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Posts posted by mant2si



    So all challenges active, I also tweaked a game file to install hardcore deadly deadfire for more chaos and fun

    I have started  game with same setup - Hardcore DD + God Challenges (Without Magran's) (After your topic about Challenges + Modules), but with 2 guys in party Ascendant and Streetfighter/Skaen ;) Now this is my favorite combination, brilliant inspiration + salvation of time + BDD and late game +8 pen solve all possible problems at once



    Isn't this all-melee though? I am not sure how it can work. But then I am looking at the game from a PoE 1 perspective, and there even 3 melees cause problems because so much of the fighting was done through constricted spaces.


    Priest has cool AOE spells such as Storm of Holy Fire, Pillar of Holy Fire, Searing Seal ... and Ascendant also can spam AOE 's the funny part start after L16 when your Zealot (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103215-class-build-the-undying-zealot/) get Salvation of Time, while your Zealot immune to interruption, all 6 afflictions and pull/push nothing can stop it

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  2. So all challenges active, I also tweaked a game file to install hardcore deadly deadfire for more chaos and fun

    I have started  game with same setup - Hardcore DD + God Challenges (Without Magran's) (After your topic about Challenges + Modules), but with 2 guys in party Ascendant and Streetfighter/Skaen ;) Now this is my favorite combination, brilliant inspiration + salvation of time + BDD and late game +8 pen solve all possible problems at once


    Especially +8 pen, this is the best single class cipher ability in the game, which allow your melee guys enjoy any kind of weapon without pen limitations ;)

  3. > When looking at the late game group or boss fights @mant2si how many Shifts do you think should we aim for (with the current abilities)? 

    3 - 4 Will be OK

    Or is the actual scaling okay in your eyes?

    For multi-classing yes

    >  Replaced Mark Prey with Wounding Strike

    Mark Pry is really good, I think you can leave it instead of Wounding Strike 


    Could you put your module under VSC (git, bit-bucket) ?  It's looks very promising, now if you mix Shifter with Rogue/Fighter/Monk/Barbarian you can get very decent build, when you can shift multiple times and cast different healing abilities ... very cool ;)

    But I afraid of abilities stacking, because when I suggest you to add Carnage and Sneak attack, I have thought about L16, because I not sure how they will work with Rogue Subclass and Barbarian 

    > But so far i have enough troubles keeping all the codes and files under control. 

    There exist tools that allow you split your JSON files on multiple files and then build them back to single

  4. I made some huge progress giving the Forms even more utility:


    Bear: Immune to Might Afflictions, Carnage

    Boar: Immune to Con Afflictions, Regeneration increased to 7

    Cat: Immune to Dex Afflictions, Persistent Distraction, Sneak Attack

    Stag: Replaced Suppress Affliction with Natures Wrath (Sworn Enemy), Immune to Res Afflictions

    Wolf: Immune to Per Afflictions, Replaced Mark Prey with Wounding Strike, Automatically summons a Wolf when transforming (!)


    That looks really powerful... hmmmm... maybe we should reduce the Spiritshift Usage to 3? 8)

    Do you plan to add more features to pure Shifter  L8 - L9 ? 


    So I’m definitely on the right track with Chanter/Paladin.

    Are my stats correct?

    Is it better to go devoted/paladin instead?

    I think max str is the way to got for heals.

    Max perception so we can hit thing.

    The question is what is more useful in the res or dex?

    It depends a bit whether you’re aiming for a summon-focused build or a martial-focused build (with intermittent invocations).


    Res is only worth investing heavily in if you’re aiming for an amazing deflection score as your primary defense (which Paladin/chanters are well positioned to do if going sword and board, given the further boosts they can get from Divine Grace and chants). Deflection boosts have increasing retirns, so this is really a choice between a max Res and a flat (or even dumped) Res.


    Dex is good to help minimize interrupts for spells with long casting times, like summons. Also really good for martial builds, since it’s effectively a damage multiplier with the damage boosts you get from a high perception and might.


    So it depends on what style of play you’re aiming for, really.


