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Posts posted by Bokishi


    http://www.brookings...&_hsmi=32073053More information about Russian interference in the US election, the part below I find particularly interestingThe leaked DNC emails have already cost Debbie Wasserman Schultz her chairmanship of the DNC. Julian Assange threatened in a June interview that the leaks would lead to Hillary Clinton’s arrest. There is certainly nothing close to that in this batch of emails, and there is reason to doubt the validity of Assange’s claim; he has wildly exaggerated about the content of leaks in the past and there are strategic reasons to lead major leaks with the most damaging information. But we are almost certain to see a number of leaks aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton over the coming weeks and months.This means, put simply, that actors outside the U.S. are using criminal means to influence the outcome of a U.S. election. That’s a problem.The question before us now is how to construct a response to mitigate damage to our democratic institutions.

    When our own government refuses to keep our politicians honest, we have to outsource it to the Russians. Foreigners - doing the jobs Americans won't do.

    Seriously, don't be corrupt and there will be nothing to leak.

  2. In the end I think it doesn't much matter what Bernie wants now or what he's doing since I don't see how on earth Bernie could possibly be picked now. All the same, super curious what exactly his angle is with endorsing Hillary.

    Most likely a nice payoff

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