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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. The Surge 2. I've successfully cleared Gideon's Rock (a park). The vegetation and nanites were slightly problematic, because the former hid many (most of) optional paths and the later happened to cause damage if I stood in it. There were several NPCs with quests. The most remarkable was the garden droid - it asked me to collect and plant 5 seeds (I spent about 15 minutes looking for the last one, which was on top of the hub) and gave me a staff as the reward. The boss of the area was the nanite beast from the tutorial area. During the first attempt I discovered that my PC did not particularly liked the boss or the arena (I blame particle effects). Thus, after careful consideration I turned on the aggressive dynamic resolution mode. The first phase of the battle was fairly easy - the boss had large hitboxes and slow attacks, so as long as I had stamina, it was safe. The second phase was much harder, mostly because the boss' hitbox changed and I was plainly unable to hit it and ended up using the drone. The third phase required me to use charged attacks and I realized it (looked up a guide) only on my second attempt. Then there was another vision of the kid and the boss - Athena had sent it to save the PC. I did not know that she could control it nor that it was at the detention facility specifically to get me out. Besides the weapon, the boss dropped its brain. I was to deliver it to the CREO Institute of Technology. The entrance was within the area, so there was no reason to delay. I could not find the other hunters, the non-hostile ones, which was odd, considering that we had agreed to share the reward. At the CIT I finally met Jonah Guttenberg, I had heard of him in The Surge 1 and assumed that he had died. For obvious reasons the area around him was marked as non-combat. Guttenberg asked me to rescue his granddaughter, Athena, who apparently was held at the A.I.D. Command Center with other children. So it was my next destination. Tales of Aravorn: Seasons of the Wolf. Act III was somehow more engaging than the previous two - the structure was clearer and there were less trash mobs. Also Legendary (unique) weapon started to appear. Edit. The Surge 2. I've cleared the A.I.D. Command Center. "Cleared" as in "slaughtered everything remotely hostile, grabbed everything that was not nailed down, completed every quest available". One of the NPC I've met turned out to be the protagonist of the first game, Warren. He did not participate in combat, but his quest chain has been great so far (uncovering what and why had happened). I finally found the Force Hook, only to realize that there was also a Lift Hook, thus I could travel only down exo-lines, not upwards. The force hook was at the highest point of the area and this tool was necessary to reach the boss. An NPC near the med-station asked me to give him the hook and warned that I would have to get another one at the same point as the first. That was unexpected, but with all shortcuts unlocked another run through the area was much faster. From the narrative standpoint, the area was depressing. Athena was the last surviving child in the center. The thing I don't understand is why she needed a human to save her, if she could control that nanite beast, which was arguably stronger. Then I went to face the boss, Major General Ezra Shields. There were two scenes before the battle. I suppose, they were meant to inspire to brutally murder the general. That part did not go as planned - the target had power armor. A really sturdy large suit with a flamethrower, a laser and a mini-gun. All of them regenerated, if destroyed. I managed to separate them, the armor still was at the arena and shot at me. The general himself used only power gloves and had another armor suit, fortunately, normal-sized. After many attempts I defeated him (my first "hardcore" kill), only to see Athena dying. Also there was a warning before the boss battle about it being a point-of-no-return. Not exactly immersive, but really nice. The Surge 2 has infuriatingly hard, proper bosses. I somehow missed it.
  2. The Surge 2. (pretty low settings) No gory intro this time. I admire the level design - large green arrows that fit the setting. Little Johnny defeated. It feels a bit ironic to play a game about a city on lockdown now. Captain Cervantes defeated. There was a similar thing in DS. Delver defeated.
  3. The Surge 2. Defeated Little Johnny. It took much longer, than I had hoped, and in the end I used turrets to destroy the cooling tanks on his body, because I could not reach them myself. Then I spent half an hour running around the area and looking for the entrance to the Underground I saw earlier. To proceed it required a tool I did not have yet, so I returned to the main quest - reporting Johnny's death to his brother who had requested it. The reward was another boss battle, this time against Eli and two other cultists. It became very obvious that I was supposed to directionally parry his attacks, which I could not do reliably, so I kept dodging and carefully counter-attacking. Unfortunately, I killed Eli before I managed to cut off his right hand and, most likely, missed the chance to obtain his weapon. The interconnectivity is as high as in the first game, judging by the first two locations - there was a single med-station ("bonfire") and a lot of shortcuts. Though, it was hard to remember where to go. Edit. Tales of Aravorn: Seasons Of The Wolf. It is VN/RPG from the developers of Loren. I've reached Act III, which, I assume, about 50-60% of the game. The story seems smaller - nothing particularly epic or significant, the art became more realistic. It also has randomized colour-coded loot in abundance, which I strongly dislike. There seems to be more combat and management in general - HP does not restore after battles and there are time limits for side quests. And sounds in combat are somehow off. I can't say that I like it as much as Loren, but it could be worse, I suppose.
