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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. I had the Shield Portable, pc gamestream was spotty at the start, even when I upgraded my router to 5g. It did get patched months later, and gamestream was so smooth that I beat the entire Dark Souls 2 on it. I sold it after I got the shield tablet, which is 3x more powerful. But yes PC gamestream is very smooth on the portable and does not lag, but it only streams good on 5g wifi routers

  2. Since I have no "portable platforms," pardon my sheer ignorance, but how easy/difficult is it to play a game like Kotor on a phone? I mean, what does one do for controls? Plug in a mouse? Touchpad tapping (which I have a difficult time seeing how to play certain games with)?



    No you just swipe left or right to turn the view, swipe up or down to move forward or backwards. Any buttons or prompts you just tap those. It's pretty controllable once you get used to it. It also helps if your phone has a bigger screen


    I had a really good run in COD AW last night, got 3x 600pt kill streaks in a single match. I equipped the 2nd auto rifle with a laser, and the perk that let's you shoot while running, and hipfire shot everyone. The rifles basically have no recoil, unlike the smg's that have horrible recoil


    Really?  That was one of my issues with the AW guns compared to previous CoD games (MW2, I'm looking at you).  I find the recoil is pretty bad when you're shooting at distance.  I'll hit a guy once, but the gun will "bounce" and so I'll have trouble lining up the second shot.  In MW2, I'd line up a guy in a building with my SCAR and unload three or four shots with the red dot barely even moving from his head after each shot.


    Which guns are you using? I prefer these two. I'm more short to medium range shooter. The one at the bottom usually kills them off in a 4 round burst, so there's no need to realign a shot. I use the fore-grip attachment, I believe it helps a little bit on recoil





  4. I had a really good run in COD AW last night, got 3x 600pt kill streaks in a single match. I equipped the 2nd auto rifle with a laser, and the perk that let's you shoot while running, and hipfire shot everyone. The rifles basically have no recoil, unlike the smg's that have horrible recoil

  5. I heard that the lag in Unity was only due to the day one patch. People reinstalled the game without the patch and the game ran perfect. It seems to be running alright for me now, so I probably won't bother with doing that. Not to mention that all the performance issues will probably get patched out soon.


    But wow does this game look next gen. I've never seen so many crowds like this in a videogame before. There's always like 400-2000 people in your view at all times when wandering the streets. There are also areas later in the game with 12000 people

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  6. Yeah the ac unity lag on the XBone is pretty bad, it needs a patch. But my god, I just entered Paris, and my jaw dropped; the scale is off the charts. Thousands and thousands of people rioting everywhere in this huge ass historic city. You can walk inside many buildings, it really feels next gen. Now they just need to patch the lag

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