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Everything posted by quidproquo

  1. Yeah, after a while, wager or no, you start to feel this way, do you not? It's like that Zoro bloke said up above. After a while you get surreal overload and it's just weird. Then you're talking bout some loony wanker ending up getting himself deported on account of stupidity.
  2. Don't know, but I've heard of making deals to lessen a sentence. Might be that's what happened. Just saying that presuming something shady might go past the pale.
  3. To be fair, the man didn't actually aim the gun. He unsuccessfully tried to take a gun from a policeman an then owned that he wanted to kill off Trump. At least as I kith. So that might be factored into the penalty. As I reckon.
  4. Don't really understand. Not being facetious nor snarky. Literally, asking if Paizo puts out promo cards for sale as if this were a collectible card game like MtG? I didn't know that and it brings down my estimation of Paizo if true. Not by a lot, but a little because the beauty of it is that they've made a brilliant game that sells at a fair price and they may continue to make money by putting out new games in the same vein. Might be they need steady influx, but it's greedy. Don't mind promo cards per se and probably wouldn't miss them, but do think that the scheme should be transparent. Don't begrudge a single penny I spent, don't begrudge f2p people, but do sometimes wonder at folks complaining about access and ownership of a game they haven't been arsed to buy. Might be that was a bit harsh, but not meant to be entirely argumentative. I don't play many... no, cross that... the only app I play on my phone or tablet is Pathfinder, so I don't have a lot of experience with these things. So if they follow your plan, congratulations. Only thing I'd want as a paying customer is the release of the adventure decks. Saw an announcement from Obsidian saying that AD4 would be released in a "few weeks." I'm wonder if that's a few weeks in human time or a few weeks in geological time.
  5. "****ing great big ocean thank Christ!" "Cause we're awake!" bwahahaha Might be have a new write in.
  6. That means you do care. Because neither Clinton or Trump are going to leave the rest of the world alone. What powerful nation ever leaves the rest of the world alone? Should Europeans open their doors to refugees seeking asylum? That's not leaving the rest of the world alone? Should China build an island in the South China sea? They're not leaving the rest of the world alone. Should the US host the United Nations? Should they pay the fees of member nations? Give foreign aid? Should the citizens give so overwhelmingly to distressed nations in times of crisis? One of the most useless ideas in this forum is that the United States should leave the rest of the world alone. As a stand alone statement, it's entirely meaningless. Typically means something more akin to "US should do what I think it should do."
  7. Feel sorry for Powell. Served his country with distinction. Once viewed above the fray but now dragged through the mud like everyone else associated with this election. Don't know that we can entirely blame Trump. Perhaps the man don't make the times but the times makes the man. Take the opposing view that the times and most people follow the man, in this case I do blame Trump. Still like to believer no matter what people think of Powell they remember his service to his country and the amount of real self sacrifice he made. As opposed to HRC and Trump, one a corrupt politician and one a corrupt businessman.
  8. Doesn't help his detractors that the IRS is so roundly hated also. Remember the poll tax from many years ago. That wasn't American, but oh the humanity! This campaign, more than others in my memory, hinges on things that don't even rise to tertiary considerations. It truly is personal in a way that is remarkable.
  9. Don't doubt it's a red herring. Unless it's against the law to confirm that someone is not being audited, let the IRS drop whatever audit they may be conducting and affirm there is no audit at this time. Then it goes from being a very bad red herring argument to being a death trap trumped up by the candidate himself. The beauty is that it would be a much more powerful and subtle attack on the man than merely pointing out the obvious which has hitherto not worked. Warning, tho, this won't work either. Other than nibbling at the edge, Kingpin Trump wins or loses with the tax issue as a minor problem. Other than true believers, who thinks the man is the best candidate anyway? This is something akin to Cruela de Hil's secret server. Any problems are by and large baked into the kidney pie and whatever else happens is nibbling the crust. Trump will find some other pretext to avoid doing what he should have done from the beginning. Nonthless, if you really want to hurt him via the tax route, my idea causes him the most grief if not outright pain. The IRS no doubt will audit him next year again anyway. The man brags about paying the absolute minimum of taxes. They'll probably audit him for ten years after he's dead.
  10. See here, good man, no need to go Idaho Constitutional Militia. Own that they're dreadful candidates, but decline isn't so bad. As long as there's enough stability to live our your life, it doesn't really matter if you're on top. Just want to stay off the bottom. Then again, no reason you have to go completely down the pipe. Just remember, if you're swirling round the bowl, don't swim to the middle. US can be like the Romans. I read about how they had several setbacks and managed to climb back up. were around for a long time, too. Maybe what the Americans need is someone terrible enough to ignite a fuse. Either blows everything up or spurs people to heroic action. Meantime, as long as you can enjoy a bitter and some beefsteak, no need to break out the Kalashnikov and potato mashers.