  4. The Surge 2. I've successfully reached the Seaside Court. TS2 is a souls-like, but there are several notable differences - an actual quest log, crafting system (getting schematics first, then components to actually craft an armor piece), rechargable "Estus flask" (in combat you generate energy, which can be used to generate injectables), leveling system (Power level determines how much armor and implants you can use). The Seaside Court itself was a combat-free zone, so I did not worry about accidentally hitting NPCs, though the inability to mess with the story was not encouraging. From what I understand, at the end of TS1 the nanites were launched, somehow infected one city and the city is on lockdown. The PC's plane crashed when it happened and there were only two survivors - the PC and a random girl, whose luck apparently was better - she got some super-abilities from the nanites.
  5. I suppose, people carefully choose the information to share, regardless of the medium, be it online forums or meatspace. I think, I've successfully adapted to the quarantine, as I fell asleep at work and reached my normal level of exhaustion and apathy. My clients became more active, so I had to work slightly longer than I expected, which made up for the time I slept. Today I've completed a body-weight workout (pushups, leg raises, crunches, squats, lounges, calf raises) and attempted drawing, which reminded me why I mostly do B&W sketches (might be NSFW).
  6. I've finished my 2nd playthrough of Loren: The Amazon Princess and thinking about purchasing the next part, Season of the Wolf (sequel?) or Cursed Lands (prequel?). Not sure, which one I should play first, so additional information would be welcome.
  7. Anima: Gate of Memories; Alpha Protocol; Beyond Good & Evil; Contrast; Dex; Dishonored; Double Cross; Loren: The Amazon Princess; Mars: War Logs (or any other game by Spiders); Prince of Persia; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
  8. Okami HD. Completed the game. Loren: The Amazon Princess. Started the second playthrough, this time as a warrior. The PC's survivability increased, as warrior's HP and damage depend on one stat, unlike rogue's.
  9. I quite liked it (3 playthroughs). Combat encounters were rare, but meaningful and diverse. While there were few option for visual customization of the avatar (only gender and equipment), there were many (9?) combinations of classes and skills. Dialogue option allowed a lot of RP and the alignment system was somehow better than the classic D&D (though, alignment systems in general don't work well in games, telling every NPC you meet your motivation is weird). The only negative aspect I can recall is skill checks in dialogues - if I have 10% to succeed, I will succeed.
  10. Loren: The Amazon Princess. Okami So I used Inferno (they did not burn) and spent next 15 minutes trying to find the required brush technique (which I already had).
  11. Loren: The Amazon Princess. I've completed the game with the normal and DLC endings. The important thing that the in-game tutorials had not mentioned (or I forgot) was that it was possible to change equipment during combat (I discovered it only at the beginning of the third chapter), so by the end I had five elemental and several normal swords and was actively switching between them. Not sure, if it was by design. Also I was able to get the "Alone" achievement. For some reason, only 2.6% of players have it. Okami. I successfully restored all cherry trees in Sei'An after looking for the last one for ~15 minutes in both quarters. It was on the head of the NPC who gave me the quest. Somehow Issun started to annoy me more than before, though considering that the PC is a wolf, I understand that there had to be a talking NPC nearby.
  12. The park I used to jog in was closed, so I jogged around the park yesterday. Considering that it rather early (2-3 AM) I was surprised to see people near a 24/7 fast-food restaurant. The work has been less active - most of my clients are closed. I switched from the netbook to a VM. Apparently, the default Microsoft drivers for Win10 do not support HDMI and it was rather inconvenient to try to find the right ones with the netbook. So, now I have the VM running on the second monitor, which I was able to connect to my main PC. Somehow the current level of social interactions and, more importantly, the expectations of social interactions feels much more comfortable. The only thing I miss is the gym - I don't have enough equipment at home (a pair of dumbbells (4kg) and a fitness mat), so I've been trying to do body-weight exercises with relative success. I could not find any back exercises, except wide-grip pushups.
