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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Been level 30 in Division for a week now. Right now dps is 155k and with 55k health. My new goal is 200k dps, which I heard is very possible; just need more golds


    Also just finished Fallout 4 Automatron dlc. It was very short and easy, even on survival, due to me having max robot hacking skill (I could shut every bot down). Building custom bots will keep me playing however


    Division is basically Destiny with Tom Clancy military tactics. There's even a soft cap level 30, and having to grind for gear to continue ranking up

    So there's one shot kills ?

    Perhaps if you are a high level and you shoot lower level bots. I'm at lvl 12 right now and every same level npc is a bullet sponge (destiny style). Especially in the Dark Zone, where all the good loot is at

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