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Posts posted by Bokishi


    Trying some Dead Souls 2 and... it is annoying the hell out of me. Seriously. It's a huge grind and if you do a wrong step the game forces you to repeat everything again. Ehw. I don't mind hard, but this feels unfair at times.


    Dark Souls 2, I think you mean.


    Look at it this way. In any other game, you die and all progress is lost since your last save however much time ago. In Souls games, you die, and all major enemies are still dead, all loot is still found and in your hands, all shortcuts are unlocked, and your souls are near the last place you died, still up for grabs.


    These games are much more lenient than you'd think

    Not to mention if you're stuck on a boss, you can always just summon another player to help kill them for you


    Dark Souls, yeah. Sorry. :> I don't have a box, just downed it via PSN, because I am lazy.Thing is, if I died again before picking up my stuff again, it is gone (the souls). Think I've lost like 2000 or what souls in the beginning already. Since then I am laming it out with grinding the hell out of everything.It doesn't exactly help that I suck at playing games with controller. So more than once I've died already just by falling from a cliff or doing some crappy button presses when in combat. Meh.

    Try losing 100k souls like I did before lol. In any case there are rings you acquire later on that can help guard against soul loss

  2. Dead Souls 2? I finished Dark Souls 2 and found it easier than the first one, mainly because after you kill an enemy 10 times he no longer respawns. Yes that kind of makes for a grind but it took me 90 hours to finish, and I still have yet to start NG+ because I'm still clearing out the optional bosses and dlc areas. Overall it's a game that will keep you busy

  3. Any strike team I took to the Nexus Hive Mind boss always ended up rage quitting, until I invested in the Titan defense sub class and the ability to spawn shield bubbles, with helps tons against mobs. Currently rocking some queens wrath legendary gear but dreading the final upgrade tier and tracking those damn ascendant shards

  4. Level 24 Titan in Destiny, thinking of starting a warlock. Also I still haven't finished the story yet, stopped midway through Mars. Not sure if it's worth it to continue, since my current gear is probably better than what finishing the story gives you

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