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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Finally someone with some sense on the Political thread... You don't seem to judge which I like so thanks

  2. Why am I a **** rider? Because I disagreed with you on one/two political standpoints and challenged something? No, I don't really care about that. Again, I'm not a Trump supporter and as hard as it may be for you and some others to believe, I don't really support alot of his actions but if it makes people feel better, I guess you can continue to falsely label me and resort to the usual troll behavior of name-calling before getting to know where I really stand.
  3. Steam is having a benefit sale with some pretty cool indies. Trying to compete with Humble I guess. Also, Sonic Forces is up for pre-purchase. This is the first 3D Sonic game that everyone's been exited about since... well, this is really the first time people have ever been excited for a 3D Sonic. Sonic Forces looks amazing, custom character, a deep dtory-driven plot, some of the most beloved characters in gaming history (not talking about Sonic, Tails or Knuckles of course), huge amount of content.
  4. So you're suggesting that just because she is his wife that she shouldn't be taken seriously on the matter? I would figure that people be thankful and hope that if his wife speaks out of it then it would change his heart and maybe he will start acting different? At least, that's what I hope for.
  5. Oh boy, Here we go again... The liberals/Trump-haters are at it once again. How low can people get? The answer lies in attacking someone for speaking out against cyber-bullying. And also, they aren't smart enough to tell who is KellyAnne Conway or Melania Trump, so imstead group everyone is one and should be treated as so. 2017 logic I guess. Well, it's the internet after all. Also, more wardrobe bashing... Tear her apart for overdressing, tear her apart for underdressing. I suppose some people found the 3rd grade insult of "She looks like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka" funny though, that one isn't really that bad but it's very elementary. Ps I'm talking about the people on Twitter, not the people on here (clarification so nobody om the thread gets offended). Edit: Sorry for bad English.
  6. I really don't care about having the last word. I even genuinely apologized last night. I was hoping it would end there but we all know that Gromnir just doesn't know when to stop, when he's infuriated, he just keeps going, even if I leave, he'll keep nearly obsessing over me by talking about me in other comments as he has shown before. I just really dont like when people twist things or try to tell me what I meant with my own comments "You DID mean this" or "He meant this". I've said plenty of times my intentions but somehow that's utterly disregarded for the sake of looking like the superior or having ammo against the other person. Also love how Gromnir calls me out on the very things he is guilty for... repeating himself tirelessly, posting irrelevant pics multiple times. It's always a funny thing to witness forum behaviors like this. Hopefully now it will all just finally die down as I have only ever been respectful to him.
  7. Sigh... another thread which I have to spell it out for you. I was being sarcastic as the song was being sarcastic. I thought you'd pick this up by now, seeing how much we have talked but... You are Gromnir after all heh. Whatever you say man, I'll just leave you be with that logic and choose to respect my elders.
  8. Ah. But how do you know that the song, rather than mockery, is not a lament of the fact that "a falsehood repeated often enough becomes truth"? He could be congratulating Kellyanne Conway (and her boss) on her mastery of mass psychology... yeah. we shoulda' corrected sm# the first time he misused the video link in the alternative facts thread. coulda' pointed out how the lyrics o' the song were not meant to be taken literal as the professor clear intended his song as a sardonic criticism o' deceit. the obvious sm# misapprehension woulda' been ended with a mild correction. instead, we indulge in horse whipping. bad on us. HA! Good Fun! Sigh... you still don't get it. I didn't misuse the link the first time, why do you continue to convince yourself as if I did? Not sure how many times I can say it but please stop trying to act like you know more about me than I know about myself, it's very creepy. By now I realize you're one of those guys who say "No, I'll tell you what you meant with your comment". All logical rational gets thrown out of the window when you're on the forums. This is like beating a dead horse...
