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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Dragonskin fades https://www.blackravenarmoury.co.uk/product-category/armours/odinson/ Just beautiful to look at really
  2. I don't want to look at the forums but I'm guessing it's getting ripped to shreds by the public because of that fact?
  3. But I DID know it, I said it way before the release and was right. It's no secret that Obsidian has some of the buggiest releases in history, just as buggy as Bethesda lol There were two things that made this a no-brainer for me, the scope of the game and the fact that the development cycle was troubled and very un-focused. The first sign was the multi-class system
  4. I see, but to be fair, there isn't really a difference between his fanboying and the fanboying we usually see here. His logged hours and achievements are a testement though, at least, if that means anything
  5. Everyone seems to be saying it's good from what I can tell but everyone is also experiencing tye same issue - widespread bugs. The excuse is: "It's a huge game, we shouldn't expect expect it not to" but the fact that it has more bugs now than it did before the delay voids that excuse. As usual, I was right, and boy do I hate being right all the time.
  6. Typically I don't either but since this is a game I've invested in and the guy actually knows what he's talking about, I found it pretty insightful. Edit: It also helps that he doesn't seem too biased, well not enough to leave out the cons anyway Edit 2: This is a positive Steam review by the way... (so nobody thinks this is negative review.) That's my point, I don't think he does know what he's talking about I'm guessing you didn't read the review then? If you did, what part gave you the impression that he doesn't know what he's talking about? I'm just genuinely curious.
  7. Typically I don't either but since this is a game I've invested in and the guy actually knows what he's talking about, I found it pretty insightful. Edit: It also helps that he doesn't seem too biased, well not enough to leave out the cons anyway Edit 2: This is a positive Steam review by the way... (so nobody thinks this is negative review.)
  8. It's not my review, sorry for any confusion. I'm pretty sure the author is just playing on the normal difficulty. From what I gather, Obsidian tried their best to iron out the bugs but it now has more bugs than before. Sad but hopefully this gets resolved soon.
  9. Pirate's Song Orlan hostile ships Deadfire waters we must journey Raise mead after win! Stinky Elves Oh lonely elf girl Why do you not shower yet? Not great companion Warlock's feat Old enchanted scroll Cursing the living and dead Mumbling words of dread Knight's honor Serving a cruel king He fights the war with love For country at cost Necro Chant (Ogre native language) Uga natçha kron NaGwa se swaMa toeKuàh ToNa toNa paűG
  10. Steam... For the support, the community, the trading cards, the achievements on profile, the backgrounds, the badges, the drm, the emoticons, the artwork community and sharing my screenshots in the hub, cloud saves. Yep!
  11. I'm not surprised, I think I said it in another thread. Deadfire has some great ambitious purpose, you can really tell it's scope is awe-inspiring but with that comes the heavy burden of not being exactly well focused. I think we all knew this from the get-go but I think many decieved themselves into thinking/believing that it would be 10x's better than the first. But like you say, it really comes down to if you have fun with it, that's all that really should matter. The review score system is irrelevant because fun is fun and the fun differs from person to peson. Just grateful we are getting to continue the story and those dlc look BA!
  12. There should be an option, if it hasn't been implemented yet, most likely Obsidian will cater to the majority and add it later (you're not the only one who doesn't like the narrator). So be patient
  13. Well I haven't seen the negative ones yet but, it's more likely since the negative ones are negative due to bugs right out the gate, I'm guessing? The most trusty review I've seen on Steam is the 73 hour one, it's a positive review but states the game is no where near as good as the first game... Which I understand and believe since the first game had one goal and Deadfire was a bit scattered in its development.
  14. It's alright so far, not amazing. It's good, decent. As far as narrative voices, I think we've all heard much better but I'm happy to see that people here who were complaining about the full voices are actually giviny it a chance and whatmorex actually beginning to understand why Obsidian made the choice.
  15. Agreed. It's not overdone or silly but maturely handled which i believe is what they're going for. Okay, let's not push it. While it is good, it doesn't hold a candle stick to D:OS2's voice acting. As far as gamers are concerned, D:OS2 is still the standard in voice overs in an isometric Crpg
  16. Mixed bag/results so far. While many positive reviews on Steam are mainly biased (only 2 hours), the more honest ones really talk about what's going on. Hopefully they sort out the issues, I'm still holding off but the game looks gorgeous other than the technical issues erupting at all angles.
  17. Where the original title was a triumphant return to Infinity Engine-style cRPGs, there are many moments when Pillars Of Eternity II: Deadfire feels like it’s just going through the motions. It’s a better looking beast, with more voice acting done by a band of actors who’re able to infuse life into the different characters. Small but helpful additions to combat, alongside factions led by charming pirates and dutiful military men do call for pushing their quest lines further. But the moments when the game truly shines are few. A lot of the explorable islands feature almost identical encounters and naval battles fail to impress due to repetition and messy boarding engagements. The main quest starts promisingly, only to end in disappointment because of its brevity, while the difficulty of level-appropriate fights leans too much towards the easier end, sucking any semblance of challenge out of most of them. For all the times I stopped to look at beautiful architecture, outwitted a foe with a clever remark, or pondered upon an NPCs life views, I was ultimately left with the feeling of having played an adventure which, while sprawling and donning the intricate cloth that’s expected of it, burns like a lukewarm flame, dwarfed by the one that came before it. Read more here, super in-depth: http://www.noobfeed.com/reviews/1446/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-pc-review
  18. I know this isn't the "correct" section or whatever but I figure it would be better and more suitable to post here... *all things considered*
  19. I don't have alot so it's probably not really worth sharing lol I am happy with what I have though
  20. Starfleet Academy is so good! I iwonder if GoG has Elite Force 1 and 2... or the Klingon game which I forgot the name of but it was really the first game where you could fly real time to a planet and into the atmosphere without loading times.
  21. They missed an opportunity by not continuing Jade's story, I would have been really happy for even an origin story on Jade. There was just so many layers to her personality, moreso than we even see in alot of rpg's (and the game wasn't an rpg but) maybe that's because there was really no character like Jade. Basically a foster parent who doubles as a photographer and racer. At the time in which it came out and even by today's standard, there's still nothing quite like the first game and Jade is such a great character. I think that's what disappoints me about this new one. I suppose I'm part of the following the first game has though. Will it really be an MMO (not playable single player offline) just seems like an odd choice. Then again, Ubisoft has been pushing the online multiplayer more abd more as of late.
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