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Posts posted by mant2si

  1. If it worls anything like El Nary it should be very good (especially with Empower). But it seems to only attack once in an AoE - not projectiles or jumps which usually work great with Power Level.


    Speaking of Druid, lvl 9 spells and Power Level:


    Did anybody check Pollen Patch (keywords Rejuvenation + Plant) with the Spine of Thicket Green? As shifted Lifegiver you get +7 Power Level on Rejuvenation and the staff can give +2 to Rejuvenation and +2 to Plant (and +2 to Restoration as well which malde me thing if a superhealer Liefegiver/Priest would be fun where the Priest part takes over once the spiritshift ends). That would be +11 Power Level! +12 with a Nature Godlike (which would fit so well). +12 Power Level... that is 3 more than the normal max Power Level. Cast it with Empower - what will happen? ;)


    The staff can also be enchanted to +3 to Beast and +3 to Plant. That alone could lead to a great Druid nuking/healing build. That and of course Deltro's stuff with Lord Darryn's Voulge. Druid get some nice gear.   

    How you plan to use staff with Shifted form, I think your weapon will be replaced ? 

    • Like 2
  2. Here's what I get on my solo build. 


    Well, in all honesty I use meteor showers because I like them. Going full ham on maelstroms is better. 6 scrolls take about 3/4 of the dragons health. In between those casts you will have to use your class' abilities, as we all should. Going toe to toe with her is not a biggie, because she is rather slow.   


    Well  you can post your entire build (class and attributes). Your defenses look like you play Paladin/Wizards, maybe I miss something... Otherwise if this is a Wizard then there  is no point discuss about Maelstrom while CW has unlimited damage and after 6 Scroll of Maelstrom you will do much more damage with single CW tick

  3. +1 just for the formatting


    What did you use to create the ASCII interface?

    I put all info in Google Spreadsheets, then import is as CSV and then use online tool https://ozh.github.io/ascii-tables/, but you can compile you own version, then I has small script in JS to join documents vertical and horizontal ;D


    Then in post editor use mono-space font

    • Like 1
  4. To be perfectly honest, I think you're over-complicating your life from what I can see. I don't mean to say that it's not working. I am saying it's doing one circle extra than what it could. If that's how you like it, then, by all means, please excuse me! I also love role-playing, as well, and it seems that you have an individual plan for most every encounter. 


    Why not full Arcana + full history with bananas defences and just go ham on scrolls? You only need potion of ascension and potion of perfect aim. Perfect aim lasts for 45 seconds without investment into alchemy and half of that is enough to kill BoW dragon boss with 3 maelstroms and 3 meteor showers... provided you eat crusted swordfish and carry sun and moon with proficiency into the fight. 

    This is build for solo 


    Well if you could play solo and beat him with 3 maelstrom and 3 meteor shower this is very cool ;D On PotD up-scaled L20 BoW Dragon has 5500 HP + HP regeneration, that mean each scroll need to do 900DM.


    How you achieve solo 900DM per scroll ? You can post video with this. Yest Paladin guys has exactly 21 armor to stop dragon hit and can stay for unlimted period of time you can cast 20 scrolls, but I don't like Paladins because they look like class who specially created by Obs for Solo what the challenge to play with class that need no-brain ?


    Even if you cast a lot of scrolls you need overpen 15 Fire Armor ... 20 arcana will give you for both scroll 10 PEN + 2 from Sword Fish = 12 ? 