  11. I saw your post in the other subforum, Philetus, and it made me wonder. I don't recall losing any blessings, but I was down one item recently at the end of the game. I'll often play for a short time and then put down the tablet to do other stuff, so I didn't think much in particular, but I never ditch items on Ezren. He's got very specific items. I was wondering if maybe my mind was distracted and I accidently banished an item, which made me sad but I took it in stride. I'll pay better attention henceforth because I'm wondering if this is related. Without being able to cite specific circumstances, tho, I can't see making a formal report on it. Sometimes later in the evening I can be a bit distracted and so I'll give the devs and the game the benefit of the doubt, for now.
  12. Could take this as an apology for Trump, but it's not. IRS been auditing Trump regularly for years. Either he's a very bad man and they're bad auditors or he's not so bad and they're very baaaad auditors. Either way, get back at Trump. Cancel the audit at the end of this month and he's got no excuse and next year's audit, which we know'll happen has a lot more going for it. No excuae for him not to step in the trap of his making.
  13. Mate, you've gone bonkers. I'm going to suggest counseling for you and BruceVC. Spose I don't have space to speak since I did my screed gainst Clinton's dishonesty. Doubt she reads it, though.
  14. No chance in hell, but still interesting. Former DNC chairman calls for a contingency plan. Don't need to be conspiracies. Makes sense to have a contingency about someone who's health has become a legitimate issue, even if it is overblown by detractors and press. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/hillary-clinton-health-replace-contingency-228037
  15. How about you worry less about tweaking gold for F2Pers and tweaking out AD4 for us shelled out the quiders? Not that I think anyone will listen to what I say, but it would be awesome if maybe gold tweaking could get a little less love so it can go to new material. Hmmmm? Aw hell, mate, read that with a mostly ironic voice. And only slightly actually irritated.
  16. Yea opportunistic Republican fluff. Grandstanding of the worst sort. Sure some want to do it for genuine if misguided reasons. You listen to the left and you'll see that they are not at all pro democracy. Neither is the right, really. Every time a man gets into power, the first thing he wants to do is take away someone else's rights. Most times seems that's the reason he went into government service in the first place.
  17. Full of shills man.too many blokes with an agenda.
  18. Not really relevant to anything but I'm just trying to break up the Clinton talkTake your point, but the man can't run. To bite the hook, the man can't afford to alienate allies in the region than he's already.
  19. Weird seeing people argue about whether Clinton should have let the little girl run up and give her a hug as if it's a spontaneous event. Weren't rudeness. Little girl was a prop, willing or unwilling. Clinton wants to become president. Hugging a little girl while hiding an alleged disease, which she had as yet not divulged at that moment if I reckon it right, is the least of her transgressions. That's normal politicking for the head of state in just about any western democracy. Mudding the waters so that people may in fairness wonder if every single thing she says is a lie is not normal politicking and doesn't even help her win.
  20. Yeah, but always better to have your agenda up front. I get all my news online and I go through a bunch of places. AOL, Huffington Post, Fox, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, facebook. Have a bunch of sources and don't trust a damned one of em.
  21. Add to that fact that it was undoubtedly staged. It's like watching a TV with so many fourth wall breaks that not only the audience but the actors can't keep track of what's in the script and what's in seats. It's like Bokishi said up above about the Clintons during the big dog's administration, but it's more than just the interwebs. Bill Clinton is a happy liar. He smiles while he lies and you laugh even though you know he's lying. Even the happy lies would wear thin by now, especially with the 'net, but Hillary was never a happy liar, merely a habitual one.
  22. Truly, truly, more than any other case, the cover-up about health issues is far worse than the actual... what? She didn't break any laws. She didn't let out any state secrets. She has pneumonia (allegedly, since you can never know what's actually going on in Clintonland). Her ailment is a reason to have sympathy for her. She could have boasted her stamina under adverse conditions but instead obfuscates and misdirects and undertells while over explaining. Then, her campaign goes on the attack against reporters, pundits, and politicians who question her health, some of whom are fellow Democrats. Clinton is an inveterate, unrepentant, and pervasive liar. Deceit is not part of her character. Her character is defined by deceit. Lying is so inculcated into her existence that even her truths are false and even her lies lie. Her half truths are all lie and her whole truth is the oath she takes before spreading more deception. The woman is beyond salvation by human intervention. Personally, I have nothing gainst her. I have no stake in her personally and wish her no meaningful harm, but she is one of the most habituated liars I have ever witnessed. She is remarkable in her capacity for hiding even the very truths that could help her behind lies that cause her harm.
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