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Everything posted by SaruNi

  1. Assassinate + will debuff is the equivalent of +50 accuracy. Almost guaranteed dominate, even against many enemies with high defenses. (Besides, it makes it easy to *initiate* combat with a spell cast before combat starts, without having to try to time it so one of your party members lands a shot---and initiates combat---right before you finish casting.) Dominate the strongest possible enemy....
  2. Have you tried using assassinate with the charm / dominate abilities? Of course they don't benefit from damage or penetration, but they get the accuracy boost, which means they're almost guaranteed to hit.
  3. Solo beckoner/ranger (any other than ghost heart) can have pet initiate combat while beckoner remains in stealth. Summoning and buffing doesn't break stealth....
  4. So strongest scroll/item user may be Ranger-Assassin... up to about +250% spell damage. Edit: On second thought, looks like the +100% damage applies to an attack from any party member. So in a party you could get higher +% spell damage by having blooded Assassin/Berserker cast after a Ranger applies this. Not to mention Barbarian speed boosts....
  5. Well consider the math. Before applying empower: Meteor Shower 36-58 + 12 burn damage per 1 second for 4 seconds = 36-58 + 48 = 84-106 total Highest damage level 7 spell: Delayed Fireball, 65-95 With +30% sneak attack, +50% deathblows, +50% assassinate (assuming crit) for +130% damage: 65-95 * 2.3 = 149.5-218.5 Note this is underestimating actual Sneak Attack damage, because it scales with level up from minimum 30%. The +25 accuracy and + penetration from Assassinate also make it more likely to crit and overpenetrate. (Granted, it needs to crit to get the damage bonus.) Even if we don't include deathblows and keep sneak attack at its minimum 30%, sneak attack + assassinate Delayed Fireball yields a minimum 117 damage. Or do you mean that empower increases the duration of the DoT?
  6. I empowered one of Aloth's AoEs. It erased everything it hit. It made me want to reroll. How does assassin/caster compare with pure caster at level 20? Do empowered PL 9 spells outperform empowered assassinate PL 7 spells (assuming they crit for the assassinate damage bonus)?
  7. Bit off topic, but Barbarians can get +5 dex from Wild Sprint (as well as Nimble, which is better than Swift Flurry's Quick, and also immune to engagement). Though Blood Thirst is the biggest speed bonus by far... were you using that to calculate DPS? (It's power level 7 so available to multiclass at endgame.) As I mentioned I compared damage, not DPS, but I agree that on paper Swift Flurry/Wild Sprint + Frenzy + Bloodlust + Berserker passive offers a lot more DPS. Berserker/Bleak Walker would be fun At PL 7 Blood Thirst allows you to recover immediately for 10 seconds after each kill. That's a tremendous DPS boost. Once you reach 0 recovery, two-handed should surpass dual-wield. (Especially with the great sword modal....)
  8. Increased spell duration for summons/summoned weapons/effects.... Conjuration also includes damaging spells that benefit from PL.
  9. "The one standout improvement: PoE 2's appraoch to loot. [...] a bewildering number of unique items---poisoned swords, flaming axes, spirit-reaping scythes, all with names and backstories." https://www.pcworld.com/article/3270945/gaming/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-review.html
  10. Bit off topic, but Barbarians can get +5 dex from Wild Sprint (as well as Nimble, which is better than Swift Flurry's Quick, and also immune to engagement). Though Blood Thirst is the biggest speed bonus by far... were you using that to calculate DPS? (It's power level 7 so available to multiclass at endgame.)
  11. Are you sure about that? In the beta shifting forms' weapons/armor scaled with character level, not power level....
  12. Do you mean you can hit with Soft Winds of Death without leaving stealth? The attack roll doesn't bring you out of stealth?
