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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. BF3 sold 16 million copies, I'm sure the sequel will be profitable, but they and a few others are the exception, and it's getting way too expensive to be that exception
  2. http://www.gamespot.com/features/beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-destroyer-6406923/ interesting article, it might be time to go back to old skool 2D
  3. Can someone please explain Chen Lin better, I still have a hard time understanding why he was alive and dead, was his dead body also pulled through the tear and merged with the alive one? Elizabeth says he rembers being dead and I don't get that part
  4. How are graphics, are they better than the first game? because they don't seem like it to me in screenshots
  5. So I'm guessing it's you don't like how the game story takes a huge multiverse theory and wraps its variables and outcomes strictly around a few characters and calls it a day, I guess I can see that
  6. But Elizabeth "sees all the doors at all times" she'd be the only indicator if Comstock is truly dead or not
  7. The fact that it sees the death of booker at that point as the be all, end all solution to the comstock problem.
  8. There's nothing in Bioshock: Infinite or logical deduction to suggest this is the case. It's absolutist ending suggests this. lol we can probably debate forever on this, I've seen threads on other forums about the ending go up to 300 pages. It's probably what the devs wanted, and one of the reasons they called it Infinitie
  9. Well Booker's goal was to completely kill all the Comstocks from all the branches. The way bioshocks multiverses are connected like tree branches means you need to chop off the very moment before the tainted Comstock branch even sprouts. Waiting for comstock to be born before killing him means a piece of the tainted Comstock branch will still exist on the tree, something Booker did not want. Remember, all of the Elizabeths from all of the corrupted realities came together at this very point of the branch to do this. I don't think the choice of whether booker dies or not even exists; he does die here. The branch's diverting point then gets rolled back to whether or not he even went to the baptism's location in the first place. If he doesn't go, we get to the reality like the one after the credits; him and his baby daughter with no Comstock to take her away. If in some way he is able to reason with the girls and convince them not to drown him, then perhaps he could still go through with the baptism, and the girls convince him to be reborn into actually a good and better person instead?
  10. Why not? Where is this "supposed to" coming from? No, she doesn't kill all of them, she kills one DeWitt before they branch off. One major plot hole is if she can do that, at that point, why not a few minutes later and only kill all the Comstocks, not the DeWitts. Because once Comstock even exists, so branches all the multiple realities where she doesn't kill him, killing booker before hand prevents comstock from existing and branching out at all
  11. Only the Comstock-raised Elizabeth is dead, she is now only a baby again and will be raised by booker (hopefully)
  12. She only killed Comstock, booker still lives on after the credits
  13. We have post your screenshots, post your pc specs, in this thread you can post your smartphones and tablets! You don't have to post picture either just describing is fine For my phone I currently use a 64GB white iPhone 5, with custom black accents The back has custom leather vinyl also My tablet is a 16GB Android Nexus 7 (currently playing DosBox)
  14. A friend actually gifted it to me on April 1st. He said it was really cool and underrated
  15. Tried Aliens Colonial Marines, uninstalled very quickly lol
  16. You'll appreciate one scene in the ending more if you play through the first game
  17. If you have an android tablet or device you can install dosbox on it and run World of Xeen off of that
  18. Just get World of Xeen off of abandonware sites it's still epic
  19. I'm 20% through it and its same as hard except there's barely any money around and it costs too much to respawn, might as well just reload checkpoint when you die. That's also what bugs me, this is not true 1999 mode because there are no quick saves!
  20. Blast from the past now in HD
  21. Can we talk spoilers in here
  22. Trying to get into Starcraft multiplayer, but it's mega brutal, any tips for noobs like me
  23. If you look at the original Epic Mickey concept art, it was going to be very epic and cool, but then it got dumbed down back into disney standards http://www.joystiq.com/photos/epic-mickey-concept-art/#/0
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