    I know that you wrote about critical hits, but Dragons has 50% Hit -> Crit, this mean even if you has 50% crit chance, only each 4th hit will do crit

  5. I think I will change this build to Troubadour/Priest of Berath  (Human), I found that loosing ~25% of DPS is good exchange for more stable and diverse gameplay:
      * At first I want to point that with new items and spell buffs even Chanter can stack ~40 - 50% recovery/cast speed (This is important, I don't want to play slow-mo guy)
      * Currently Many Lives Pass By, Each Leaving Footprints the funnier thing in the game, this s*** has so many synergies with other abilities
      * Their Companion Braved the Horde Alone + Thick grew their tongues, stumbling o'er words could convert your mage to good AOE interrupter
      * You can control summons, and use them to set Flank status without your body
      * Set to Their Purpose, They All Knew Their Part - Not only give you +5 for 3 attributes but also enable +10% to Action Speed 
      * The Shield Cracks - The GODLY debuff that should be only L9 but ... currently stay on L3 

    I think this is good reasons to change my build, but not only that, Chanter because of his chants can change their role in party dynamically, depend on situation - which is also very good

    I also decided to change race to Human . Why ? Because Chanter's The Shield Cracks completely solve penetration problems for me and I don't need to stack such higt PL + plus Human accuracy bonus works much better with Scrolls than +3 PL. 

    The second reason is helms, Immortal Will and mask with Auto Terrified debuff can change ship combat hell to cakewalk

    Yeah I prepare this build for next Mega Boss and assume that we will use scrolls of Malestorm alot 


    I end with two options, 


    Monk/Priest      - I already have build for that option, the problem for this guy is lack for healing, even if you can summon 2 copies, you don't have skills to heal self, that why you will usually limited by 2x Death Door + 2 Potions of last stand 


    Chanter/Priest - This one is alternative one, and this is not summoner build as many of us could have thought, this is more like caster build, the difference is infinity healing and possibility to distract bosses and very long buffing time


    Can't you combine Blade Turning with the priest spell that extend buff duration? That way u have a buff let u immune and reflect melee attacks for 20+ seconds.




    Of-course you can ;), but I use this spell only during ship combats BDD vs bosses work better

  7. I end with two options, 

    Monk/Priest      - I already have build for that option, the problem for this guy is lack for healing, even if you can summon 2 copies, you don't have skills to heal self, that why you will usually limited by 2x Death Door + 2 Potions of last stand 

    Chanter/Priest - This one is alternative one, and this is not summoner build as many of us could have thought, this is more like caster build, the difference is infinity healing and possibility to distract bosses and very long buffing time

  8. Really depends what megabosses do. If it's more of the same like dragolich then I can see the current powerhouses still doing well. If it has things like dps checks, tank busters, marathon waves and other things that would resemble a wow raid then it might change the party paradigm.

    Well yeah, you right that why I tested similar setup but with chanter subclass, while Chanter has infinity summons and infinity healing it allow you to survive very long fights without big problems ;)

  9. Well I personally don't like only Magran's challenge, because one of the reasons why I playing in CRPG games is pause feature, I can stop game and thinking about few next steps, this challenge ruined my game experience (of course I easily can find party or even solo character who will steamroll game on AI control, but what the fun to setup AI instead of playing game ?).

    This challenge also upset me because I already know that will be exist at least one uncompleted challenge ;(

    • Like 3
  10. I heard that the level is raise for the next dlc. That could open up some possibilities.

    Yeah, but now I don't worry ;) I manage to kill Ukazio with Storm of Holy fire and single scroll until first transaction and Dracolich with 30s - 45s sometimes  little bit more, in general I ready for Mega boss even if they make him has 10K HP

  11. aren't chanters like ez mode too?


    if not like cantor troubadour/nalpazca ...summon lots of critters (and monk duplicates) while using long pain fists  to stay at range


    Chanter is even more Ez then paladin if u ask me but alright u have set ur preferences.


    I would like u to play Assassin/Helwalker, so that I can suck the power from your pain! There is strength to be found in suffering young mant2si!