  13. Quick from Swift Strikes grants a speed bonus that stacks with Frenzy. More importantly, you need to take Swift Strikes in order to get Swift Flurry (or Lightning Strikes). So you could replace Swift Strikes with Wild Sprint later in the game, but you wouldn't want to because Swift Flurry/Lightning strikes are so good. OTOH single-class Monk gets Thunderous Blows which grants Tenacious, same Might and Pen bonuses as Beserker Frenzy. But Berserker Frenzy hit-to-crit goes well with Swift Flurry. Wait so Swift Strikes stack with Frenzy or not... I am confused now :D Two activated abilities that directly boost attribute x don't stack. However, if one of them boosts attribute y that indirectly increases attribute x, that increase will stack with another ability that directly increases attribute x. So the direct speed bonus from Swift Strikes doesn't stack with Frenzy, but Swift Strikes grants Quick for +5 dexterity which boosts action speed indirectly, and that stacks with Frenzy. Barbarian also has a passive (non-activated ability), Bloodlust, which grants a speed bonus that stacks with activated abilities.
  14. Quick from Swift Strikes grants a speed bonus that stacks with Frenzy. More importantly, you need to take Swift Strikes in order to get Swift Flurry (or Lightning Strikes). So you could replace Swift Strikes with Wild Sprint later in the game, but you wouldn't want to because Swift Flurry/Lightning strikes are so good. OTOH single-class Monk gets Thunderous Blows which grants Tenacious, same Might and Pen bonuses as Beserker Frenzy. But Berserker Frenzy hit-to-crit goes well with Swift Flurry.
  15. Did you just test using console? Might be items that boost backstab damage....
  16. Nah don't feel sorry for me, I don't think resurrection is that OP to make others not OP Also I’m starting this thread to discuss how powerful this ability is combine with empower. Not about resurrect, feel free to open another thread discuss about it. Whether it's OP or not all depends on what endgame enemies are like. Wait until you get to endgame to decide how powerful it really is in context. Not against poor little kitties. Fair point about gibbing from crit, but Alpine Dragon for example in PoE 1 could not be gibbed, so it probably won't apply to bosses / major enemies with resurrect. Or if it does the devs will disable it.
  17. Oh come on, there are many fantasy games where endgame bosses auto-resurrect. And yes, as in PoE 1, enemies of the same class get access to the same abilities. How could you play PoE 1 (especially the attack on Concelhaut) and not notice that ffs? One nice thing about the resurrection mechanic is that it waits a few seconds before resurrecting. So you can't just use Swift Flurry or Cleave to keep killing them. Almost feel sorry for dunehunter, he spent so much time during the beta trying to find "OP" max damage/kill one-shots/loops and the resurrection mechanic makes them not so OP (at high level) after all.
  18. It's so obviously "OP" that there must be significant game mechanisms to counteract it---aside from just requiring a lot of wounds. The devs can overlook things but they're not completely incompetent. Lol, you really belive that? I guess you don't remember pillars of eternity barbarian retaliation build at all :D. Devs always miss a lot of most broken builds/combos in game simply because they have no time to test every possible combo/mechanic. Especiall Obsidian which is quite small team compare to huge developers, who also oversight a lot of stuff like that. I could tell you a lot of examples from various RPGs that have broken stuff like that till today and every new RPG have things like that. As I said, they can overlook some combos. But this is just extremely obvious +a gazillion damage on crit with the +100 accuracy on empower right next to it. They'd have to be completely incompetent to play single class Monk and not see it. And it's possible. They would not build in-game mechanics just to make sure they counter as you said yourself "obvious" broken combo- that would not make sense at all. It's probably a simple mistake in numbers, for example +500% instead of 100% or lower that was supposed to be there but they got numbers wrong. Actually numbers tweaking is most common in RPG-like games after release, as some numbers were simply too low or too high. Remember that when you make and test game you use **** ton of different game builds, some for close beta, some for inner testing, some for alpha, beta etc etc. I know, I worked in industry. It's very easy that a lot of things from different builds are overlooked in the end when release build (final) hits. Besides in single-player RPG game- who cares if there are some broken stuff there? If people will want they will use console and give themself godmode anyway. It's not PvP. Well the mechanisms to counter it have already been confirmed by the ability trees for Paladin, Fighter, Priest, Chanter, and Druid. Any class ability a player can access can also be accessed by enemies of that class. So they're in the game. And Eothas literally self-resurrects at the start of the game, so I'll bet he has it too. Immunities to specific damage types are also supposed to be a major part of the game, so immunity to crush damage will reduce damage from this ability to 0. (Lashes are applied after immunities, right? And since lash is a multiplier, it would also be 0.) Defensive % crit-to-hit and hit-to-graze are also already confirmed in the game, though 100% crit-to-hit would be a boring solution....