    My suggestion for Troubadour/Goldpack, max DEX, RES, MIG, low 7 CON, 10 PER, 9 INT 


    Strategy (Start with Empowered Buff + Sasha's Singing Scimitar to return Empower point, switch on Scordeo's Edge + Small Shiled):


    - Buff - Int, Dex, Per inspirations - Set to Their Purpose, They All Knew Their Part

    - Lower armor (you need upgrade for this chant) - The Shield Cracks

    - Summon Ogres to keep flank status - Oh, but knock not on the door of Urdel and Gurdel


    Repeat until enemy die, for bosses fight you will need food which increase weapon pen +2 OR potion with same effect

    From armor I use Blackened Plate Armor, to make Scordeo's Edge pen any boss armor

  6. I'm not sure I get why there's a particular worry about mobs... I've done four complete solo PotD runs, three of them martial, and none of them had any particular problem with mobs.




    I also get same result, normal fights usually cakewalk and you will have a lot of utilities to win them, but bosses fights is hard, mostly because of their armor and big hp pools, I don't know how Devoted/Berserker can kill BoW dragon, but other 2 builds with Paladin/(Rogue, Monk) is pretty stable and can win such fight


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  7. You can pick devoted to anything and still take Monastic Training from Fighter. Potion of Piercing Strikes and food for extra pen and you won't believe how much you can stack. Even on sabres you can easily surpass 20 on normal attack plus you are always proficient with Fists.  

    Nope, Devoted can stack only 15 pen, 11 Legendary enchant, 2 Passive, 2 Active. Other classes can has only +2 Pen from active skill. Chanter can get you +3 pen buff, and Cipher +8

  8. While Obsidian fix bugs and release next DLC, I decided to replay NWN as Shifter ;) And you know their Shifter is really cool guy, who has 15, holy **** 15 different forms + 4 Base (From Druid class)

    1. Some forms  can merge equipment bonuses (even armor and weapon) to shifted form (include weapon and shield)

    2. Each form has their own cons and pros, for example Rakshas can cast unlimited AOE or risen lord has immunity to crit/mind spells
    3. They rewrite Druid stats, so you don't need to worry about maxing Dex or Int for Rakshas
    4. All form has unlimited duration and druid can transform to it 1 - 3 times

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  9. Thanks @mant2si. Somehow i reconstructed the file but... i hate this PT... even though the spells should no more available they are still there... madness!!! :devil:


    EDIT: The file you attached is completly cryptic... cannot use it with Notepad++

    Rename it to  progressiontables.7z and unzip ;) Without zipping it has 9mb size

  10. Thanks @mant2si. Somehow i reconstructed the file but... i hate this PT... even though the spells should no more available they are still there... madness!!! :devil:

    Just create public repository on github or private on bitbucket, then you can share your module code with community 

  11. Hey man play as you want ;) I don't think that solo is really fun at all  especially with Rogue, I done game 2 - 3 time with different builds and I want to tell that Deadfire solo not that interested as PoE 1 you will find yourself abuse scrolls, potions and other consumables or play one of that Paladin/X class. So 2 time ask yourself if you want abuse consumables or just pick second character


  12. Good point @mant2si. The dream would be to create a unique class the is fun to play while also being at least in the mind-upper tier.


    The problem is that modding unique mechanics are far above my skills even though i would really like to integrate them.


    So for the moment i must live with my low skills while still finding ways to make Shifter more appealing.


    Not to forget: My personal aim is solo play. In best case the Shifter will be strong throughout the game until hitting level 20. Sounds like a lot of work... :D

    Well just give for pure Shifter some way to recovery resources and some way to passive regeneration, for example restore 1 class resource on crit, and unlimited Taste of the Hunt

  13. Well @Harpagornis you need to decide your further plans to mod ;) If you want only balance Shifter or make it fun as Streetfighter/Trickster/Monk/Wizard ? Do you want to balance it for solo play or for party, do you want to change only end game or also early game ?

