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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Yeah in PC Tomb Raider, the XBone textures are actually considered the low setting lol


    I get 30fps in Witcher 3 with these mods (you may get more if you're not playing in 4K). I also tweak the Reshade a bit with extra film grain and sharpness.












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  2. 980ti with water cooler mod. I'm able to run it with a pretty nasty overclock, and since it no longer heat throttles, I'm getting near GTX 1080 performance, which is why I decided to hold off and wait for 1080ti instead. All my screenshots I'm getting very playable fps.


    However I did do an experiment with Tomb Raider, where you run the game at 5K (nvidia supersampling mode) and the game unlocks additional graphics on the face, like better shine and detail. Although its not playable for me (only 20fps). Maybe the additional graphics are meant for future cards that laugh at 5K 






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  3. I never understood the concept of frenemies until Bokishi posted his first 4k screenshot. At the same time I thought: "Wow this is really cool. I hope he keeps posting these." And deep in my soul I knew I would never hate anyone more than I hated Bokishi and his computer right then and there.


    Kiro-chan I still play Dark Forces 2 in 320x240 like I did in 1999, I'll post screenies of that soon =]


    Newer games have photo mod .dll injectors that allow DSLR-like camera controls. Combine that with Reshade for filters and exposure adjustments, and you have some cool stuff. (all shots were taken during gameplay, not cut-scenes)









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