  19. It's so obviously "OP" that there must be significant game mechanisms to counteract it---aside from just requiring a lot of wounds. The devs can overlook things but they're not completely incompetent. Lol, you really belive that? I guess you don't remember pillars of eternity barbarian retaliation build at all :D. Devs always miss a lot of most broken builds/combos in game simply because they have no time to test every possible combo/mechanic. Especiall Obsidian which is quite small team compare to huge developers, who also oversight a lot of stuff like that. I could tell you a lot of examples from various RPGs that have broken stuff like that till today and every new RPG have things like that. As I said, they can overlook some combos. But this is just extremely obvious +a gazillion damage on crit with the +100 accuracy on empower right next to it. They'd have to be completely incompetent to play single class Monk and not see it.
  20. So can anyone explain the OP build and how he achieves that? Inner death has +500% damage (not OP at all) on crit and fairly high base dmg. Empower increases the base damage further. With the passive for +100 acc and pen it always crits and always achieves overpen for 1.3 multiplier. Finally, turning wheel adds 5% multiplicative fire lash per wound and dance generates wounds for free. And yeah, it's probably a hellwalker for +1 might per wound on top. The obvious nerfs are reducing the +500% crit damage to something reasonable and nerfing the crap out of +100 acc/pen on empowered abilities cause that's just silly. It's so obviously "OP" that there must be significant game mechanisms to counteract it---aside from just requiring a lot of wounds. The devs can overlook things but they're not completely incompetent. Simplest mechanisms are the ones I've already pointed out. Ability trees confirm that resurrect and auto-resurrect will be pretty common at high levels. (Corpse Eater will suck less... against kith and beasts. Gobbling up Paladins.... eating dragons. Probably eating Galawains too.) There are some other options. Some bosses could be immune to crit---though that's a bad solution imo.
  21. So can anyone explain the OP build and how he achieves that? Single-class Helwalker Monk obvious build (plus empower). Using console to jump to max level. The tiger is also console-generated so it wouldn't naturally occur as an endgame enemy.
  22. Why auto-resurrect if you can one shot anything? This is the damage of one monk, if u rolled 5, u can do 10000 damage, and what boss has such amount of hp?I mean that auto-resurrect abilities are so common even before endgame that the bosses are probably going to auto-resurrect like crazy. With lots of hp on resurrection. Probably resurrect even stronger.Man you try really hard Well Druid/Priest/Chanter all have resurrects that add inspirations, Paladin/Fighter/Druid have auto-resurrect, many late-game spells are primarily useful for Destroy, and plenty of games have endgame bosses that resurrect repeatedly. So it does seem overwhelmingly likely. Not a stretch at all. Can you console-summon some likely endgame bosses to test? findgamedata Eothas? Nah I have no urge to discuss with you at all. This is not game breaking. Edit: one last point, if u assume a boss has unlimited resurrect, then you cannot beat the boss without destroy, which is a bad design because u cannot guarantee your team has destroy. If u argue the resurrect is limited, then it doesn’t counter the point that this ability is game breaking. So there must be items, probably including scrolls, that Destroy. Not terrible game design. (Or endgame boss resurrect could be limited to 10+ times.) Some of the Destroy abilities only work on Near Death enemies, or when you kill them with a spell, so doing so much damage you kill outright might actually be detrimental to landing destroy. Instead, the boss keeps popping back stronger. Rope-a-dope beats death touch. Whole game starts with Eothas self-resurrecting.... What? No way game would be desiged like that. Maybe some boss have some self ress mechanic once in game, but mechanic like that would be stupidest thing I have ever seen in RPG. It could definitely be frustrating. But Paladin already gets at least 5 auto-resurrects, limited only by wound-on-resurrect. Enemy paladins get all those class abilities. Same with enemy fighters. I'd expect a boss to get even more resurrects. And while it's not extremely common, there have been many games where endgame bosses will keep resurrecting unless you do something special to destroy them. Inner Death only does crush damage. So endgame bosses are probably either immune to crush, have 1000s of hp, or auto-resurrect many times.