    You all can try to kill BoW Dragon with Chanter / Helwalker and share this video with me or just show me how you plans to do high level ship-combat ;D I picked chanter because think that his armor penetration and healing enough to survive vs bosses, but after few tests even ranged guys no impressed me so much, maybe only caster mixes Priest or Wizard feel little bit better 


    While there a lot of build with Chanter/Pal outside of Paladin passive Chanters can't survive enough



  12. Was seriously about to recommend an Arcane Goldpact Knight. Tanky, melee capable and with aoe spells + buffs and possibly scrolls if you spec into it. Great deffences, as well.

    I want to solo game without Paladin subclass :D I really don't like Paladin's, I don't like them from PoE I and don't like their descendants in PoE II (I simple don't understand how single class can get Accuracy/Armor/Defenses/Regeneration passives at once)


    When for example barbarians don't get any non-conditional passive :(

  13. I looking for fun solo build with high DPS for next DLC and Mega Boss

    I tested next 2 builds:

    1. Streetfighter / Troubadour - This one is the most dynamic and fun build (Playable from start till end + triple crown), I even kill BoW dragon in melee (But I afraid of possible recovery speed nerf for Streetfighter, without recovery speed bonus this build will be very hard to play) :(

    2. Priest of Berath / Troubadour - This one is pure caster with shield or (Engoliero do Espirs), you cast AOE abilities your skeletons dies, you proc other abilities and kill enemies, there no big drawbacks for this combination, only lack of melee attack (This build has very high chance to proc Brilliant inspiration and be immortal for entire fight) + With estoc and Neck bonus you will get +7 MIG very fast



    Maybe I miss something ?

    P.S Don't offer Paladin/X or no subclass Wizard ;)


    Yes, I also tried a monk when I was testing Soul Ann. with it. I think a high lvl monk is actually better with it than a Soulblade because of bigger AoE, the additonal lash and the additional attacks that frequently proc.


    However, you can use Soul Annihilation right away from lvl 1. 

    Deep Wounds + Sneak Attack + Deathblows + Various Bleeds >> All monk bonuses (without mentioning that Sneak Attack + Deathblows helps gaining focus much faster and also increase SA damage). 


    Yeah, for Soulblade Sneak Attack + DD is really good combination

  15. You mean Courageous? Because no RES affliction will remove a CON inspiration.


    Last tiem I finished BoW at lvl 15. Could have done it a lot earlier. Especially the fights against the dracolich and Rymrgand's Avatar were over very quickly.

    So - not really "near game end". But of course not early either.


    Instead of food one could try to use an inn bonus and also some kind of blessing (shrine) and try not to rest. I mean such a character shouldn't have a lot of problems stying uninjured...


    Also check out this pet: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eviee

    It seems to be the perfect fit. It's one of the super-pets from the backers and it is pretty great: +2 RES and a party wide effect of -20% of resolve affliction duration (fear stuff). You can get it very early in Serpent's Crown.

    Yeah, you right Courageous


    > Last tiem I finished BoW at lvl 15. Could have done it a lot earlier. 


    Yeah, you can, but I can't solo Dracolich on L15


    • Like 1
  16. I want to point:

    Food and Drug and Lay on Hand don't stack, you can get only 30 resolve, without neck (which you get near game end) you will have only 26 resolve, and with 20 INT you will get robust inspiration only for 12S, which mean most of the time you will stay with 20 resolve

    The biggest affliction problem is not duration, but the fact that they remove inspirations, for example boss fear skills will always remove your robust inspiration

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    Skullcrusher Weapon now only injures 'Uninjured' targets.

    Ha - that makes no sense. "Oh, I see that you are already injured - let's put some bubble wrap around my flail head..."


    At first I thought how @Boeroer, but then I found in dev-branch notes exactly same information ;D I really like and hate at the same time how Obsidian monitor community forum and nerf such funny things 


    Now I have only one problem, I want to know something like Roadmap for futher changes and nerfs, for example do they plan to nerf streetfighter or sprit lance AOE is this things are by design ? Or for example Combusting Wounds is this skill work as expected or not ?

