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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Lol this thing turns a lot of heads, it's been a real crowd pleaser today


    It's a watch that can barely do what the cheapest smartphone can do and can only hold juice for a day

    It's not supposed to replace a smartphone, it's more of a companion to one; for looking at information quickly

  2. Had some nice playtime with sorophx the last past days.  :yes:  Special greets to you.


    Also met Bokishi today in game and as soon as i reached him i had the cops on my back up to level 5.

    I killed so many cops, my skill in counting wasn't enough. Really, this guy is crazy. Better stay away or get a big weapon and kevlar.

    We ended up in an airplane and on the top he just jumped out of it and said something about parachutes. Damn, I didn't event know

    how to use the parachute nor how to fly the airplane.  :aiee:  If it was real life I would be really upset (and dead) but in game it was

    pretty fun.  :biggrin:


    See you guys soon, I would recommend joining the "Obsidian"-crew to everyone.  :-

    Haha awesome, just left click mouse to parachute

  3. Hey Guys!


    I'm on the crew!


    Also, I have a Small proposition to make:


    I know the name of the crew is Obsidian Ninjas, but I made a really cool Emblem, and would like to share.


    If you guys want to use it, It would be cool:




    I'm going to play now, if you guys want to join me!


    My rockstar sc and steam id are the same: RodWarrior


    How do I use your emblem?

  4. F12 for steam screenshot, maybe print screen for non steam, or use fraps

    GTA 4 was a mess lol, it was a sloppy port, buggy slow, and had three layers of DRM, with steam, gfwl, and social club. GTA 5 is not a port, it was built from ground up for PC

    I just did a 2 man heist with sorophx. Would be great to get 4 together to tackle the humane heist (most epic), or the final big bank heist (most money). I can start any heist in any order since I beat them all on Xbox already

  5. Anyone can play anyone. On XBone I was in heists with a guy from England for instance. Yeah I'll go set up a pc crew for us soon. If we are in the same crew we can spawn in at the same lobby automatically. Also play online with a KEYBOARD and MOUSE. You are at an aiming disadvantage with a controller


    I been playing GTA 5 in the Oculus Rift; it got some support today via a hack. It's not true VR yet, but I'm playing it in 3D with some head tracking, which is kinda cool





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