  13. Spoilers for NieR 1. I suppose, NieR 1 better subverted the hero's journey trope (not sure, if Automata tried to do so) and subsequent "playthroughs" (technically, it was one playthrough, but some parts were awfully similar) were less irritating, due to the fact that enemies and especially bosses did not scale, so by the third run, it required 2-3 minutes to deal with each one and move on. Also not being forced to play as a support character was great (I do strongly dislike 9S).
  14. Loren: The Amazon Princess. It is a visual novel with turn-based combat and Loren is not the protagonist. So far, I am still at the first chapter, but the story and lore look interesting. Okami HD. I defeated Orochi and acquired my first sword. This multistage boss battle felt much more engaging, than the previous ones.
  15. The goal is to connect remotely to the work PC with the minimal risk to the home PC (despite my willingness to go to the office, it is not possible right now). There are several applications that have to be running on the work PC specifically and I must be logged in. I successfully created a VM with as little additional software as possible (Win10x64, Avast, TeamViewer, Mozilla Firefox). So far Avast hasn't discovered any threats.
  16. I have an unsecure network (2 ransomware viruses in 2 years, Win7, half of the PCs does not have any antivirus software) I have to connect to. What is the safest option? My spare netbook does not work well enough to do anything (1GB of RAM). So I am trying to set up a VM (VMWare Workstation 12 Player). Is it reasonable?
  17. I successfully practiced social distancing while jogging. There were less people in the park, than usual, but more, than I had expected (Sunday, 7 AM, cold). The OS upgrade went somehow successful - now the netbook uses Win10, but I forgot to keep specific drivers and now got stuck with the 800x600 display resolution. I did manage to install an antivirus, a browser (MS Edge does not count) and TeamViewer and connect to my work PC. I tried to set up the monitor I had used with my PS3 (the PSP-shaped one), but for some reason neither my main PC nor the netbook were able to detect it. The HDMI cable looks undamaged, and it had worked with Wii U (several years ago) just fine, so I am at a loss what is wrong.
  18. Avadon: The Black Fortress. It might not be the prettiest RPG I've played, but I do like its writing. (Spoilers for the end-game). God Eater 3. The final DLC has been released. Regalia Balmung. The Crimson Ashlands. These missions seem harder with AI-partners, because they cannot adapt to the conditions and requirements (at the upper right corner - the party can cause damage only when AT is active).
  19. Thank you for the information. I have the Obsidian Edition on GOG. I remember that the platform allows to choose between versions, though my Backer DLC is bound to Steam.
  20. I dug up my old netbook (Asus Eee PC), which I have not used for years, and attempting to install Win10 on it. I am not fond of the idea of working from home, but it seems there's little choice. The netbook meets the minimum requirements for the OS (1GB RAM), so I am quite optimistic.
  21. Avadon: The Black Fortress. I've completed the game with the less violent main ending. I have tried to kill Redbeard after, but he was spamming the soul jars too quickly, so eventually the party ran out of consumables. Tried the same with cheats, it still took half an hour. Somehow ironically, actions that had not affected the story during the game (or I had not noticed) determined specific outcomes for the regions. Okami. I successfully reached the Sasa Sanctuary and acquired another Celestial Brush technique.
  22. I bought it at Neketaka during my first, second (completionist) and third (critical path only) playthroughs, as well. The hull turned into 5 logs in the last, "Ultimate", update, regardless of the act. On the bright side, I purchased another copy of the game on GOG to be able to roll this ..most undesirable change back in my next playthrough, if I ever decide to replay PoEII (not impossible, but unlikely, considering the game's length - 80-100 hours).
  23. Haven (Demo). It seems to be a nice action-adventure (the RPG tag on the store page is incorrect), with optional co-op (unavailable in the demo). There are good graphics, soundtrack and VA, rather simple combat and crafting. Dialogues don't seem to affect anything and it was somehow odd to be able to choose (very limited) replies for both protagonists. I did not quite understand the combat, but I did beat the boss at the end of demo. After the finishing attack ("Pacify"), the boss stopped glowing red and became an (non-interactive) NPC. I suppose, this relatively non-violent outcome fits the game well. Avadon: The Black Fortress. I have not played the previous games from this developer, so I can't compare, but Avadon seems alright so far (the graphics and interactivity could be better, of course). I think I am getting close to the end-game - the party reached level 28 (the level cap is 30), all regions were visited several times, one companion quest left.
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