What about non-rogue builds? Not necessarily optimized for PotD, but interesting.... Shadow Wizard... spells which benefit from being close to target(s), DoTs, not having to worry about targets moving out of AoE of spells, or some higher-level spells that have long casting times and benefit from buffs (since you don't emerge from stealth until the spell is finished being cast, and buffs don't take you out of stealth)? Druid cat attacking from stealth, or lightning or sunbeam out of stealth... since +movement speed is bugged in my game stealth is looking more appealing for positioning, in addition to the RP appeal. The storm spells have a "slow" casting time, though unfortunately they can't be used until combat is initiated (same goes for the druid and wizard summons, though they don't seem that great or particularly fun at first glance...).... Chanters can't chant in stealth... but Priest of Shadow? Priests can also get Shadowing Beyond from Nightshroud, right? And buffs don't cause characters to emerge from stealth, though they do cause emergence from invisibility, correct?
Or unconventional rogue builds? Cape of the Master Mystic is proc on crit, so maybe a rogue variation of the Thundercat... a living bomb type, maybe with Sanguine Plate and riposte? Wonder if it's possible to get both stealth and mechanics high enough on a rogue for traps to be worthwhile, especially Tanglefoot and Gaze of the Adragan (it's nice that traps can be placed without coming out of stealth). So one of the major problems with initiating combat with an attack from stealth---everyone targets the character, unless your tank has already showed up---becomes an asset instead, with crazy proc on hit effects and bonuses to riposte.