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Everything posted by Alec

  1. I agree. It's better if we first know whether there will be a new game or not...
  2. I'm thinking of... wait... what was I thinking of?
  3. I think it does exist, but it might only be shipped for industries and professional use only... at the moment.
  4. Good news for AMD lovers... in 2007 AMD will release the AMD 64 FX-66 CPU, a dual core 3,2 Ghz processor! Can't wait for it!
  5. Is it true that there's a new 1GB video card ATI Crossfire? I'm even thinking of changing my CPU and motherboard... what's the strongest Intel Dual Core Processor at the moment? Are there any 64 bit Intel CPUs yet?
  6. George Michael - An Easier Affair
  7. At least LS is canon... who wants evil to triumph? Not me.
  8. Well the MP was pratically the same... in JA there were only new maps (which IMO were worse than JO, those of JO were cool), more lightsaber choices and a bit more powers... that's all. The voices in JO were original... meanwhile those in JA were remade... and sucked.
  9. And what if Revan went into the Unknown to become the ruler of the True Sith?
  10. I always try to turn everyone to make a stronger party!
  11. Nikko appears in the Iziz Cantina on Onderon... If I'm not mistaken he's the one who killed the doctor... or whatever it was, right?
  12. I remain as always traditional... blue & green
  13. True, but I wish the fighting could've been a bit better... it was too easy. Perhaps the only tougher part was the Trayus Academy... those Sith were a bit stronger. I would love to fight in an Ep.1 or Ep.3 style... but that wouldn't be RPG anymore.
  14. I doubt she is a Sith... her face looks normal.
  15. I think all the Jedi Masters are a bit rude. Especially Atris, I hate her voice and the way she treats you.
  16. At least I prefer human beings...
  17. Works ok at 1600x1200 for me too. It depends on your video card. The stronger it is the higher resolution you can get... but you need a very powerful CPU
  18. I agree. Some DS lines are very funny, like the ones of HK-47... but I always play LS, I've only finished the game once in DS
  19. Probably they had their reasons. I personally accept the fact that they changed some parts to adapt to the other movies.
  20. No darkness Dark_Raven... we are staying on topic.
  21. To be honest to truly understand the Force we should master both sides.
  22. Anyone can be redeemed. Revan for example... the prodigal Knight
  23. I agree. Your absolutely right. Lets return to the LS.
  24. Don't u get in this as well, it's becoming awfully boring... I'd rather delete my posts than hear more of this... I might have done a little confusion but then I agreed with the facts. (I think)
  25. Nope... sorry... wrong age!
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