    On my opinion each class should has access to something very special which will allow players create their builds and enjoy game, no one tell you that Pure monk  has Resonate touch which stronger than all your changes in your mod ;) Or that single CW spell can be used to kill boss in 15S

    I know there a lot of people complains about game balance, but most of them never play pure Shifhter or Druid as main character (enough to check build list on this forum to find most addicted classes)


  14. PotD solo build to go? Wizard, the strongest class. Oh melee? Then melee/wizard, the half-strongest class.

    Yeah, Kind Wayfarers/Wizard my beloved combinations, last time when I tested it, I manage to kill any boss dragons stupidly fast - with Combusting Wounds abusing - summon your copy, use Morning Star to lower Fortitude, then cast Combusting Wounds and switch on DW blunderbusses, cast Avenging Storm from Headgear, start spam Flames of Devotion, when boss become in near death state use Marux Amanth


    Sometimes enough Minoletta's Minor Missiles casts

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    Yes, yes, you right, but not only that ;) They something change and now Amra can crit and proc Blood Storm and interrupt on crit ;) So Amra is very good weapon for Paladin/Berserker 




    I assume you are being sarcastic but have yet to show any evidence that carnage and wanton gore suppresses one another.  I have seen the opposite in the few tests I've run. 


    I tested Amra only on release and it works exactly as Carnage, but its look like they something change, now it give +15 acc from weapon, even in this thread @mossit write that he can't make work AOE with Monk https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105427-v21-unique-items/



    I have carnage and Wanton Gore hitting; just not chaining off of each other.

    You need to check damage roll with shift button, as I wrote they both proc but one of them will be suppressed


    Neither say suppressed in the shift window where would that show?


    attachicon.gifwanton gore.jpg

    attachicon.gifmore gore.jpg


    Yes, yes, you right, but not only that ;) They something change and now Amra can crit and proc Blood Storm and interrupt on crit ;) So Amra is very good weapon for Paladin/Berserker 

  17. I thinking about some cool mechanic which will allow you fight bosses but don't make you over strong, so it should be some way to regenerate resources, could you make passive ability which will auto-summon forest spirit (allied creature) per 6s, this creature will have few abilities, after ability cast spirit will die

    1. Regain 1 class resource for single target
    2. Lay of Hand 
    3. Thorny Roots
    4. Reduce target debuff duration's for -10s

  18. For point of view, if you want give druid interested game-play you must make Shifter guy work as their ancestor from NWN, for example

    Transform Druid to Golem form with 18 AR or to Adragan and allow them Dominate other guys or for Dragon with infinity Breath and Fear aura, we need give something special for example as i mention Life Leaching in Wolf form, this will be unique mechanic which will allow druid survive little bit longer vs bosses 


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  19. Yeah, you are writing down my own (hidden) concept. I must admit that (at first) it was my plan to give each form a unique affliction immunity but decided against it cause with all the abilities the Druid already feels quite powerful. At least on paper. But you have definetely more XP regarding late game fights. ;)


    You think that Druids still are somewhat balanced with all the new abilities? Should the other buffs (AR-scaling, +PEN, Double-Damage-Type...) stilll be there?


    I think that it now should be no (big) problem adding new spells too. But maybe i should test the new abilities first in practice.


    Do you want to test the still not published Alpha-Mod @mant2si and  give me some feedback? As my time is lacking i wont get to gaming before next week! ;)


    P.S. Spiritshifting outside of combat should be doable... lets see... :biggrin:

    let's me explain my point of view, I interested  only in L20 fights, simple - because I like top level abilities and game-play diversity which these abilities give for you, I usually do all Neketaka quests solo and they give me L19, then I start play all other game content, because of that I use DD mod (to make all enemies scaling with my level) 


    So all my builds I test only on level 19 - 20


    What I test:


    1. BoW  (this one has the most stupid mechanic in the game, this guy has 5500K HP and all his ability regain his HP very fast, if you build don't has enough DPS or can't tank him you will die, this boss also leach your buff's duration)

    2. Ukaizo Guardian (this one has very high armor and some annoying transition for 30S, so this fight will be very long and usually test how you can lower enemies armor and survive constatle interruptions) 

    3. Queen fight (this one test how you can kill enemies group with a lot of healing)

    4. High Level Board fights


    Most of my solo builds can't do BoW dragon and his mechanic without cosumables, if you plan kill him solo with your class you need something special


    For example Paladins has infinity healing and +3 passive armor (which in summary can rise his armor to 21), Streetfighter has +400% DM bonus, Wizards has Combusting Wounds and Monks has Resonate touch


    You don't add any of this mechanic to your mod, which mean you can't kill that guy solo or without multi to one of these class, but even if you plan balance your mod for solo Ukaizo Guardian you need 17 PEN for non Electrical/Crush damage and 14 PEN for Electrical/Crush and a-lot of healing 



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