  23. Phantom Foes is foe-only, so you'd need to be Confused to use it on allies. (For example, Berserker-Cipher... unfortunately Serafen is limited to vanilla Barbarian.) However, the Blunderbuss "Powder Burns" modal applies "Flanked" to the user. On Berserker-Storm form: it's not good because the attacks are ranged and the bounces hit your own allies. Um what? You want your enemies to be flanked unless descrption of Streetfighter is wrong. Read "-50% Recovery time +50% Damage against Flanked, Mind Afflicted or Body Afflicted targets". Against Flanked targets. So you get that 50% dmg bonus AGAINST flanked targets. Hence- Phantom Foes. Why would I want to flank my own allies? Streetfighter gets bonuses to Sneak Attack and recovery time when Flanked or Bloodied, and bonus crit damage when both Flanked and Blooded. But Sneak Attack applies to Flanked or Afflicted targets, which might be what's confusing you. "Sneak Attack becomes more deadly and Recovery decreases when the street fighter is Flanked or Bloodied."
  24. Why auto-resurrect if you can one shot anything? This is the damage of one monk, if u rolled 5, u can do 10000 damage, and what boss has such amount of hp?I mean that auto-resurrect abilities are so common even before endgame that the bosses are probably going to auto-resurrect like crazy. With lots of hp on resurrection. Probably resurrect even stronger.Man you try really hard Well Druid/Priest/Chanter all have resurrects that add inspirations, Paladin/Fighter/Druid have auto-resurrect, many late-game spells are primarily useful for Destroy, and plenty of games have endgame bosses that resurrect repeatedly. So it does seem overwhelmingly likely. Not a stretch at all. Can you console-summon some likely endgame bosses to test? findgamedata Eothas? Nah I have no urge to discuss with you at all. This is not game breaking. Edit: one last point, if u assume a boss has unlimited resurrect, then you cannot beat the boss without destroy, which is a bad design because u cannot guarantee your team has destroy. If u argue the resurrect is limited, then it doesn’t counter the point that this ability is game breaking. So there must be items, probably including scrolls, that Destroy. Not terrible game design. (Or endgame boss resurrect could be limited to 10+ times.) Some of the Destroy abilities only work on Near Death enemies, or when you kill them with a spell, so doing so much damage you kill outright might actually be detrimental to landing destroy. Instead, the boss keeps popping back stronger. Rope-a-dope beats death touch. Whole game starts with Eothas self-resurrecting....
  25. Why auto-resurrect if you can one shot anything? This is the damage of one monk, if u rolled 5, u can do 10000 damage, and what boss has such amount of hp? I mean that auto-resurrect abilities are so common even before endgame that the bosses are probably going to auto-resurrect like crazy. With lots of hp on resurrection. Probably resurrect even stronger. Man you try really hard Well Druid/Priest/Chanter all have resurrects that add inspirations, Paladin/Fighter/Druid have auto-resurrect, many late-game spells are primarily useful for Destroy, and plenty of games have endgame bosses that resurrect repeatedly. So it does seem overwhelmingly likely. Not a stretch at all. Can you console-summon some likely endgame bosses to test? findgamedata Eothas?
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