of creepy and Bioware's dedication to administering a thick enema of fan service to these weirdos was the first sign of a problem with the company, and I absolutely don't want anything close to a Bioware type romance in this game. I know Obsidian is way better than that, as I've said, I just really want to say it out loud. The way Witcher 3 handled romance between Triss and Yennifer is closer to something I would consider reasonable and maybe even desirable, since even the goofy elements of witcher 3 are far more developed and mature than bioware fanfic romance shlock, and even if you don't like W3 romance, it's not like that stuff made the game worse by being a part of it. That's the best I can hope for PoE2 romance options, that it doesn't cheapen the game by having it. PoE1 is a really strong game with interesting and sympathetic sidekicks and it was actually refreshing for hunks like Eder to JUST be companions.
  7. Unless I missed an option I'm pretty sure backer NPCs won't be coming back, but no offense to you guys who bought a PoE1 character, your writing style was and character backgrounds were not up to par with the rest of the story. When I started playing I didn't understand why there were all these NPCs with bizarre and bad lore behind them that did nothing. I had to figure out they were a backer reward and the text was written by random people who paid to have their RP character inserted into the game. When you don't know what's going on with those NPCs and that they're not necessary to the game, you keep reading them, and they ruin immersion, and they make the game lesser for their presence. I was just kind of a jerk to the backers who paid for those NPCs and I'm sorry, thank you for supporting a great game so generously, but please understand that taken as a whole, those NPCs kind besmirched an otherwise very cool game. I hope I don't see anything like that in PoE 2. Any backer rewards that allow them to put content into the game, I hope is thoroughly reviewed and edited to fit into the world, and not just a copy+paste of whatever the backer submitted like in PoE 1.
  8. I think the games should be built with a solo experience in mind, but I also think that building in a robust co-op OPTION would be cool. So, Divinity: Original Sin handles co-op really well. Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 handles co-op very poorly. all the campaigns assume a co-op setup and as such you're forced to deal with a dumb AI in its absence. I know it's a different genre, but co-op would be a cool idea as an optional addition to the game, but not as something the game is built from the ground up to be focused around. I want to be able to host a game on my save, and invite a friend to jump in and allow me to assign control 1-3 of my party members or something. I don't want a story to be written around the conciet of playing a game with someone else. That's where modern games fall apart to me. I like isometric RPGs a lot, and I like playing them alone, but I think the experience can work with a friend. I don't think it would work with a pubbie/stranger at all though. PoE is a style of game that requires good communication and cooperation if you were going to have a good time with co-op. If you just had a rando drop in and start playing above or below your skill level, or merely with a different playstyle, that would suck and it would be pointless. I'm getting long-winded but the point I want to emphasize is how it would be cool as a little bonus feature. Something that works completely from a gameplay standpoint, but things like story and dialog remain unaffected by.
  9. Honestly I would love co-op multiplayer similar to something like Divinity: Original Sin, where dialog is selected through RPS or some other mechanic. I know it would feel kind of shoehorned and may not work with the lore to have TWO Very Special People With Special Powers And Destinies but I would honestly have a lot of fun if I could join a friend, and do Path Of The Damned difficulty while dividing up responsibilities between me and a buddy. Some kind of lore-less drop-in multiplayer co-op would be cool as heck in my opinion. I know it will never happen, but that's what this thread is for right? It would encourage proper purchases too, cut down on piracy if people had a reason to buy a copy to play with each-other.
  10. I don't entirely disagree with your post, but I want to hammer on this point a bit. It's true that chanters shine over time, moreso than others, but I hardly consider this a bad thing. There are some fairly long fights in this game. On upper difficulties in PoE1, There are a few named/Boss fights that test your ability to time and use abilities, and the Chanter absolutely shines here. I like to use an off-tank chanter. In this scenario, when your wizard has started to expend his useful spells, priests are down to their early-level casts, or mobs are starting to break off and nibble on your ranged guys, a chanter is just there pounding along singing with joy, and in RP mode this is a morale boost for sure, but in the numbers game, his summons and abilities are picking up the DPS/control slack as a good number of your other people start running out of abilities. The chanter's power over time is definitely inverted compared to a wizard or any other ability-heavy class (aside from a cipher maybe), but it's absolutely excellent to have a class that builds up over time while your other party members are starting to drop off. I've beaten a few fights by the skin of my teeth and you'd better believe it was the chanter that got me through to the end.
  11. I have a 30% coupon I don't need. I'm reserving for friends for now, but so far there's little interest. Does this forum have private messaging? If so, first PM gets it. If not first quote gets it. Tyranny is a really fun game and I recommend it at any price, i'm happy to make sure more people enjoy it
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