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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. If you want 60hz 4K I recommend a monitor 37"-40" because any smaller and the Windows UI and websites becomes so annoyingly small and hard to read. Also windows ppi scaling is pretty shoddy compared to OS X. This thing has about the same ppi as the 30" 2560x monitor, only the extra pixels were used to make 10 more inches of screen space.


    Sitting at normal distance, the screen completely fills your view, sort of like an oculus rift. Typing is ok since its text is the same size as any other monitor, only there's more screen space. Games are awesome as I've never seen them this big and clear, it's like looking through a window

  2. I delete that Nvidia GE stuff too; I already know what my card is capable of, I don't need software telling me what to run things as. Witcher 3 is the official GTX 970 showcase game, and runs great on mine with everything ultra. I get some lag when I zoom into Geralts hair physics though...

  3. Do the world borders eventually disappear? Because I was reading all these reviews and previews saying how this is the biggest open world ever


    Edit: nvm I found this on reddit. Apparently the area in bottom right corner is your starting place, and then you get transferred to the big world



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