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Posts posted by Bokishi



    Rubacava was fun enough for me that exploring every nook and cranny was enjoyable, was truly sad when Year 2 ended. Never did like 3 or 4 that much.

    Maybe cryptic was the wrong word; just that there's so much to wrap your head around , before you get to solving anything. I mean it's fun revisiting everything again, don't get me wrong
    Oh ok, was more questioning what was your difficulty so I could help possibly.

    That's ok, I cheated through the game with the strategy guide back in 1998, when I was a kid. Since I forgot most of the puzzles now, I'm doing a playthrough without any help to finally do this game justice

  2. Rubacava was fun enough for me that exploring every nook and cranny was enjoyable, was truly sad when Year 2 ended. Never did like 3 or 4 that much.

    Maybe cryptic was the wrong word; just that there's so much to wrap your head around , before you get to solving anything. I mean it's fun revisiting everything again, don't get me wrong

  3. The insane amount of chromatic aberration in all those UE4 demo Oculus Rift images makes me dizzy and a little bit sick, and I've worn glasses most of my life, so I'm used to chromatic aberration, though not generally at such absurdly pronounced levels. Is the effect that noticeable when you're looking through the rift or does it just look that pronounced in split images? Also, is it just as pronounced in that demo or does that happen in all the games? Because if the effect is that strong looking through the rift I doubt I'd last 20 minutes before either developing a vicious headache or throwing up.

    Chromatic aberration is needed to correct distortion and discoloration that the rift lenses cause. The split images you see are the entire fov. You are mainly focusing at the middle of the image, while the lenses curve the image around your eye, making it look "correct". Edge blur is just out of your eyesight

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  4. I've tried to kill the the fast night zombies in Dying Light by sneaking up on them from behind to score a few hits followed by uv flashlight and some more melee. But seems I just don't have the weapons and skills for that yet. On another note human enemies are pretty tricky.



    Disabled the film grain effect in Dying Light by messing with the files. I like the game better this way. This should really be in the options menu.

    Which line in the ini?


    I'm really enjoying the game btw, hopefully I won't end up overpowered as most of the fun comes from surviving.



    What Keyrock said. This may be a little clearer though:


    1. Go to Dying light located in your steam library folder: C: Program Files 86 / Steam / SteamApps/ Common/ Dying Light / DW

    2. With WinRar Installed open Data0.pak and extract it to


    3. Then Open the out folder. You will see additional folders of data/logs/settings.

    4. Got to Data/ Scripts / and look for varlist_noise.scr

    5. Open notepad

    6. Drag the varlist_noise.scr file into it and change the 0.15 to 0.00. Hit save and leave the the Data0.pak where it is.



    Thanks for this, that grain was causing major nausea on the rift for me. Now Dying Light is more playable

  5. Here is the apartment demo if anyone else wants to try it, it doesn't need rift



    Controlling in the rift is the same as controlling without it, with wasd or xbox controller. The only exception is panning the view up and down is disabled as you can do that with your head. You can even stand and walk around a bit and the positional camera will track your location, you are limited however by the range of the camera. Upcoming things like the omni treadmill will allow real stationary walking, but i might skip the bulky first gen versions of such devices.


    I can play for 2 hours perfectly fine in most compatible apps. Dying Light is the first game to make me sick however, and I need to take breaks every 30 mins. However its rift implementation is very incomplete, so I try to avoid looking around with my head too much, and I close my eyes during the cutscenes and crazy acrobatics lol

  6. How is dying light. I was kinda hoping for what Dead Island should have been. In the gameplay vids it looks like a lot of running and parkour with turbo zombies.


    Yes it feels like a combination of Dead island and Titanfall lol

  7. The reason the original trilogy story was good, was because production was able to say no to George, and suggest to him that some of his story ideas needed improving. When making the sucky prequels, George was seen as god-like and nobody said no to him

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