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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. Where the crap are you, I said I was ready to commit to a schedule for online nerd-gamming, God's name in vien followed by a curse word!

  2. I'm ready to commit to a NWN 2 multiplayer thing.

  3. I purposly waited this long to friend you. You arne't on MSN as much anymore, and i miss it. Also, we had a lot of fun in like, T.O.M.B.S. threads and stuff.

  4. Toadies - Mr. Love.
  5. But a Kotor 3 one is so predictable.
  6. I was going to just act like him and just disagree for the sake of it, but then I remembered that i didn't care.
  7. Oh, alright.
  8. Buena Vista Social Club - Dos Gardenias
  9. Funny? Yeah, sure, she's about as funny as a screen door on a submarine.

  10. He'd be cooler if he wasn't an anime character.
  11. I'm addng my comment

  12. I'm pretty sure that despite what volume it's at it houldn't make a difference as long as sound is comming out of the speaker.
  13. Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody number 13
  14. Yeah, but you're weird Wasl.
  15. My game wouldn't start after the Ebon Hawk image because of SecuRom and something about emulated images or something, so I just right clicked and ran it as administrator or something and it worked fine.
  16. Wait, why is this another reason to hate the Bush Administration? Couldn't the CIA have done this sort of thing regardless of who is the president?
  17. It's as if he thinks he lives inside a videogame or something.
  18. Or at least stop making racist jokes.
  19. Especially virtual life!
  20. Here are some directions on how to make a good reliable coin bank, and you may have fun making it. What you do is get all your coins and put them in plastic cylinders, about two to four of them. Then to keep them together, use some electrical tape and tape them all together. Then, take some electrical wire and wrap it around them and then wrap it around your body so you want lose it or get it stolen by one of those running theives. Next, attach an alarm clock to it via the electrical wires, so you'll know what time it is. Now put on a trench coat to conceal your new bank, because when people see it they will be jealous, especially law enforcement officers, because they make so little money, they will try to take it from you. They will tell you to get on the ground and put your hands behind your head. That's the best position for someone to steal from you. When they tell you this, don't move, just say to them, "If you don't back off I'm going to explode with anger." If you notice people watching and television cameras, congrats, they are admiring your fine craftmanship. If you get a chance, make a run for it, and head to the nearest airport. You'll be safe on a plane.
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