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Everything posted by algroth

  1. https://discordapp.com/invite/obsidian ^^ I thought that was exclusive to Obsidian Twitch subs? Or am I wrong?
  2. This does seem like a pretty important concern, especially considering a Korean translation has been promised and so on. Unfortunately the devs rarely respond to these forums, maybe you'll have more luck if you ask Josh via twitter or tumblr?
  3. You're mistaken, I think it's going to be wayyy bigger than what is shown here. Because : "Pictures are for illustrative purposes only". So, I bet that's not the actual Cloth Map. At least, not representative of the Deadfire Archipelago. I just compared this to the beta World Map, and there's nothing alike in this picture, that fits the small Islands Layout that's in the Game. Plus, scale wise, the game would be pretty small if that's an accurate Cloth Map of the game. [which I definitely think it's not] Anyway, just the mention above proves it's just a random drawing, I can't wait to see the real one ! You mean the layout that's in the beta? Possibly. I have tried to not watch the beta playthroughs too attentively as I don't want to overly spoil myself. As for the size/scope, I can see how that map would seem more contrained but then we can't really gauge the scale too easily, and so it could well be that we could find four or five unique locations in the larger islands opposite to just two or three. Though I could be wrong, of course.
  4. Now craving Also it's interesting that, as far as I'm aware, that picture gives us the clearest idea of the general area/composition/map of Deadfire so far too, as well as a vague notion of how many islands there'll be to explore and so on. Looks good.
  5. I recall Josh mentioning that characters will now shove or displace eachother to make room for themselves in combat, but I can't find where he addressed that question right now. Then again I could also be misremembering.
  6. I'm kind of on your side on the vision topic, but man: You are an arrogant son of a bitch. Regarding your argumentation style you are the pigeon here. I even took back a like yesterday, because I didn't wan't to support that anymore. Who is the arrogant one, the man who knows and states what he knows, or the man who doesn't know but still demands his opinion to be treated with the same reverence as real knowledge? If you validate the ignorant and their positions, you're obscuring the truth. And the truth quite frankly doesn't give a **** whether people 'like' it or not, neither do I. If you cannot accept reality just because you don't like it, then you're not worth much anything. All thoughts and opinions are *not* valid, no matter how much people who don't know anything about anything want them to be. Thare's only one 'side' that matters, and that is the Truth, not 'my side' or 'their side'.
  7. But I haven't even posted that much here in the last couple of days! >_>
  8. On the plus side: That's earlier than expected!! On the down side: I won't have time for another Pillars run before its release now!
  9. They were a very creative band all throughout their career. John Peel's favorite too, if I'm not mistaken. I eagerly recommend both Hex Enduction Hour and This Nation's Saving Grace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekXTBXAKdgY
  10. And Penderecki is downright *accessible* compared to some others too! (Love that piece by the way)
  11. In a now-defunct forum I hanged out in for years, this thread used to be named Rebellious Jukebox after the following Fall song: R.I.P.
  12. Mark E. Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp81sTev4cw
  13. Also not a Josh post, but this ought to be pretty relevant news: https://twitter.com/THQNordic/status/955802747122671616
  14. Also Hugh Masekela...
  15. One of the weirdest bits of news regarding the Oscars announcement is that Kobe Bryant is now an Oscar-nominated filmmaker, thanks to his short film Dear Basketball.
  16. Also not sure if I posted it before, but here's how my top 10 of 2017 ended up looking by the end of last year: 1. Peasant by Richard Dawson 2. World Eater by Blanck Mass 3. Lexemenomicon by Impossible Nothing 4. Neō Wax Bloom by Iglooghost 5. UUUU by UUUU 6. A Deeper Understanding by The War on Drugs 7. Crack-Up by Fleet Foxes 8. Blade Runner 2049 by Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch 9. Murder of the Universe by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard 10. Death Peak by Clark
  17. I love this track so much, it's like Odetta meets Luigi Nono.
  18. As a small off-topic, I've noticed Josh's seen Black Narcissus recently. Such a good film. <3
  19. TFW you have so much true vision that even your hair ends have eyes.
  20. You still lack trve vision though.
  21. So again I try to explain vision to a blind man. Vision is not "having every decision thought out preemptively", that's nonsense, when you have vision the decisions just are obvious because you can *see* them. You don't have to think them out preemptively, just like you don't have to think out preemptively every step you take when you go to talk to someone, you can *see* where they are so you don't have to plan out the route with a map. The Might/STR+RES debate is a minor element, yes, but it is an indication of lack of vision; a well thought out system wouldn't have this sort of debate/experiment going on at all, the way the stats should work would be obvious. I mean, this stuff isn't difficult, you only have to see, and I really find it astonishing how difficult the concept of sight and vision is to some people. "I will reply, since you reproach me as blind: You, even though you see clearly, do not see the scope of your evil, nor where you live, nor with whom you dwell." A well thought out system is the end result, not the starting point. A vision is the starting point, which through trial and error, through deliberation and experimentation, grows more solid and becomes the "well thought out system" that was intended. Your problem in equating vision to sight is that you assume an artistic vision is always as clear as plain sight, when it's not. It's an idea, it's a seed from which to eventually produce an actual, tangible and solid work. But the idea itself is nebulous. You equate it to seeing the grass is green, but you don't get that through experimentation you determine *which* shade of green the grass you pictured in your mind is. That is why this debate with regards to a yet unfinished work does not deny vision - in fact it strengthens it, since clearly the end product is not meeting a desired goal which is itself enforced by vision.
  22. A couple of pretty good documentaries about great artists executing their vision: Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (on the making of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now) Burden of Dreams (on the making of Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo - also his filmmaking diary Conquest of the Useless is available for reading) These guys surely looked like they knew exactly what they were doing at all times.
  23. Ninja, if you ever come across an artist that has a vision as fully realized and absolute as the one you describe, where *every* decision has been thought out preemptively and *every* detail forethought before a production stage, you let me know, because in my years of experience so far working with artists in several media as well as in my own personal incursions into each I have yet to meet even *evidence* of such an artist existing. Both between people I have met and worked with, and with the artists I know about merely from consuming and learning about each medium. When people speak of artistic vision, they speak of an individual or collective perspective that guides and informs the decisions made regarding a certain work so as to define and configure the aesthetic, narrative and discourse of a work around that perspective and what is wished to be told. And by guiding and informing them I mean determining whether doing X or Y is a good idea or the right thing to best approach that ideal, and what might be a bad idea - but you get to trying "X or Y" through experimentation, and determining whether they work or not through trial and error. They *never* mean "this artist knows exactly what to do every time ever" - that is quite simply *not* how vision or any artistic process I've encountered works, at all. Moreover, the Might/STR+RES debate is such a *minor* element in the greater scheme of things that it's hardly worth framing a discussion on the presence or lack of vision in this project around at all. Josh's goals with regards to the attribute system in Pillars have been thoroughly explained in this video. With the new concentration system being implemented, resolve's overall impact feels negligible compared to the rest of the attributes and thus has become a dump stat, exactly what Josh wants to avoid. The ideal as per his vision is to create a system with no clear dump stats, and thus the change, even if it marks a departure from the original game, is in fact *informed* by this ideal. Ultimately however, the point is simply that whether "might" or "strength" make it into the game, this aspect is hardly so critical so as to say the game is "lacking vision" or any such thing.
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