  9. Ah... Nevermind, just read your profile. Explains alot, sorry I argued with you. You do have my pity and deepest sympathies, really. Sorry, have a nice night. Btw, you compared me to a horse and you had a pony huh? That makes me feel special Thanks! In Gromnir's world that must be a compliment hehe
  10. I didn't forget, I just didn't know if you actually listened to it. I'm well aware of the fact that I linked it in your thread lol So no I'm not embaressed. I simply thought it was worth linking to twice.. Just like you thought repeating the same stuff in two different threads was worth it to prove your point. Are you embaressed that you repeat yourself on other threads? Why should any different apply to me? No, I don't think you get it. I'm well aware of the fact that it was sarcasm, the fact that it was worked against it. You didn't get my point for posting it... The fact that people like you are willing to overexagerrate the claims and make something small into something big. Puns, jokes, it's a good song with a good melody but you, like all the others are comfused into thinking that I'm for Trump even though I didn't vote for him. On a more serious note, why is lying about lying a thing? I don't get it...I guess I worded it wrongly when I first said "honest", after all I agree with you that every politic is somewhat dishonest. I should rephrase to say "He's a bit more honest than the rest" but I already know this won't satisfy you, who am I kidding? Again, never refused to acknowledge that Trump did anything wrong (plenty of evidence already in my prior comments to support the opposite) but alas, her we are again, with you assuming things, puting words in my mouth again, twisting and manipulating my words. Are you going to try to tell me that I don't know my own heritage again? This should be good..
  11. I would expect no less from the one who created the "Alternative facts" thread but I would like you to listen to this....https://youtu.be/lDUB2J3RVHkYou may learn a thing or two... ... "Making up stuff is such fun, for office I should really run "Then everything I say will be gospel truth and more "Now that I really know that truth should truly get the axe "From now on it’s alternative facts." you do realize professor destler were mocking kellyanne conway, (and by extension, the trump administration) yes? HA! Good Fun! Yes, of course! But you did learn the lyrics
  12. I would expect no less from the one who created the "Alternative facts" thread but I would like you to listen to this....https://youtu.be/lDUB2J3RVHk You may learn a thing or two...
  13. I like the new Tomb Raider, seems like we finally get a more authentic Lara and adaptation. The Angelina ones weren't bad but I found them oddly produced and strangely written... kinda like the Resident Evil films. Also... https://youtu.be/V630C0UuORc
  14. I posted that before I read your comment, and frankly it's more uninspired navel gazing that can't see beyond a Trump v Clinton conflict. There were maybe 4 confirmed Clinton voters in these threads and I wasn't one of them. The idea that everyone who dislikes Trump itt is a butthurt clinton supporter with #theresistance is false and quickly dispelled by looking through the old threads or bothering to critically read posts. Well it has more to do with you being an illiterate reprobate, but whatever you need to tell yourself fam.Hmmm...I'll say this. We all know that Trump has issues, we all know that he doesn't handle some things the best way, he may get overboard and mess things up but at least he's blunt and honest. If anyone is asking me to attack him and his family for your pleasure then I'm sorry that's something I won't get involved with. Like I said before, he won, not much else the hate train can do except whine for the rest of the term or terms, what good does the ranting do? It goes far beyond Trump, if it was any family getting constantly attacked on social media or the news I'd dtill be here saying the same thing. It's just the fact that it's the president that disgusts me even moreso. It should disgust everyone equally but that is just my opinion. I feel like even of Trump did something great, it wouldn't be accepted at this point. Edit: Cutting comment shorter and spelling sucks, my English is horrible. Sorry!
  15. But you disregarded the following comment which I purposely seperated given that this might be the reaction, quite proves my point well... Thanks. Yes, I spewed... everything I say is irrelevant and worthless since I didn't side with your views. Forum logic. I'm going to guess you didn't bother to read either comment as you already made up your mind about lil old me. You can't abuse freedoms? Uggghhh... Please tell me you're not serious. So you believe freedom should be abused by the people just because it is granted them? Freedom is a privilage, I think the fact that Americans deny this is the reason why we are where we are. Now that Americans are known for their false sense of entitlement and tenacious tackiness, we have people like islam extremists who are coming over and borrowing the "Freedom of religeon" thing. This is serious stuff, it's not a joke. https://youtu.be/wKdP_zTRY5o Of course some people try to excuse abusing their freedoms by saying "It is my feedom all along and since it's mine I will does do with it as I choose" but that couldn't be further from the truth. Just because you were gifted freedom, doesn't give anyone the right to use it in negative space or to hurt people. When hate-speech is called freedom of speech that person looks stupid. The SJW's hate what I'm saying here, I've argued with a few of them on this topic in the past. When I ask "Does freedom of speech offend you?" They get angry because I tell them Freedom of Speech differs from hate-speech. The day a threat to kill someone is freedom of speech and not abusive behavior or a case you can press against then trust me I'll come back and say I was wrong, gladly
  16. Geez... Marvel vs Capcom Infinite at 57% positive ratings.. Project Cars 2 at 52% positive ratings... I'm praying that the two Lego games will do well and get good ratings at least.