  18. If I remember correctly it started high and then declined a bit with every AoE hit in the log - but then at some point it rose again. Very weird. Maybe the attacks in the log where not displayed in the same order in which Soul Ann. computed the damage. But combined it was a LOT more raw dmg that a single hit would have done.


    Well, so it seems similar with WotEP. SA damage decreases on each target hit. Usually with WotEP it's tricky to hit a large group.

    So I was seeing something like 100-80-50 (with 135 Focus).

    Is the total higher then a single attack? Perhaps.

    Is it better then dual-wielding speed? Don't think so.


    Ripostes are nice with Escape when surrounded though - run from a sticky situation and charge some Focus.

    I think that each next hit after first one will do minimal SA damage  (i.e the same damage if you will have exactly 10 focus) the only different is damage modifiers, that why with my Devoted and AOE Pollaxe I do exactly 27 raw dm for all non primaries targets, and if I do crit I do something around ~32 DM

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    I assume that in next few patches they will nerf Turning Wheel to do lash damage only with weapon and fix Salvation of Time duration bonus and BDD builds will dies

    Meanwhile, wizards will laugh at everyone. 


    Then Obsidian will nerf Combusing wounds and set max stack and limit Minoletta's Missile Salvo projectiles count to 5 ;) Don't worry, There exist only single class that can  laugh at everyone and it's Paladin/Chanter they so f*** stable


    I like the combo overall. But I think the double scaling (summoned hands that scale with level + Transcendent Suffering that scales with Power Level) is too strong for my taste. It feels cheesy and therefore I can't enjoy it that much although Woedican Priest/Helwalker is an appealing combo.

    I mean deep leap (prior to patch 2.1) was like the most optimized cheese I've seen especially how you grouped unsuspecting groups of mobs with dazzling lights and then one shotted them. Those poor fools didn't even have a chance to react. 


    Do you know how how they fix this rod ? ;D They reduce proc chance to 5% and remove projectiles AOE attack. Obsidian .... So if they will add Woedica class, then they may remove complete scaling with fists ability

  21. I also want to point that current resource system rewards people to abuse same strategy again and again :(
    I think that why all classes need 2 resources pools 1 with resources that will be regenerated every fight (PoE 2)
    1 With resources which will be regenerated only after force rest  (PoE 1)

    Then we will be able to balance powerful spells like Maelstrom/Dragon transformation with something less viable like crippling strike and make all people happy

    Now because of double resource pool I think monk is the best class to develop shiftier classes, you can give cool L8 - L9 transformation like NWN shiftier for limited resource pool and base transformations for unlimited resources  

    I can image next class with interesting gameplay which possible to implement now:
    * 2 resources types  (Monk)
    * One with base spells and transformation abilities (Mortification)
    * Second stay empty until you use base transformation spell (boar, bear ...) (Wounds)
    * After base transformation, in both pools disabled elemental spells and you start slowly regain resources for second pool

       (I think that  spells can be disabled by gain them correct keywords and shiftier passive)
       (to regain wound pool, you need new buff with wounds regeneration + and complete disable wound generation from other sources)
    * After return to human form, you can't cast melee abilities but now can cast spell from second pool

    + You will solve weapon scaling with power level without additional talent

    So your game-play will be always different because you use base transformation and then continue with one of improved transformation (in which you will be able to cast some spells)

    Not only that but players will be able to decide if they want to return to boat after each fight and rest or go with unlimited resource and cast base abilities, + fights like Ukaizo (where you can't simple return to boat will give you feeling of resource management from PoE 1)

  22. I also want to see few additional spells for druids:

    L9 - Great Maelstom (Elemental)
    L9 - Dragon transform (Beast)
    L9 - Buff (+10 int, +10 str for 30sec) (Plant)

    L8 - Aspect of Galawain 
    L8 - Tornado
    L8 - Spell same as Flagellant's Path (But remains pools with raw damage on the line )

    L8 - Buff which will add 25% poison lash for all skills (include spells)
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