  17. I should add that the side that defends out president continually does not defuse the situation but I hardly ever see that side being as nearly vocal as the ones who hate Trump. I think they're not as angry because they already know and acknowledges that Trump won. Still, maybe they are just as much to blame for this, I mean sometimes they do rub it in their faces and that is like gasoline. So I understand the wage of the war, it's very civilian war of the modern era hence the public focal points of the kkk, neo-nazis and black panthers coming out to play once again. The division of a nation will bring out the worst of it's people. Sadly it's not til something tragic happens that everyone will bond again.
  18. You've missed the point though, this is why I said that it's low to insult "anyone's" family members but doing so to our leaders will just make us look weaker and divided to our potential ememies. That's far different than defending him alone. If I had to guess, I'm only defending him because I don't agree with the bashing of him. Reminds me of the time when I conducted a simple experiement in which I clearly stated that I did not vote, while I agreed with some things that the Trump-hate train said everything was alright and my words were treated fairly until I disagreed with them and suddenly I got a "You didn't vote so your voice doesn't matter". I found it funny how that works and it certainly opened my eyes to how politics from that side really works. I was suddenly looked at as opposition because I said one good thing about Trump. Anyways, I'm neutral but I'm curious why people will fight for the hate to continue is all, especially when the points I made are clearly valid even if nobody wants to admit them. I'm guessing the strategy is to get enough people to hate our president/leader so that he gets impeached and the only way to do that is constant brainwashing of media which throws insults while causing an unrealized backlash on America? This is important stuff that should be talked about but only is not dur to the pride of both sides of people. If we could just move past that Trump won and use all that energy to do something good as a people.... *sigh*
  19. I'm same way which is why I had to give myself a gaming "budget". I think it worked for the best lol
  20. That's just one of the many reasons why news should stop insulting our president and deal with bigger issues. I figured people would be smart enough to insult other countries' presidents but then again, I live in America where the excuse for everything is a "freedom" of some sort. Freedom of speech, freedom of religeon, freedom of bylaws. Im going to be real as an American and say that Americans generally are not smart enough to tell what using these freedoms are vs abusing these freedoms are in the first place which makes us no different from Iraq terrorists in some fashions but I suppose that's another issue altogether. But with all that rationality being thrown out the window, I suppose there's nothing wrong with little jokes. However, it goes too far when people compain about every little thing for being sore losers about an election they lost. As I said before, attacking anyone's spouse should be off limit but people thrive on creating drama and ruining lives of people they hate or are jealous of. In this situation, it clearly couldn't show more. There is decency in jokes, ones that are harmless and then there is trash which shames the country. Besides that, do we really this kinda stuff on any news channel? I mean, we already get enough of it on facebook, youtube, SNL, etc. Or do people really feel the need for such petty things to continue to take place if actual stories that matter? People love to hate and I know there are people out there who hate our president so much, they actually pray that something disturbingly bad happens to him or enters his life to remove him completely. That's a sad case for America in my opinion but that's just me. Again, I didn't vote so I'm not feelimg the need to defend the guy but also insulting him and his family is low.
  21. Geez... that bad? I guess I'm glad I opted for Lego Ninjago and Lego Marvel 2 instead! I'll follow the game and come back when bugs get straightened out.
  22. Hopefully! I get tired of fanboy/hate bb reviews so this is only good news. There are a lot of great $15.00 indies on Steam tjat have gotten a negative rep for just being an indie and nothing else and yet they're far better than $60.00 AAA titles. I can't wait to see how this affects Steam. Just waiting for people to voice their rage on the forums lol
  23. That's all good, I can only say again that I'll only ever trust Fox news. Everyone makes mistakes once in awhile - I mean no news channel is perfect. So I tealize that Fox has just as much cons as the other guys. The fact that they don't go after Trump or Melania for every small thing is why I take them serious and every other channel not. I think it's tacky when there are so many more important topics to cover. I understand that people still cannot or will not accept the fact that he is president but I've never seen a president being this much of a targetand it only makes America as a country look more like a joke - I really wish people would realize this. As for what's going on in Mexico, those poor kids! Hope they get rescued that's the first thing I heard on the news today, very sad. Prayers to them and their families.
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